Dream interpretation of death and resurrection. Why do you dream about the dead? I dreamed of resurrection

A dead man seen in a dream foreshadows a completely unexpected ending to your love affair.

Seeing a dead child in a dream means worry and disappointment in the near future.

A dead actor or actress in your dream foreshadows the collapse of plans as a result of a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person in a dream is a sign of health and longevity, if this person is actually alive and well.

If the dead person seen in a dream actually left this mortal world long ago, such a dream predicts a change in your affairs for the worse.

A dream in which you see a person hanged or hanged is a harbinger of insults and insults that you will hear from loved ones.

Seeing a drowned person means you will face a desperate struggle for your rights, which they will try to deprive you of in real life.

Seeing a mummified corpse in a dream means that a serious illness will ruin your plans.

Seeing in a dream how the body of a deceased person is embalmed predicts imminent changes in your situation for the worse.

If you are embalmed or mummified, in reality your friendship with a loved one will be unhappy, bringing a lot of troubles at work and at home, as well as a deterioration in your situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person in your apartment in a dream foreshadows discord in the family due to drunkenness or debauchery.

A talking dead man seen in a dream means vile slander and malicious slander against you. If he asks you for a drink, then you need to pray properly for the repose of his soul and light a candle.

A dead person lying on the floor predicts shame or a serious illness in the near future. If you trip over it and fall, in reality you will receive news of the death of someone very close to you, loved ones.

Finding a lifeless person in your bed means that you are guaranteed success in an almost hopeless case.

If a dead person comes to life in your dream, this means the return of what was once lost, which you have long stopped hoping for. Dressing a dead person in a suit means illness.

Seeing many dead people on the battlefield means a headache and a visit to the clinic.

Burying dead people in a dream means a fun occasion, while carrying wreaths of spruce branches means a severe hangover.

Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a very bad sign, promising continuous troubles and disappointments. If you kiss him at the same time, this means a breakdown in affairs, poverty and the loss of your best friends.

A dream in which you see a dead nun foreshadows great despair due to adultery or betrayal of a loved one.

Seeing a dead shark in a dream means that after all the hardships and hardships you have endured, you will once again find long-awaited well-being and peace.

Seeing a bull slaughtered in a slaughterhouse or killed in a bullfight in a dream does not bode well - on the contrary, only sad events.

A dead dove in a dream predicts misfortune with a distant relative, to whom you will nevertheless have to go for help.

Seeing a dead rook means someone's illness or death in the near future.

A slaughtered goose is a sign of imminent losses.

A dead lark in your dream foretells injury from an accident.

A dead hare means the death or illness of one of your faithful friends.

If in a dream you see many dead snakes, it means that you will suffer from the base act of a hypocritical friend.

Stepping on a dead snake, which suddenly comes to life and attacks you, means victory over your enemies.

Seeing a turkey or turkey who has died from an unknown disease predicts that cramped circumstances will make your pride suffer.

A dead swallow is a sign of sad parting.

Seeing a dead swan in a dream means that in reality you will experience annoyance and disappointment, having minded your own business.

A fallen or shot horse means that you will soon receive sad news that will change all your plans.

Seeing a dead mule in a dream foreshadows a broken engagement and a deterioration in your position in society, which will be caused by your unworthy behavior.

Seemingly dead insects that suddenly begin to run away from you mean that you will damage your reputation by acting stupidly and imprudently.

A dead monkey seen in a dream means that your hated enemies will suffer complete collapse.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Resurrection

If you dreamed that you were being resurrected, it means that in reality you will suffer, experiencing temporary difficulties, but in the end everything will work out.

Seeing other people resurrected means you can count on the help of friends who will not leave you in trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from

Find out from the online dream book what the Resurrection is about in dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about resurrection in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Resurrection in a dream?

Resurrection - If in a dream you were resurrected from the dead, then in reality you will face troubles that will unexpectedly lead to the fulfillment of your desires. Seeing others resurrected means that the cause of trouble will be the frivolity of friends.

A dream in which you are resurrected means that in reality you will suffer great losses, but in the end you will receive more than you lost. This dream also promises happiness. Resurrecting someone means a new, pleasant friendship.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about resurrection, what does it mean?

Resurrection - Feeling resurrected from the dead means a difficult period of your life is behind you. Now actively engage in a new activity. To resurrect yourself means unprecedented success awaits you. Seeing a deceased person (a person you like) alive in a dream means you will have worrying troubles. The result will be positive if you attract now half-forgotten friends.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about the Resurrection?

Resurrection - If you dreamed that you were resurrected, it means that in reality you will suffer, experiencing temporary difficulties, but in the end everything will work out. Seeing other people resurrected means you can count on the help of friends who will not leave you in trouble.

Great modern dream book

Resurrection - why does the dreamer dream?

Resurrection - you dreamed that a person was resurrected - you will find yourself in a difficult situation and turn to friends for help; friends will provide you with invaluable help. You dreamed that you were resurrected - you will endure difficult trials, you will withstand physical and mental pain, but you will achieve your goal; your wildest dreams will come true.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about the Resurrection by day of the week?

Resurrection - A dream on Monday night warns: they will try to deceive you; a dream about resurrection that occurred on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, to disappointment; a dream about resurrection on Saturday night is a surprise; a dream you had on Sunday night brings joy.

Assyrian dream book

What does resurrection mean for the dreamer?

Resurrection - Dreams of rebirth or resurrection may mean that the dreamer needs to resolve problems that he has been avoiding, or, on the other hand, that he is being given another chance to regain again what was previously thought to be lost.

If someone sees that the Day of Resurrection from the Dead has arrived in some place: in this place justice will be established for its inhabitants and there the unjust will be avenged and victory will be achieved over the offenders, because this is the day of discernment and justice. If you dream about the Resurrection...

Why do you dream of the Resurrection in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that you were being resurrected, it means that in reality you will suffer, experiencing temporary difficulties, but in the end everything will work out. Seeing other people resurrected means you can count on the help of friends who will not leave you in trouble.

Interpretation of dreams in Islam: Resurrection in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If he sees himself resurrected after death, he will become rich, dispelling traces of ruin. And if he exposes himself to strangulation, this means that he will be surrounded by worries and sadness.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Resurrection?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You dream that some person has been resurrected - you will find yourself in a difficult situation and turn to friends for help; friends will provide you with invaluable help. You dream that you have been resurrected - you will endure difficult trials, you will withstand physical and mental pain, however...

The essence of the dream - Keith

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbolizes new life, resurrection.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Grass?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Snowdrop?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The snowdrop symbolizes resurrection, renewal, tenderness. If you dreamed of a snowdrop, it means that in reality you can expect the resurrection of your first love or some kind of early affection or romantic feelings. Picking a snowdrop means trying to drown out pleasant memories. If you see a whole clearing with snowdrops growing on it,...

Dream Interpretation: Why does the Dead Man dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A white coffin with a deceased person promises recovery, healing from a fatal illness, an improvement in life, and hope for the future. There are situations when the same dream about a dead person torments a person for a long time. Typically, this situation indicates that in your life...

Death - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is usually not a bad sign. Very rarely, this sign foretells the death of a loved one or your own demise. Usually this is a symbol of the dying of old stereotypes and programs and the resurrection for a new life. Open the door for growth and transformation. Death may be related...

Lily - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It is a symbol of transformation through life, death and rebirth. White lilies are brought to funerals as a symbol of life after death. If some part of you is dying, the lily indicates that you should not lose faith. Truly, resurrection awaits us all.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Grass?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing grass in a dream can be associated with the past, with hope for revival, with regret or renunciation. To see grass breaking through concrete in a dream is a sign of undying hope that will come true. Seeing a person crawling on his knees and...

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The most detailed description: “dream book of death and resurrection” - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

Why does a sick person, a girl, a pregnant woman, a woman, a man dream about his own death, why does he dream about the date of his death

Home » Dream Interpretation » Actions and events » Why does a sick person, a girl, a pregnant woman, a woman, a man dream about his own death, why does he dream about the date of his death

An irreversible process from a physiological point of view, depressing from a psychological point of view, is called death. However, seeing this symbol in a dream is a good sign. If you dream about your own death, do not worry. Many dream books predict that dying in a dream means a long life in reality, in this they agree. It is necessary to pay attention to small details that may indicate trouble. You should listen to advice so that instead of joy you do not end up with grief. Let's figure it out: Why do you dream about your own death? on different occasions.

Death in a dream in most cases has a positive meaning, including one’s own death and even one’s funeral. As a rule, such a dream promises good health and longevity, but there are also less optimistic interpretations of why one dreams of one’s own death.

Miller's Dream Book

Death in a dream indicates inner feelings, to the battle of worldviews and judgments within a person. As a rule, a dream predicts a crisis moment in life, when a person has lost his way and cannot distinguish bad from good, useful from harmful.

Seeing relatives crying at the dreamer's coffin, indicates his fragile relationship with his relatives, to constant quarrels and reproaches in relations with relatives. Such a dream suggests that the dreamer needs to change his attitude towards loved ones, otherwise he risks being left alone.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

Your death or funeral in a dream portend a person a long and comfortable life. Seeing yourself in a coffin predicts a quick recovery for sick people, and an active period in life for healthy people.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Your own death in a dream is a favorable sign. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows an imminent desired pregnancy.. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, it means that all her fears are groundless and that she will soon give birth to a healthy, strong baby.

Die on the doctor's table in a dream portends a quick move, change of residence. The dream also indicates that no one can be trusted - there is a high probability of betrayal from loved ones.

Ukrainian dream book

I dreamed about how someone in a dream informed the dreamer about his own death - a bright, happy period will finally come in the life of a sleeping person without problems and adversity. Seeing yourself dead in a coffin means living a long life without illness.

Dream book of the 21st century

If a woman dreamed that she was about to die - this portends in reality favorable changes in life - wealth, prosperity and success. If you suddenly observed your own resurrection in a dream, this means the beginning of a new period in your life.

Jung's Dream Book

One's death in a dream indicates unfavorable changes in the human body - illness, chronic fatigue, persistent pain, impending depression. This is a completely normal dream - every person at least once in their life dreams of their own funeral or death.

Such a dream means a person’s awareness of his own demise, which is thus reflected in the dream. Also a dream indicates a person’s desire to develop, learning something new, tendency towards perfectionism.

French dream book

Your own death in a dream indicates a disease developing in the body. You need to listen to your body’s “signals” and consult a doctor. The dream reminds you that you need to take care of yourself, and not just the people around you.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Your death in a dream predicts the occurrence of a happy event, receiving many positive emotions. For a girl, the dream indicates the likelihood of her imminent marriage, and for a married man it promises success in his professional field. This plot is especially favorable for military personnel.

Home dream book

Dreaming of one's own death predicts a long life and good health for a person and indicates the internal, spiritual rebirth of the sleeping person. The current course of events ceased to satisfy the dreamer, and he was internally ripe in order to change everything.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Die a violent death in a dream indicates a serious danger in reality– in the coming days the dreamer needs to be attentive and careful, especially on the road. If the dreamer died from a medical error in a dream, this means the infidelity of the other half or the betrayal of friends.

See death dates on your tombstone indicates that some important event will happen on this day in the dreamer's life.

One’s own funeral in a dream foreshadows a quick reconciliation with some person, a quick joyful event, including a festive event. To see your funeral in warm, sunny weather means that the dreamer will have a long, happy life without grief and troubles. If the funeral took place in cloudy, gloomy weather, then this promises illness and unpleasant news.

The preparation of the grave for funeral foreshadows moving to a new home, change of residence. Seeing your burial from the outside indicates a future journey or, if the dreamer is away from home, a return to his native land.

If people cried a lot at a funeral, this indicates the machinations of enemies and spiteful critics in reality. Being buried alive in a dream indicates that the dreamer has made irreparable mistakes, which he greatly regrets. If the dreamer rose from the coffin during the funeral service, then in reality he will be able to cope with all the problems and troubles that have befallen him.

To attend your wake and see yourself dead from the outside - this is a sign of great luck and success, receiving random, free profits. Gathering guests for your own wake indicates a marriage of convenience, finding a way out of a hopeless situation.

Lying motionless in a coffin, but understanding everything that is happening around, indicates unfavorable relationships in the family, quarrels with loved ones and conflicts with relatives over inheritance.

Everyone knows the famous story about Abraham Lincoln, who dreamed of his own death and was subsequently assassinated. Based on this we can say that such a dream can really be prophetic for someone. What else can you dream about the death of yourself? The answer to this question is ambiguous; everyone can dream something different.

However, some images are considered harbingers of imminent death - these are dead people calling for them, cemeteries and all the attributes associated with death.

Seeing your soul separately from your body indicates that in reality the person has experienced a new, incomparable experience. Perhaps the person began to profess a different religion or joined the culture of a different nationality.

Seeing your dead soul means that the dreamer violated moral norms and principles, and now he faces terrible punishment. The dream also foreshadows the real death of the dreamer, in preparation for his own death. Often such dreams come to believers and highly moral people.

Seeing your date of death on a tombstone foreshadows imminent changes in life. It is worth remembering this number - on this day an important event will occur that will have a great impact on a person’s future life.

By the date of death indicated in the dream to the dreamer it is necessary to finish the things he started, to do what he has been wanting to do for a long time. In addition, the date of death can be a winning sequence of numbers in the lottery.

A woman finds out the date of her own death in a dream portends her changes in her personal life. If she has children, then their lives will soon take a sharp turn, which the mother will not find out about right away.

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A dream about the death of loved ones always causes people to feel close to panic and gives rise to bad premonitions. But, despite the ominous associations, dreams of death do not predict death itself, but are a kind of warning.

If you saw the death of a loved one in a dream, you should consider all the details of the dream and understand what awaits you and the person whose death you saw in the future.

If a girl dreamed that the guy she was dating died, then in reality she you should prepare for a possible break in the relationship, which will most likely be initiated by the guy himself. A dream in which a girl clearly knows about the death of her boyfriend, but does not see him dead, sometimes means that her chosen one is facing health problems, which can be prevented by consulting a doctor.

In this case, you should listen to your inner voice and understand what really scares you. Perhaps the reason is your low self-esteem.

The internal connection with the mother is unusually high for everyone, without exception, and dreams of this kind always mark some kind of warning.

If you live far from your mother and see a dream in which she died, this suggests that your mom misses you very much, but tries not to tell you about it, so as not to interfere in your life. The dream suggests that you need to show care and attention to the person closest to you.

If you live nearby and often see your mother, then a dream in which she dies suggests that your behavior and attitude towards your mother greatly upsets her. Sometimes such a dream predicts trouble coming your way, which your mother will help you cope with.

If in your dream your mother died, and you do not feel sadness, only confusion, then such a dream promises you confusion in life and perhaps you should turn to your mother for wise advice.

Seeing the death of your mother in a dream for those who are sick or preparing for surgery means favorable outcome of the disease and complete recovery.

A dream in which you see the death of your father promises unforeseen financial losses; dreams of this kind warn of the need be more attentive to your business partners, to work colleagues. If you had such a dream, then in reality you need:

  • Beware of thieves and scammers.
  • Do not get involved in suspicious financial adventures.
  • Carefully select new acquaintances, there is a possibility of letting a swindler into your home.
  • Carefully monitor your belongings when traveling.
  • Do not invest money in dubious activities.

If you see your dad dead in a dream, but are not sad about this, then a possible loss of funds will be insignificant. In any case, a dream about the death of a father calls on you to be attentive and careful.

A dream in which you see the death of your brother speaks of lack of understanding between you and him. Perhaps in life you have become very distant from each other, each doing your own things, and the time has come to restore your old relationships.

A dream in which your brother asks for help before dying means that in real life he really needs your help, but does not dare to say about it. The dream gives a hint that you need to find time and have a heart-to-heart talk with your brother, find out about the state of his affairs and provide all possible help.

If in a dream you first experience a feeling of grief from the death of a person close to you, and then he miraculously resurrects, and you experience a feeling of relief and joy, then it means in reality all your problems will incredibly play into your hands.

Or, after breaking up with your loved one, you will find someone else who will truly become your life support, and you will wonder how you could be so obsessed with your ex-partner.

Such a dream about death really warns of danger on the road, and seeing in a dream how one of your loved ones or even several die from injuries received in an accident, you receive a warning that that such a situation could actually happen, although not necessarily fatal. Such a dream acquires particular significance if it occurs on the eve of the proposed trip. Your task is to to warn people close to you about the necessary caution on the road. If possible, it is better to reschedule the trip to another time.

If you dreamed about someone close to you being burned in a fire, this means that this person may have been overwhelmed by a wave of negative attachments- alcohol, drugs, gambling. Sometimes such a dream indicates that the dreamed person is mired in debt or other problems and cannot find a way out of the current situation.

If in a dream you are trying to get to a dying person through a raging flame, but nothing works out for you, then it means and in real life there is little you can do to help him.

A dream in which you are trying to give artificial respiration to a person who died in a fire from smoke inhalation, and after your manipulations he begins to breathe, means that you can still help the dreamer in real life. Your task is to bring your loved one to a frank conversation and persuade him to accept your help.

If you dreamed that you found a person close to you lying on the ground after falling from a height, then such a dream means that his exorbitant ambitions will lead to the complete collapse of all his plans.

A dream in which you and a loved one are at a height, and he breaks down and flies down, means that in reality you have every chance to prevent possible failures of your loved one, simply by taking the time to talk to him and getting into the situation.

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But not only psychologists study and try to understand the phenomenon of dreams. Strictly speaking, mystics also conduct research, giving their own interpretations of the images seen in dreams. Now let's see how the modern dream book of Fate will explain our night visions to us if we had a dream about death as a phenomenon inseparable from life. The same applies to deciphering a dream if you were given such a dream.

  1. What to expect in real life if you dreamed of death in a dream? In esoteric practices, death is presented as a sign of transformation. A dream about a terrible death suggests that the old is leaving your life, clearing the way for the new; the beginning of a new life stage.
  2. The death of loved ones, or the death of a loved one in a dream, is interpreted by the dream book of Fate as trouble; the illness of the person seen in a dream is possible; in rare cases, his death in reality.
  3. What does death mean in a dream - getting rid of unnecessary things, a harbinger of good health and long life; death in a dream is an inverted image that prophesies happiness and health.
  4. The dream book of Fate interprets the symbolic death of a loved one in a dream as an experience, an extreme degree of concern on your part regarding this person. In very rare cases, it foretells death in reality.
  5. The meaning of the dream of the death of a child: indisputable proof of how great your love is for the child who died in your dream.
  6. Free dream interpretation interprets the death of a mother in a dream as a strong desire to get rid of excessive parental care.
  7. What does the death of a father mean in a dream? This image in the dream book is interpreted as evidence that you are subconsciously trying to free yourself from the authoritarian pressure from your father that you encounter in reality.

What does a dream about your own death mean is not at all as negative as it might seem. The fact is that in the sacred sense, death is a rebirth, a new turn, a desire for a new life. Therefore, if you dreamed about your own death on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, this vision should be taken as a sign of internal cleansing, a renunciation of past negative attachments. If you are single, a new relationship is possible.

If you dreamed of death, you can hardly call such an image pleasant. It causes anxiety, restlessness, heavy thoughts and even fear. But, no matter how you interpret death in a dream, this image does not refer to real death, since in mystical practices it is a symbol of a person’s inner world, changes, any transformations - the end of one phase of life, and the beginning of another, new one. It is extremely rare that a dream about death is prophetic and means death or sudden death in reality.

  1. Seeing the death of a friend or acquaintance in a dream may foretell a meeting with this person in reality. But in general, any dreams on the night from Saturday to Sunday about death are related to the inner world and foreshadow a prosperous period in real life.
  2. What does the dream of death with a scythe mean? This is a common dream image that promises a calm period in life, or pleasant changes.
  3. If in a dream you see that a terrible death with a scythe is pursuing a stranger, this is an indication of spontaneous good news from strangers.
  4. To see in a dream a personified death with a scythe flying in the sky - the dream book interprets it as the realization of a long-awaited journey.
  5. Dream Interpretation - seeing the death of your husband in a dream. If you dreamed about your deceased spouse, although in reality he is alive, it is possible that you are tormented by a feeling of guilt in front of him. There may be dissatisfaction with the relationship.
  6. If you dreamed about the death of your husband, who is dead in reality, this can be regarded as a warning: it’s time to give up grief and move on with your life.

If, under the influence of morphea, you saw an image of death, or your dream was that you yourself died, then, most likely, you are destined for a long life and quick changes. If you are single, then according to Vanga’s dream book you have a chance to find family happiness. Miller's online dream book warns: seeing one of your loved ones dead in a dream means upcoming trials that must be met with dignity. According to the Muslim dream book, it turns out that the one who saw someone else’s death in his dream is very worried about something and grieves. Why do you dream about the death of other people according to Freud’s dream book? This is the personification of a secret desire for this to happen in reality. Freud interprets that such a dream occurs in spiritually immature or weak people.

A dream in which the dreamer or dreamer dies for one reason or another cannot be called pleasant. For most people it will cause fear, horror or depression, many will not hesitate to call it their worst nightmare. Why do you dream about your own death?

However, in fact, dying in a dream is not such a bad sign, if you take a closer look at its interpretation.

Much depends on the details of the dream, the reactions of others and the dreamer himself.

  • Many dream books are unanimous in the interpretation of one’s own death in a dream. After such an unpleasant dream at first glance, the dreamer or dreamer will have a long and happy life, and illnesses and misfortunes will bypass them, their close friends and family. In this case, the dream has a kind of “reverse effect” - its interpretation is completely opposite to the content.
  • If in a dream the dreamer or dreamer sees himself from the side lying on the operating table, such a dream is a harbinger of the appearance of something new, unexpected, but quite pleasant in his or her life. Change may seem terrible for a while, but over time the dreamer will realize all its benefits and experience joy and relief.

No less important, and sometimes even decisive, is the reaction of the relatives and friends of the dreamer or dreamer in a dream.

  • If in a dream after the death of the dreamer or dreamer he or she is mourned by close relatives, which means that in reality they do not have a very strong relationship. Frequent quarrels, conflicts and refusal of both parties to compromise and reconsider their point of view can eventually lead to the full development of the relationship.
  • Relatives rejoicing over the death of the dreamer or dreamer in a dream, on the contrary, indicate that in real everyday life the relationship with them is very close and trusting.
  • If in a dream the news of the death of the dreamer or dreamer does not in any way affect the emotional balance of his or her family members, such a dream is a harbinger of the blues, depression, and difficult emotional experiences. It is possible that lately the dreamer’s thoughts have been occupied by some problem, anticipation of something important, torment, and being in the dark about his or her future fate. However, constant tension can ultimately lead to stress and significant physical ailments. To avoid this, the dreamer or dreamer should distract himself, unwind, try to forget about problems and have fun, spending time with friends and family.

If in a dream you saw your own death and subsequent resurrection, then the time has come to start a new life. Perhaps such a dream symbolizes the end of a certain period in life and readiness for something qualitatively different - new relationships, new projects, a new level of mutual understanding.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Death and Resurrection in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Dreams come into every head and create their own world there, this is an inexplicable phenomenon in the subconscious that carries a bunch of information, and in some cases even shows pictures of the future.

In dreams, a person is able to see and realize unimaginable and unreal things. Are opening

millions of abilities at once: the ability to cut through clouds, see through people, be an invincible hero, and maybe even watch your own death. Such visions leave signs, as if predicting fate. To understand them correctly, you need to open the pages of the dream book. But to fully understand what exactly the resulting images conceal, you need to remember all the details of the dream. It is also equally important to compare the newly received message with episodes of real life.

In times of new technologies, it is very easy to reveal the secret of the resulting images; there are many books and separate information where every possible dream option is laid out on the shelves. But in some cases even this will not be enough. In order to wrap your head around what you saw in a dream, you need to understand your inner world.

It is believed that the most healing dream is the one during which a person experiences vivid and strong emotions. At these moments, the work of the subconscious is activated, the hidden corners of the brain reveal their secrets. And the most terrible and sensitive dream, which greatly affects internal processes, is precisely the one where a person sees himself dead or is present at his death.

Be attentive! When you come out of your dreams, you can end up in someone else's.

Why do you dream about your mother's death in a dream?

The dream book interprets the death of a mother in a dream, which is not surprising - a very good sign in most cases. If your mother is still alive, but dreams of being dead, do not panic, this dream does not mean anything bad. On the contrary, it portends her a long life, and if there are diseases, a speedy healing.

However, such a dream can also be evidence of your anxiety, and sometimes dissatisfaction with your relationship. There is no need to be ashamed of such dreams; they do not mean at all that you wish your mother to die.

On the contrary, they indicate that you intend to improve the relationship by looking at it in a new way and radically changing it. It is possible that for this you will have to sacrifice not only comfort, but also some principles.

The death of a mother is a dream book. Some interpreters claim that seeing dead relatives, including your mother, in a dream means trouble soon. However, a person can cope with them.

Why do you dream about the death of your mother, and later her resurrection? If you had such a dream, then be prepared for unexpected joys. Good news awaits you in the near future!

Dream Interpretation - the death of a mother can be interpreted in different ways. Some scientists argue that dreams are formed based on a person's thoughts. On the other hand, there are prophetic dreams. They must be taken very seriously. The dream of the death of a mother is far from a pleasant feeling. But despite this, there is no need to worry about this.

And my mother is alive, but I dreamed that she was being put to sleep, she was saying goodbye, and I was crying both in my dream and in real life.

I dreamed that we went to the village with the whole family. and Mom was pregnant for some reason, although in real life she has two of my brother and me and she doesn’t want any more. I dreamed that we were swimming in the lake, everyone was having a great time and then Mom went to rest. then it’s like there’s a cliff and we start looking for her. My dad, my brother and I find some kind of hut, and there she lies, with her living sister next to her. Dad goes to her, and I just start yelling, like I’m out of my mind. I was so scared, Dad kicked us out with my brother. but I couldn’t calm down, we sat for a very long time, and then all the relatives began to appear. I threw myself on my grandmother’s neck (we have a very good relationship with her in life), and she seemed to push me away, so I then ran to my grandfather, we went into that room, but my mother was no longer there, I started yelling, where is she? tell me that she is alive, I was so scared, it seemed clear that no, this couldn’t be. then Dad talked for a long time about something with Grandfather. and then he came up to me and said that this was the business of my friends. I sat down and cried for a very long time and asked for forgiveness from both Mom and God. and then I heard some strange sound, that I should call my sister Sonya (by the way, I don’t like this name in real life). and they carry her out and I scream Sonya. I take her in my arms and cry. this is where the dream ended

Nikita, it’s all because you’re just thinking about it deeply subconsciously - you’re afraid that your mother will die. Such a dream does not mean that this will happen. It seems to me that, on the contrary, everything will be fine!

Often I have the same dream. I come to my mother’s grave and cry a lot. Thank God, my mother is alive now. True, the doctors gave her a terrible diagnosis. And we don't even know how long she has left to live. Such a dream only scares me.

Hello. I dreamed that my friend killed his mother. And I met her in a dream (relationship). And soon I saw her killed in a puddle.

I dreamed about how we came to visit my grandparents, then something unexpected happened, suddenly the electricity shorted out so much that the voltage was about 700V and the sockets began to melt and for some reason my mother went to check what happened there (I was walking with her) and she was hit with this electricity and she died, then we called all the services there and they fixed it, but they said mom couldn’t be saved later (as I understood that we went to the store there, because I didn’t see it) and I was met by her ghost.

A dream in which you witnessed the resurrection of people you know or do not know is an omen of troubles in everyday life and troubles in matters that await you in the near future. Soon you will often be overcome by anxiety and worry, but in difficult moments your friends will always be there, they will help and support. It is thanks to friends that you can cope with all problems and regain an optimistic outlook on life. Seeing your own resurrection in a dream is a sign that you will soon have to face significant difficulties and obstacles on the way to your intended goal. If you can solve all problems with honor, fate will smile on you, and you will achieve everything you dreamed of and strived for. To see a dream in which you learned about someone’s miraculous resurrection, but this news turned out to be false, is a warning that you should not rely too much on other people. Soon you will be waiting for assistance from someone you know in a very important matter, but you will not be given the promised help. If in your dream you yourself have the gift of resurrecting people, perhaps you should choose the profession of a doctor or psychologist, because, most likely, you have all the makings necessary to heal the bodies or souls of others.

A dream in which you died and were resurrected indicates that you will have a difficult period in life, which will be replaced by a streak of success and happiness. You will soon experience significant losses, disappointments and anxieties, but then you will gain much more than you lost. After all the misfortunes and problems are left behind, you will be able to become a successful and truly happy person. If you dreamed that you resurrected a person, it means that soon in reality new pleasant acquaintances and friendships with wonderful people await you. This friendship will not only make you feel happier, but you will also be able to use it for business and professional purposes - both parties will benefit from it.

The dream leads back to the past, to childhood.

Many people are frightened and worried by encounters with the dead in their dreams. Why do people dream that they are no longer on earth, that the deceased has forgotten in the world of the living? Dream books advise not to panic - a night guest with his arrival can provide a valuable service and suggest a way out of dead-end situations.

There is often a chance to receive a message in a dream

Do not be afraid of a visitor from another world - you may dream of a deceased person in a case where the sleeper is not able to solve the problems that have arisen on his own and requires the participation of higher powers. Often the deceased rejoice in this way for the successes of loved ones.

Dream books say: to see in a dream how the deceased came to visit you is an excellent opportunity to find out the future and get advice. After all, it’s not every day that you get to talk to a dead person. A dialogue ensues - remember every word - in reality, with the help of dream books, the true meaning of what was said will be revealed. Why do you dream that a dead person:

  • smiles - success in plans;
  • says hello - feeling of guilt;
  • eats - wealth, abundance;
  • silent - feeling unwell.

Dream Interpretation Enigma gives an explanation

According to the Enigma dream book, a long-dead person who is buried again in a dream is a sign of instability and being in a “suspended” state. There is no progress in love, work, creativity. You feel worthless.

If you dreamed about a deceased pet, dog or cat, you are destined to soon remember the animal and speak well of the pet. There will be an offer to get a new animal, and you will seriously consider this option.

If in a dream the deceased contacted you intimately and allowed tactile caresses, you will actually experience burning passion and affection. The deceased takes away the other half - separation is possible, useful for both.

See according to Freud

Why do you dream of a dead man according to Freud’s dream book? Kissing a person lying in a coffin on the lips means being a victim of tyranny in family relationships, enduring humiliation and aggression. According to the dream book, a deceased person stripped naked reflects spiritual loneliness and alienation from society. Having sex with a corpse means closing yourself deep within yourself, coming to terms with the misunderstanding of others.

See by Vanga

Vanga's dream book connects the appearance of a deceased person in a dream with conflicts between relatives. A deceased aunt or grandmother, a person from the same family branch as you, will bring financial strife, quarrels based on money.

A sister-in-law, a spouse, and other relatives not by blood warn about a possible fall from grace or an objectionable act. In any matter, try to maintain honesty and fairness.

Other dream books

Why do you dream of a dead person according to Miller’s dream book? During the conversation, the guest was stunned by the news that the sleeping person was going to die - don’t worry, in reality something pleasantly shocking will happen.

The esoteric dream book says: to receive a letter or phone call from a deceased person is to find out news intended for the ears of others.

The deceased drinks alcoholic beverages at the same table with you - this is a sign of empty talk. Participate in transactions carefully, do not be tempted by easy money. It is easy to get into trouble by listening to the sweet speeches of deceivers.

Why do you dream of quarreling?

Quarreling in a dream is a bad sign. Why dream of a loud scandal with the deceased? The subtext of the dream concerns the unfavorable situation in the house. There is misunderstanding between husband and wife; parents and children do not find a common language.

Dream books highlight scenes in which you get into a row with shouting and mutual insults. A deceased person is expelled from home in a dream - to the loss of friendship. Seeing a fight at a funeral means property disputes and litigation. To see off the funeral cortege with screams and obscenities means to be disappointed and upset.

Quarrel strongly, to the point of a fight - you are constantly obsessed with doubts that in the circle of people dear to you you do not have the right to vote and proper authority.

A recently deceased person may dream about this

Dream Interpretations are sure: if the deceased had a special, deep connection with you, do not be surprised at night dates in a dream. Why do you dream of a subject who passed away very recently? In difficult, sad moments, the godfather and mother often appear to the sleeping person, continuing to protect his soul.

Deceased lovers who visit exactly a year after the tragedy promise new sympathy and blessing for the beginning of a romance. The resurrection of people who have just been consigned to the damp earth means: success is just around the corner, believe me - everything will work out. Why does the newly deceased dream about:

  • evil - interference in the execution of ideas;
  • happy - a lucky break;
  • sad - lies, hypocrisy;
  • laughing - unexpected success.

Say goodbye or leave together

Why do you dream about the deceased and the last farewell to him? Seeing a lifeless body means fatigue, indifference, and loss of strength. It seems to you that the good times are over and there is complete darkness ahead. Bringing and laying flowers means not giving up, showing enviable stubbornness.

In a dream, the deceased decided to leave and calls the sleeping person to follow him - which means he is worried and protects him from negativity. There may be a threat hanging over you, be careful. People say that such a dream is a harbinger of trouble. But in order to avoid adversity, it is necessary to remember the deceased.

Traveling with a deceased person, leaving together in a dream is a sign of alienation and a distinctive feature of an introvert. You should pay more attention to your family, and not look for happiness on the side.

To see in a dream an ancient ancestor with whom you were not personally acquainted is to commit an unseemly, shameful act that can denigrate and tarnish your name. Taking a photo with him is repeating the gross mistakes of previous generations.

In the portrait - as if alive

Why dream of looking at photographs where someone who died at an advanced age is still young? Contact with comrades from past years or a sudden return to your old place of work is possible. If you found an image of what was discussed in your personal belongings, you weren’t able to properly say goodbye.

To see a beautiful, expensive monument in a cemetery means that you are respected and they are trying to listen to your opinion. Destroyed, desecrated by vandals - a black streak of misfortunes is expected. Gather your strength, you need to endure a difficult period.

In a dream, a dead person drawn in a portrait comes to life before your eyes - beware of your own carelessness, there is a danger of becoming a hostage to your own mistakes and an object of caustic ridicule.

If you're afraid of the dead, touch your leg

A sign known to everyone: if the deceased frightens and horrifies, it is enough to touch the feet of the person lying in the coffin - and fear will be replaced by calm. In a dream, touching an uninvited guest is less scary than in wakefulness, and each gesture has a special interpretation.

Hug, cuddle - need help, seek comfort. To say hello and shake hands is to overcome weaknesses, make an important decision, and become bolder. According to dream books, if a deceased person strangles you, you will experience uncontrollable anger and groundless hatred. Bathing, washing with water - to forgive an offense that has tormented for a long period. Why dream of touching body parts:

  • cheek - tender attraction;
  • back - bitter truth;
  • forehead - participation, care;
  • hair is a duty, a burden.

After such dreams you can be sad and sick

Dream books highlight several stories that predict blues and obstacles in achieving what you want. In a dream, a dead person eats with you from the same plate - in reality you will experience deprivation and lack of funds.

Sleeping together in the same bed with a corpse for a girl means it is bad luck to marry a stingy, greedy man or break off relations with a boring groom. To beat the deceased, to torture - to become famous for your bad character and wicked deeds.

The deceased asks to bring food - the dormant person will be overtaken by health problems. The disease is caused by an incorrect lifestyle and indifference to body signals. Did you see how they mourned you? You will be sick, but you will recover quickly. The deceased asked for a favor and was refused - destined to regret and repent.

The likes are spinning 😍⭐️

Questions to the author

Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    9-Sep-2019 Svetlana:

    My deceased ex-husband came to my house to die, he felt bad and very painful, I hugged him, kissed him on the cheeks and we cried together, I understood in a dream and he understood that we were saying goodbye and it hurt so much in my soul, then he lay there and he was in pain, I stroked him and calmed him down, then he decided that he should go to his home, I took him outside, where his old friend picked him up and they left.

    • You haven't let go of your deceased spouse. Moreover, we are still looking for those responsible for his death. Although you understand with your mind that no one is to blame - it’s just how fate worked out 🙁.

      27-Mar-2019 Olga:

      I came to visit all my deceased relatives at my grandmother’s house, spent the night there, and in the morning, looking out the window, they discovered that there had been a hurricane and a tree had fallen, which had destroyed the wall of this house, and my grandmother began to straighten and glue this wall together like sand. And then the time came to say goodbye and I promised that I would return, but in my heart I knew that I would not. I followed those people who came for me (alive in the present).

      • You will be in danger, and deceased relatives will send you a sign with a hint on how to escape. Don't be afraid, there is no evil in this dream. It’s just that the dead miss those who remained on earth :)

        12-Feb-2018 Anonymous:

        I dreamed of a godfather (deceased woman) who was sitting at the table and as if at my birthday, not at home. She sits sad, silent and does not look into the eyes. And there are many empty chairs at the table; some guests did not come. What could this dream mean?

        The dream is interesting, I go into the room and see my late father-in-law at the table, and a child is sitting in his arms, looking at me and baptizing me, I start crying because I couldn’t believe that I saw the father-in-law whom I respect.

        Sleep from Sunday to Monday. I see outside that I want to cut off my leg with a knife, my late mother advises me to cut it higher. I cut it off, the leg is like a piece of doctor's sausage, and it is cut off (without the bone) like a piece of sausage. without pain and blood. I go out (already on my own feet) and see a wolf, he runs towards me, I try to run away and close the door. But I don't have time. The wolf licks the wound on his leg, which already looks like cuts. He is a FRIEND and talks to me. We're going somewhere. He tells me: you see how much dust there is on the windows, and you were worried about your outside windows. And I ask him: why didn’t you tell me before that this is not important at all? I remember that twice I tried (for fear) to hide from him behind the doors, but he still got inside and licked my wounds on my leg. I'm wondering what to expect.

        I dreamed about my deceased son. He came to my work and stood in front of the table. I saw him very scared and ran away, thinking how he came to life. I began to baptize him, but he didn’t say anything, he just looked and didn’t leave. Then he went to his friends, and I began to watch him. It seems that he has a big beautiful white Mercedes-type car. Then I found myself in the car with him, and we were driving to an unknown destination in silence and seemingly not on the road, and I woke up. Everything was not dreamed in colors. Never dreamed of it before. A year and three months have passed since the death. What is this for?

        Hello. In my dream, I dreamed that my dead mother came up to me and I told her (Mom, we have nothing to eat), and she began to take bags of potatoes from the grave. What does this mean? Please tell me.

        I dreamed about the deceased uncles, it was as if they had been resurrected, they were sitting in my room at the table, and were waiting for me. It’s kind of creepy and why is it?

        22-Mar-2017 Sveta:

        I dreamed about my deceased aunt. She is sitting on the sofa next to my husband, I am opposite, I know that she is dead and I ask her whether she is bored or not, about her husband, who is alive. She answers all questions. My husband and I have no children, we have been married for 10 years, and I ask her if we will have children, she replies that we will soon have a son, that my husband and I have recovered, what is this for?

        1-Mar-2017 Galya:

        I dream about my son who died two months ago. It’s like I’m in an unfinished basement with scribbled concrete walls, screaming in despair, calling his name. A huge white and red shaggy dog ​​appears in the passage. I’m kind of afraid of her, but I’m not afraid of her. I reach out to her, and then I change my mind. And I start screaming again, calling my son. Another smaller dog appears in another passage. Also white and red. I went to her and woke up.

        I dreamed of my uncle, he had been dead for 10 years, in the dream they told me that he was alive, I ran to look for him and found him on the school grounds, at first I couldn’t see him, then I asked and he responded. I told him that I thought he died and hadn’t changed at all, I don’t remember what he told me, I only remember that he had a mysterious smile.

        Hello! I've dreamed about it three times already this year. I really liked him as a child. He got married and had a child, but he was killed about 6 years ago. I didn’t have feelings for him, but I found out about his death. They sold this apartment a long time ago and moved to a neighboring town. I dream that I am standing in front of his door (it is lined the same as theirs) and I feel his presence, but I don’t see him and he tells me something, well, let’s say it’s nonsense, I don’t remember. It's his birthday soon. But I don’t understand why I dream about him, because I don’t even think about him.

        My uncle dreamed that we were burying him and he didn’t want to die and said that he was alive, but we still buried him, what could this mean?

        My late grandfather, somewhat unkempt and angry, just walked into the room and began to threaten with his index finger. Then he came up to me and poked his finger right in my face, saying “na-na-na,” then I don’t remember well, but I somehow grabbed the finger with my teeth, and my grandfather left, and I held his severed finger there with my teeth, after scared, she spat it out. I never dreamed of my grandfather like this and I don’t understand how to understand it.

        It all starts with the fact that I am standing in front of the door, I want to open it, and then it suddenly opened, and I see my deceased neighbor, she looks at me very angrily and with a smile, she has claws and she was also a witch, what should I do?!

        4-Sep-2016 Olga:

        I dreamed of a deceased grandfather who died 3 years ago. I dreamed of an angry guy constantly shouting at me all night, and in the morning, when I dreamed, he was arguing with my grandmother, they were lying on the bed, he threw her out of the bed, she fell and cried. I told him grandpa, don’t hurt grandma, he looked at me with angry red eyes, by the way, grandma is alive, why did you dream about this, tell me?

        1-Sep-2016 Anna:

        I dreamed of my late sister on her own birthday, she was talking to her ex-husband on the phone and humiliating herself in front of him, and I was very angry at her for this. Moreover, in the dream I did not realize that she was no longer there. This is the first birthday after her death, tell me what this could mean.

        I dreamed of a late uncle, with whom I rarely communicated during his lifetime, who died about a year ago. I dreamed that he wanted to harm me, trying to hit me with a hook in my eye, but as a result of the resistance it ended up in my hand, piercing it... why such a dream?

        My husband dreamed of my dead father, who told his husband: I will do it to all of them!!!......they will cut off his leg, and the hunchback will lie down and will lie there until her last days! He did not name specific names. What is this for???

        31-Mar-2016 Angelina:

        A good friend of mine died in infancy. About 20 years have already passed since that moment. And today I dreamed that at the age of 5 he was walking down the street past some building and calling her “Mommy!” What could this mean?

        30-Mar-2016 Tanya:

        I dreamed that I was walking at the birthday party of a long-dead friend, putting on beautiful things, we both looked good, chatting about friends.

        22-Mar-2016 Christina:

        My boyfriend dreamed of my uncle who died not so long ago. It’s as if he came back from a business trip, and my boyfriend says that we buried him, to which my uncle replies, I know. What could this mean?

        Tell me why I see my dead husband in a dream on October 8th, and as if they were celebrating his 60th birthday, it was on September 4th, but the people were all strangers, please, this really torments me.

        Help me figure it out, please. My mother dreamed about her dead mother-in-law (i.e. my grandmother) and me. All the time I was sleeping, my grandmother looked after me, nursed me, was around me, my mother woke up in a cold sweat. In real life, I am after surgery, I have health problems, my grandmother died less than a year ago after surgery.

        I dreamed of a deceased grandfather, he rode a motorcycle all his life (Ural), I myself am not a fan of this transport, but in the dream there is a cross-country bike under my feet, and I tell him grandfather, let me give you a ride with the breeze, and how far along the frame itself, We got there and didn’t drop, but he was silent the whole dream). What could the dream mean?

        • 30-Sep-2016 Anonymous:

          You need to submit a note to the church for the repose of your soul so that you can pray for 40 days.

          I dreamed that I came to visit my grandmother and dad and lay down in the living room, and woke up, next to me, on an armchair, my late grandfather was sleeping, or rather his soul was like a ghost, I jumped up and began to roar, dad came up and calmed me down, he saw my grandfather and too in bewilderment, the three of us go out onto the balcony and the grandfather seems to sit on the window, but the father says: come visit, and I shout: come back again, he smiles at us. Then the picture changes, we are already in the kitchen with my grandmother and again the soul of my grandfather, my grandmother takes out the ring, my grandfather puts it on and becomes alive, my dad kisses him on the cheek and shakes his hand, saying: well, here you are alive. And my grandfather became younger. Help me with the interpretation, I don’t understand anything.

          I dreamed that the dead uncle was sitting at the table on which there was a cake, it was eaten, i.e. There were a couple of pieces left. In this dream, the uncle said that he bought this cake himself for his funeral, that it was his favorite cake. At that time I stood in a misunderstanding... in a dream I remembered that my uncle had died, but it was as if he had been resurrected.

          Hello, I had a dream about a deceased grandfather, completely unknown to me. His grave was on a hill, at a crossroads. And his spirit was summoned by my friend. He rose from the grave and walked towards her with open arms, but she ran away from him, following us. And as a result, he touched my hands, his hands were hot. I will be grateful if you answer, thank you.

          5-Mar-2015 Lilya:

          Most likely, your spouse is trying to tell you that you need to get married again and be happy.