Do-it-yourself pumping station installation. Connection diagram for a pumping station for home and garden. Advantages of using a pumping station

In what case is it profitable to assemble a station with your own hands? Before you jump on the idea of ​​assembling a pumping station with your own hands, you should know when such feasibility exists. Moreover, if you have all the necessary parts for it at hand, purchased in advance in a store or somehow found yourself at the right time and place of assembly.

Moreover, we are usually talking about self-assembly, if existing components or assemblies mean the most expensive hydraulic accumulator and/or pump. Indeed, in terms of its value, the same pump represents the actual half of the station, based on its total cost. The same value of a hydraulic accumulator is about a third.

Therefore, having both at hand, there is no need to purchase an entirely new station. If one of the above is missing, then you can simply supplement this main pair of components by replacing a failed burnt pump or a hydraulic accumulator crushed in winter. This solution is also supported by the fact that they are attached to each other without any problems, in any of the available modifications.

Another reason to assemble the station with your own hands is that if the ready-made one, the one available in the store, does not meet some technical characteristics. For example, if you are not satisfied with the parameters of the pump, if you need a unit of greater power, or the reliability is not the same, the dimensions are not the same, the cost is not what was calculated, and so on. The third reason may be the deep location of the water lens or a significant distance from the object to which water should be supplied.

To install or not to install a hydraulic accumulator?

There is a separate question about the advisability of using a hydraulic accumulator. Some believe that this part of the pumping station is simply not needed. But if there is a regular automation unit at the station, then the picture is quite predictable when the constant turning on and off of the pump will turn into one big headache. And this is not such an unattainable prospect: at the slightest water flow, the pressure will quickly drop, and as soon as the pump turns on, on the contrary, it will quickly increase. To ensure that the pump does not twitch in each such case, there is a hydraulic accumulator that acts as a damper that regulates the process of accumulation and flow of water.

However, currently in service there are already automation units with built-in protection that facilitates smooth starting and stopping of the pump. However, there is still a danger here: at the periphery, the voltage can “jump” in a fairly noticeable range, and stabilizers will not save you from this disaster. And the cost of such a station is unreasonably higher.

Advantages of a pumping station

The pumping station is an excellent alternative to the vibration pump, to which most Russian summer residents are accustomed. Compared to it, the station will simply be a blessing to civilization. Its advantage also lies in the fact that it is easily assembled before starting work in the garden, and in the fall it is disassembled and transported to the city. In this case, there is no need to be afraid that it will be kidnapped by some hucksters or torn apart by frost. However, even in this case it is impossible to solve the problem of a stable supply of water, for example, at home.

The most common version of the station has a centrifugal pump, which requires an automation unit. Such a unit is assembled quite simply, from a pressure gauge, a pressure switch and a manifold, which are available for sale in any specialized store. Buying a ready-made block may be more expensive. It's just a small matter: the block is installed on the pump pressure.

There are a wide variety of blocks available for sale, including in price ranges. Of course, more expensive ones will regulate the operation of the stations more efficiently and reliably. In particular, they are equipped with up to three degrees of protection against pressure pipeline rupture, pump overload and dry running. The biggest negative property of all these blocks is their block nature: if the slightest part fails, then the entire unit must be replaced.

From “pump on a barrel” to “like in an apartment”

According to the most common scheme, the pumping station is a type of “pump on a barrel”. An automation unit is mounted on the pump pressure, and water is supplied to the hydraulic accumulator using a separate tube or flexible connection. Thus, an independent space can be created between the pump and the accumulator, including using a longer outlet.

Another good option is when the hydraulic accumulator is connected to the automation unit; this “tandem” can be placed in a permanent place in a warm place, and the unit’s manifold is connected to the pump using a pipe. This scheme is called a distributed pumping station, and the pump itself can be located directly in the well (if the pump is submersible) or a well.

Further improvement of the circuit may concern the automation unit, which can be installed on the cold water distribution manifold. In this case, the automation will “take” control of the necessary pressure parameters, which is, in fact, what is required. In this situation, the location of the accumulator is under the bathroom or in any other free place in a warm room.

Thus, it is quite reasonable to install the pump as close as possible to the reservoir from which the water is taken, and as far as possible from the house. After all, his work, and even a fairly constant one, may not be to the liking of anyone at home. If you manage to put everything in its place, you get the most comfortable option, “like in an apartment.” Agree that it is strikingly different from the original version, and provides maximum convenience with a full water supply.

Preference - "Vistan"

And a little more about automation blocks. One of the most acceptable is considered to be domestic production. It is ideal provided that the station is equipped with a vibration pump. Among its undoubted advantages are built-in protection against dry running, the presence of a built-in voltage stabilizer operating within the range of 160-250 volts, the advantages of smooth start and stop of the pump itself, the ability to work without a hydraulic accumulator and much more.

For a comfortable summer holiday, efficient operation of a personal plot and comfortable life in the territory of a summer house or country house, there must be a good source of water supply. One of these sources may be a well, from which water will be supplied to the building using a pumping station.

In order to avoid unnecessary costs and ensure the optimal combination of performance and additional functions, a do-it-yourself pumping station installed according to a special design will delight the owners for a long time.

The need for a pumping station and its main functions

The main source of water in a suburban area is most often a well, the well of which can have different depths, depending on the level of groundwater flow. In addition, to prevent entry into water used for household needs and, in some cases, food, the trunk is usually deepened to at least 20 meters. This helps prevent dirty groundwater from entering the water supply.

Pumps are used to raise water from a well to the surface. But he alone is not able to cope with the task and requires some more mechanisms and components for high efficiency. In addition, constant continuous operation of the pump can lead to its rapid failure.

To ensure an uninterrupted supply of water from a well to the water supply system of a house, a pumping station is needed, which is equipment that, when combined, allows water to be supplied at any time of the year and at any time of the day in the required quantity.

Equipment for the station

The pumping station equipment includes the following elements and components:

  • Pump;
  • Hydraulic accumulator;
  • Electric motor;
  • Pressure gauge;
  • Pressure switch.

Each of the elements performs its own important functions and its absence in the system can deteriorate its performance characteristics or make the system impossible to operate.


A pump is needed to lift water from a well. Depending on the location, it can be submersible (located in the well at the level of groundwater passage) or surface (located on the surface, drawing water from the well through hoses or pipes).

According to the principle of operation, the pumping device can be centrifugal or vibration, membrane or screw. Most pumps for wells, both deep and surface, require power from the electrical network.

Hydraulic accumulator

It builds up pressure in the system, ensuring continuous water pressure in the pipes. Most often, it is a tank made of steel, which is internally divided into two parts by a special elastic partition made of rubber. During operation of the pump, part of the tank inside the accumulator is filled with water, thereby tensioning the membrane. When the pump is turned off, the membrane pushes water into the water pipes, trying to return to its original position. In addition to the fact that this mechanism ensures constant pressure, it also prevents the possibility of water hammer, in which a sudden change in pressure parameters in the system occurs. Hydraulic accumulators differ in the volume of water that can be passed through.

Electric motor

It supplies electricity to all elements of the pumping station and is connected mechanically to the pump and electrically to the pressure switch.

Pressure gauge

This element is necessary for monitoring and adjusting the pressure level in the system, setting and checking. It is best to choose a pressure gauge with a minimum division value, since the maximum number of atmospheres that are installed in the system cannot exceed 5.

Pressure switch

The main function of this unit is to turn the pump on and off depending on the level of water pressure in the system. It operates under certain parameters and by adjusting it is possible to set the system to suit your own needs.

All components of the pumping station are connected to each other using pipelines, and they are also used to connect the system to the water supply circuit of the building.

The diagram for connecting the pumping station to the well is shown in the figure, and can be done differently, depending on the preferences of the owner, the composition of the equipment and other important parameters.

You can watch the video for practical tips on assembly and installation.


Connecting a pumping station with your own hands requires some knowledge and the availability of the necessary equipment listed. In addition, before mounting and installing the system, you should make some calculations:

  • Calculation of well parameters - volumes of water that a pumping station can pump out in a certain period of time;
  • Volumes of water consumption depend on the number of people living in the house, and the intensity of use of water resources not only for personal, but also for economic purposes;
  • Configuration of the building - number of floors, number of cranes, as well as the required power of the system to satisfy the needs;
  • Be located in sufficient proximity to the place that it will supply water, which will ensure stable operation of the pump;
  • Be located in favorable temperature conditions in which there is no risk of temperatures that could damage equipment or turn water into ice;
  • There must be free access to the installation site for maintenance and repair work.

The best option for placing a pumping station in a private house is, as a rule, a basement, or a building specially designated for this purpose.

When installing the station inside the house, you can provide ideal access to the room with the mechanisms, but not always a sufficient level of sound insulation will contribute to a comfortable stay in the house. This option is optimal when the well is located under the house. The room should be warm enough, or better if it is also heated.

If you locate the pumping station in a separate building in the yard, then access to the equipment will become more difficult, but problems with noise and its impact on the comfort of staying in the house will be eliminated.

Important! With this arrangement, the pipeline connecting the house and the station, as well as the well, must be laid in the ground to a depth greater than the ground freezes.

If it is not possible to prevent water freezing in the pipes in this way, then they must be sufficiently insulated.

Another location option could be a caisson. Pumping stations with this arrangement are placed in a special container, which is located above the well on the site. The caisson can be capital or non-capital, and is made from a variety of materials. Placing the units in such a location makes them difficult to access, but eliminates noise.

Installation of the pumping station is carried out in the following sequence:

  • To prevent vibrations, it must be securely mounted on a solid base. The optimal base option may be a monolithic concrete slab. It can either be made independently or purchased ready-made. The technology for pouring such a foundation is similar to constructing a monolithic foundation, and for strength and stability, a thickness of 15 centimeters will be sufficient. The base can also be laid out of bricks, while also laying it on a sand cushion. The base can also be a wooden frame.
  • The next step is the process of placing the equipment on the prepared foundation. It is necessary to take into account the cross-section of each pipeline and secure them correctly. When installing each unit with a large weight and the possibility of vibration, it is worth using rubber gaskets.
  • Next, you need to connect the equipment to the water supply of the house and to the well. In the area where the well or borehole is connected to the system, it is worthwhile to provide shut-off and check valves. The presence of a check valve is also necessary at the outlet from the station to the water supply circuit to the house.

    ​Important! Check all connections very carefully and, if necessary, make additional sealing.

  • After installation, start-up work should be carried out, which will show the operability of the station and any existing weak points. To do this, first, all equipment must be filled with water, running it through the filler neck into the pump, hydraulic accumulator and all pipelines. Open all valves and turn on the electric motor.

The principle of operation will be as follows: the pump will begin to pump water into the system to a given pressure level. In most stations, the threshold value is set at 1.5-3.5 atmospheres. Next, the pressure switch is activated and the pump is turned off until the pressure value again becomes critical (minimum acceptable), then it turns on again.

As a rule, pumping stations that are installed by yourself are distinguished by greater reliability, well-thought-out components, durability and practicality. Such a system can uninterruptedly supply water to a home, supplying it under the required pressure at any time of the day to the required room. This increases comfort and does not require connecting the building to a centralized water supply.

A pumping station is excellent equipment that allows you to automate the process of drawing water from a well. A set of technical devices activates the launch of the system when it is necessary to replenish supplies and turns off the units at the right time. The level of comfort will increase incredibly. After all, even outside the city it is necessary to enjoy the achievements of civilization, don’t you agree?

However, it is not enough to just buy incredibly useful equipment; you need to know how to install and connect it. We invite you to read the article, which covers all the issues in great detail. This information will be useful to all owners of suburban housing, no matter whether the pumping station is connected with their own hands or hired workers are invited to install it.

In our article you will become familiar with the types of pumps used in groundwater intake systems. Also here are all possible options for the location of equipment and connection to an autonomous water supply. The information is supported by diagrams, photo materials and videos.

The pumping equipment station performs two functions at once - it supplies water to the water supply system of the house and automatically maintains the set pressure in it.

This allows you to lay an extensive water supply network and connect household appliances to it - a shower cabin, a boiler, a dishwasher and a washing machine.

A typical station design includes:

  • Pump;
  • Hydraulic accumulator;
  • Automation block;
  • Inlet mesh filter - necessary to prevent particles of impurities and possible contaminants from entering the system;
  • Pipelines, hoses and necessary fittings.

To prevent the outflow of liquid from the system when the pump stops or the pressure decreases, a check valve is installed in the water intake area. A source of water intake is also required. For this purpose, a well or borehole is constructed.

It is possible to use a reservoir (pool) with imported water and open reservoirs if the characteristics of the unit allow pumping contaminated liquid.

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If the intake is carried out from a natural reservoir (pond, river, lake), the water is used only for household needs and irrigation.

If water is extracted from a well or well, an analysis is required. According to the results of the study, the water belongs to the drinking or household category.

The pumping station is a compact and at the same time functional equipment that provides stable water supply to a private home

You can read more about the design and operating principle of the pumping station in.

Types of pumps used

In the home water supply system it performs the following functions:

  • Protects the pump from wear and increases its service life - thanks to the liquid reserve in the membrane compartment, the number of unit starts is significantly reduced.
  • Maintains constant pressure in the water supply and protects against pressure changes.
  • Eliminates the occurrence of water hammer in the system, destructively affecting connected devices and pipeline fittings.
  • Provides some water supply in case of power failure.

The device is a sealed vessel, the internal volume of which is divided into two containers by an elastic membrane. One of them is filled with air, and the second is intended for pumping water.

The pressurized air in the hydraulic tank squeezes out water and maintains pressure for some time even in the absence of electricity

The hydraulic tank works as follows. Water is pumped into an elastic container until the upper pressure threshold is reached. The pump then turns off.

The pressure in the system is maintained by an air gap in the accumulator; the compressed air plays the role of a damper. When the volume of water decreases (consumed by consumers) and the pressure reaches the lower set limit, the pump turns on again and fills the hydraulic tank with water.

A hydraulic accumulator is selected based on calculations that take into account the number of residents, the number of water consumption points, the maximum permissible number of pump starts and its power, and the required pressure in the system.

Insufficient working volume of the tank will lead to constant activation of the pump and its wear. A container with a reserve threatens stagnation of water and a decrease in its quality, with a harmful effect on the inner surface of the membrane.

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Pump station control unit

A standard set of pumping station control devices consists of a fitting and a pressure gauge and is installed on the pressure pipeline.

The pressure gauge is used to monitor the current pressure in the system, and the relay is the most important element for controlling the pumping station. It controls the supply of water to the pressure tank according to specified parameters and ensures automatic operation of the pump, turning it on and off.

The main operating elements of the relay are the minimum and maximum pressure springs, which are triggered when the pressure in the network reaches the value specified by the settings. At low pressure, the spring opens and closes a contact that turns on the pump motor.

Exceeding pressure compresses it, and when the maximum threshold is reached, the contact opens. The pump turns off and the water supply stops.

The automation unit is a more complex device with advanced capabilities. In addition to switching electrical circuits when responding to increases and decreases in pressure, the automation unit protects the system from dry running.

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When choosing a control device for stations pumping water from shallow excavations, it is better to give preference to the option with protection against dry running.

It will protect the pump from overheating and turn it off if for some reason (dirt has entered, the liquid level in the source has dropped below the intake unit) water stops flowing into the system.

The sensitive elements of the pressure switch are two springs. The large one is set to the minimum pressure, the small one is set to the difference between the minimum and maximum

The pumping station operates in cycles, each of which can be divided into two stages:

  1. The pump turns on and lifts water from the source. It fills the system and hydraulic tank until the pressure exceeds the upper threshold. After this, the pressure switch turns off the pump motor and the water supply stops. The pumping station goes into sleep mode.
  2. When consumers are turned on (opening taps, using water-consuming equipment), water comes from the hydraulic accumulator tank. Fluid flow from the hydraulic tank is carried out until the pressure drops to the lower threshold. This causes the pump to turn on again and the water to rise.

The number of cycles per hour must not exceed the maximum number of starts allowed for the pump used.

Advantages of using a pumping station

Installing an autonomous water supply in your home provides independence and comfort.

The pumping station provides the following advantages:

  • Increases the efficiency of the water supply system.
  • Increases the operational safety of equipment and pipelines.
  • Provides a certain (depending on the capacity of the hydraulic tank) supply of water and its supply even when the power supply is turned off.
  • Maintains constant pressure and stable water pressure.
  • Increases the durability of appliances and household appliances connected to the water supply system.
  • Automatic operating mode (timely switching on and off of the pumping unit) reduces equipment wear and energy costs.
  • Possibility to choose the installation location of the unit.
  • It has compact overall dimensions and light weight.
  • Easy to install.

In rural areas, cottage and holiday villages, water supply communication networks often suffer from low pressure and unstable pressure.

In this case, the pumping station can be connected to an existing main water supply - this will solve problems with pressure drop and lack of pressure in the water supply.

The use of a pumping station in an autonomous water supply scheme will not only significantly increase the level of comfort of living conditions, but also significantly increase the working life of devices installed in the water supply system

Pump installation technology

Before starting installation work, it is necessary to decide on the location of the pumping equipment.

Step #1 – choosing a location

When planning the placement of the unit, it should be taken into account that:

  • The location of the pumping station in close proximity to the water source ensures stable suction and smooth operation of the equipment.
  • The installation location must be dry and warm, well ventilated.
  • The equipment must not touch walls.
  • It is necessary to ensure free access for repair work and preventive inspections.

The option of installing a pumping station with a surface pumping unit, especially with an internal ejector, should be carefully considered, since such a system has a high noise level.

There are several installation options. Let's look at them in more detail.

Option #1 – in the house

The most optimal place for the proper functioning of the station is a heated room. It is ideal if the house has a soundproofed boiler room.

An extreme option is to install equipment in common rooms (corridor, bathroom, hallway, pantry). But in this case, it is placed away from the bedrooms and sound insulation is provided - for example, by making a casing or cabinet.

The best option for installing a pumping station is to install it in a separate room in a house with a well drilled directly under the building

Option #2 – in the basement

Quite often, a pumping station is installed in the basement or basement. However, care must be taken to create optimal conditions for placing the installation - the room must be sound, heat and waterproof.

You can arrange a special box in the underground, with access to the equipment through a hatch.

A warm, equipped basement with good water and sound insulation and ventilation is ideal for installing pumping equipment

Option #3 – in a well

The pumping station is installed on a specially constructed platform in the well. The depth of the installation surface must be such that all equipment is below the freezing level. The well itself is insulated from above.

The disadvantage of this scheme is difficult access to the equipment.

With sufficient width and depth of the well, as well as pump power, the station can be installed in the well on a special bracket or platform

Option #4 – in a caisson

A room of sufficient width for subsequent maintenance is arranged around the well, buried below the soil freezing level. At the surface of the earth, the caisson is closed and insulated, leaving only a small hatch for maintenance.

The pit device will allow the use of a pump with a built-in ejector in cases where the depth of the water surface from the surface of the earth is 9-11 meters.

Installing the unit in a well caisson provides protection against freezing of equipment and complete noise insulation

Option #5 – in a separate building or extension

In this case, no noise will be heard in the house. However, simply insulating such a room will not be enough; heating will also be required. This leads to additional costs for electricity and heating systems.

In other cases, the system elements are installed independently. When installing a surface station, a pipeline (or two pipelines, if a remote ejector is used) from the well is connected to the pump.

Next, install the hydraulic accumulator and control unit. For a station with a well pump, these will be all the main surface elements in the circuit. The most convenient way to do this is to use a 5-pin fitting, which is mounted in the pressure pipeline in a convenient place. A pressure switch and pressure gauge are screwed into it.

A hydraulic accumulator is connected to the side entrance of the fitting. For ease of maintenance, it is connected through a ball valve with an American connection and a drain is arranged.

Connect consumers to the pumping station. Most often, the first element is the cold water distribution manifold.

This system is less sensitive to air ingress, but all joints must be sealed

Step #5 – first launch of the station

The electric motor of the pump has more power, so it is better to provide the pumping equipment station with its own power supply line, arrange grounding and install a voltage stabilizer.

Check the pressure of the air chamber of the hydraulic accumulator. It should be 10% less than the pump activation pressure. However, this setting is done in operating mode. First, it is necessary to achieve the following values: for a hydraulic tank with a capacity of 20-30 l - 1.4...1.7 bar, with a capacity of 50-100 l - 1.7...1.9 bar.

Before starting the installation with a surface pump for the first time, the working part of the system is filled with water. To do this, unscrew the plug from the filler hole located in the upper part of the pump.

If the pipeline has a filler funnel, it is better to use it. Pour in liquid until it is completely filled and begins to flow out. Then the hole (valve) is tightly closed.

When filling the system with liquid through the filling hole of the pump, it is convenient to use a regular funnel

Startup sequence:

  1. The pump is connected to the mains.
  2. The valve of the filling funnel of the pipeline with a surface pump is opened slightly to remove any remaining air that has entered the system.
  3. Turn on the unit - within 2-3 minutes water should flow from the outlet of the pressure pipeline (or an open water supply tap).
  4. If the liquid does not flow, the pumping equipment is turned off, water is added to the system and turned on again.

After a successful start, the equipment should be “run in” and, if necessary, the settings of the valve body and pressure switch should be adjusted.

Basic operating rules

After putting the pumping station into operation, periodic maintenance is carried out. It is necessary to clean the coarse filter promptly. Without this, the performance of the installation gradually decreases, the water flows in jerks, and a completely clogged filter will lead to “dry” operation and shutdown the system.

The frequency of purification depends on the content of impurities in the pumped water.

You can read information about common pumping station breakdowns and how to fix them.

Once a month, or after a long period of inactivity, winter conservation or repair work, check the pressure in the air compartment of the hydraulic accumulator. If necessary, air is pumped up.

When using the station only in summer, it is necessary to drain all water from the system before frost sets in.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video will demonstrate the basic rules for connecting a pumping station:


In order for the system to operate as efficiently as possible, before selecting and installing equipment, you should seek advice from a specialist and perform an evaluation calculation.

If you have experience in assembling and installing a pumping station yourself, please share your knowledge in the comments to this article. If you have any questions after reading the material, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments below.

Technically competent assembly and installation of a pumping station is possible in cases where the parameters of the finished units do not meet your needs. The advantage of a self-assembled station is that its design can be adapted to specific operating conditions. In other situations, it is recommended to purchase factory equipment: it is cheaper than parts separately.

Design and principle of operation of the pumping station

The station pump ensures the capture and supply of liquid from depth. Water enters a membrane tank - a container that is divided by a membrane into two parts, one of which contains air. The second name for this tank is a hydraulic accumulator; it is designed to regulate the operation of the pump: as soon as the liquid reaches a certain volume, the pump automatically turns off. Signal transmission is ensured by connecting a special relay.

Photo: pumping station hydraulic accumulator

When the tap is opened, the water from the membrane tank decreases, and the pump turns on again as soon as its level reaches a minimum value. The mini-station at the dacha is cooled by the pumped liquid. The pump is controlled by an automation unit.

Selecting the location of the pumping station

In order for the station to operate regardless of the season, and its repair not to cause difficulties, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions associated with its installation.

    When choosing a location for installation, the most important requirements are:
  • proximity to the source - then the water supply will be carried out without interruption;
  • accessibility of the installation site - this will allow inspection and repair of the station without problems;
  • acceptable temperature - the installation location should remain warm throughout the year;
  • reliable sound insulation - care must be taken to ensure that the sound of the operating pump is not heard inside living quarters.

Required components

Diaphragm tank or hydraulic accumulator

It is advisable to independently assemble a pumping unit for your home if you already have a hydraulic accumulator and pump. These are the most expensive elements: the price of a hydraulic accumulator is about a third of the cost of the station, and the pump is about half. The rest can be purchased for little money.

If necessary, the pump in the country can be installed without a membrane tank. This is a working scheme, but it has many disadvantages. First of all, the automation unit will react to any water flow, turning on and off very often. This leads to premature wear of the equipment.

Recently, automatic units have appeared on sale that smoothly start and stop the pump, regulating the water supply depending on the pressure. Manufacturers assure that such devices do not need to connect a hydraulic accumulator. In practice, this is not the case: if power surges frequently occur in a private home, the station will operate intermittently. Even installing an electrical stabilizer is pointless. That's why, if you want to avoid overloads, you cannot do without installing a hydraulic accumulator.

It is desirable that the capacity of the membrane tank be slightly less than the flow rate of the well. Then the pump will turn on as rarely as possible, but for a long time, which will reduce wear on the station. The disadvantage of this option is the very high cost: the more capacious the accumulator, the more expensive it is.

Automation block

The automation unit itself for the pump in the country can be assembled with your own hands or you can buy a ready-made model. The product consists of elements such as a pressure switch, pressure gauge and manifold. The automation unit is installed at the pump head in a place where it is possible to easily service the device.

Photo: automation unit for a pumping station

If you plan to install a ready-made unit, you can choose the simplest model with the minimum set of capabilities - it costs the least. Products that are additionally equipped with a dry-running sensor to turn off the equipment when water stops flowing into the system have a slightly higher price. Also, when arranging the water supply system of a private home, you can use expensive automation units that can regulate the power of the pump to maintain a given pressure, and have protection against pressure pipeline ruptures and overloads.

Station pump

Pumps used at home are of two types based on their operating principle - vibration and centrifugal. The first ensure the movement of water up the pipes due to a vibrator with a piston and a control valve. The latter capture and lift liquid using the centrifugal force created by the blades.

Photo: domestic pumping station

The vibration pump creates a lot of noise during operation, so it is positioned so that it does not touch the walls and bottom of the well. The advantage of a vibration pump is its high reliability. Centrifugal models do not have these advantages, and they are also less versatile.

Options for arranging a pumping station

There are several ways to install systems. The simplest one is that all the elements are assembled together: the automation unit is attached to the pump, and the pump is installed on a hydraulic accumulator, to which water is supplied through a separate metal pipe or flexible tube. Sometimes the membrane tank is mounted separately - it is enough to make the outlet to it a little longer.

Another scheme involves placing the automation unit directly on the hydraulic accumulator. A pipe is used to connect the block manifold to the pump. The result is a distributed pumping station for the home, when the pump can be located at the water source, and the membrane tank, together with the automation unit, can be located in a warm, protected room or under a canopy. This option is better, as it allows the pumping station to be operated year-round.

If desired, the scheme can be further improved. For example, the automation unit can be placed near the cold water distribution manifold. This will maintain constant pressure in the pipeline. In this case, the installation of the hydraulic accumulator can be done in a place where this tank will not disturb anyone - for example, under the bathroom. A pressure pipeline is drawn from the pump to it. The pump itself is located at the well, the rest of the equipment is inside the house.

Installation of a pumping station

As practice shows, a pumping station can be installed with your own hands without the involvement of specialists. First of all, prepare the site for its installation: it should be a hard, flat surface, preferably filled with concrete. Sometimes, instead of a screed, they make do with a wooden shield - it is buried in the ground, making a support from two beams. The wood is treated with an antiseptic, most often tar. Additionally, the shield is covered with a sand-clay mixture.

When the base is ready, a station is installed on it and secured with special screws. Next, the pump is connected to the water supply system of the house; for this, the pipe is connected to the pressure pipe. To ensure water is drawn from a source, the following elements are required:

  • suction hose;
  • check valve;
  • Dry running protection.

It is better to buy a ready-made kit that includes all the listed parts. One is attached to the pump, the other is lowered into the water.

The station is connected to the electrical network at home; for this it is recommended to use special cables that are well insulated and resistant to temperature changes.

KG class wires have proven themselves to be excellent - they have rubber insulation and are characterized by increased flexibility. KG cables are designed specifically for installation of electrical installations and operation in open space conditions. Products do not tan in cold weather and remain flexible at temperatures up to 40 degrees below zero.

If you meet the necessary conditions and take care of the safety of the pumping station at your dacha, water will be taken and supplied in a continuous mode, and the device can be used for a long time. It is better to make sure at the installation stage that the unit is working properly - repairing pumping stations is expensive, because replacing the elements of the complex is carried out not individually, but in entire blocks.

To ensure stationary water supply in a country house, the optimal solution is to install a pumping station. This device ensures stable water pressure in the pipeline, and some models are able to operate even in the event of a power outage.

But the models offered in stores do not always suit the buyer in terms of price and characteristics. In this case, there is an option to assemble a pumping station with your own hands. Such a device, if the necessary parts are available, is cheaper and more convenient in terms of design solutions.

1 Feasibility of self-assembly

Before answering the question “How to assemble a pumping station?”, you should decide whether it is advisable to assemble it yourself.

Assembling a home pumping unit on your own will be beneficial in several cases:

  1. Then, when at least one of the main components of the device is already available. The main components of pumping stations are a water pump and a hydraulic accumulator. These two components account for two-thirds of the cost of the entire station. If both elements have to be purchased, then the homemade installation will be more expensive than the factory model.
  2. The second point is the discrepancy between the technical characteristics and dimensions of the purchased device and the parameters of the installation location. For example, if the hydraulic accumulator tank is not large enough, or the performance of an affordable device is not enough for all the plumbing. In this regard, a self-assembled unit is more flexible.
  3. Another reason to assemble an automatic installation for a private house yourself is the large depth of the well or its excessive distance from the house. In this case, a submersible pump is used, and the tank and motor are installed indoors. Factory versions of such designs are not produced.

After analyzing all these points, you can understand whether it is profitable to assemble your own pumping unit, or whether it is easier and cheaper to buy a factory model from the counter.

2 Assembly highlights

How to make a pumping station? To begin with, you need to decide on the location, mark the path to the point of water intake and its distance, prepare the well or well and the installation location accordingly. Based on the data obtained, a layout diagram and main components are drawn up.

2.1 Design of an automatic pumping unit

First of all, when assembling a water supply installation yourself, you need to select the necessary pumping apparatus for collecting water. Depending on the type of source, either a surface well unit or a submersible well unit is suitable.

The next element of the pumping station is the hydraulic accumulator. It consists of two chambers separated by an elastic membrane. The lower chamber is directly connected to the pumping apparatus. During its operation, the chamber is filled with water, stretching the membrane. When the pump is turned off, the membrane returns to its original position and thereby pushes water further into the pipeline. The hydraulic accumulator maintains constant pressure in the line and prevents water hammer.

A mandatory feature for all pumping stations is an automation unit. This part is responsible for turning the unit on and off independently. The simplest option is with a pressure gauge. This relay is installed on the hydraulic tank and controls the operation of the electric pump. When the pressure on the membrane weakens, the sensor is triggered and the device turns on, pumping water into the tank.

It is advisable to also equip the system with a special fine filter. Such an element is installed on the pipeline after the pumping station. It is used to clean the liquid from impurities and dirt.

A filter element is also installed in front of the unit. Only in this area there is a coarse filter. It traps large particles that can damage the electric pump components (when using the surface version).

It is important to install a vertical filler neck on the suction pipe of the unit. It is necessary to start the device for the first time, as well as if maintenance has been performed. And in order to increase the pressure in the main line, an ejector for the pumping station is installed on the suction pipe of surface models.

All elements of a homemade device are connected to each other using a pipeline. The best option is pipes made of polyethylene or polypropylene.

2.2 Options without hydraulic tank

To save some money, you can make an automatic station without a hydraulic accumulator. Only in this case the pressure in the lines will not be equalized, which will lead to frequent switching on of the device. As a result, the components of the unit will quickly become unusable.

The solution may be modern models that feature a built-in stabilizer. It is responsible for protection against dry running, as well as for smooth activation. But, efficient operation of the pump is ensured only with a stable voltage. In addition, the cost of such models is an order of magnitude higher than standard stations with a tank.

That's why, if space and funds allow, it is better to assemble a unit with a built-in hydraulic tank.

2.3 How to make a pumping station with a submersible (deep) pump? (video)

3 Installation of the pump unit

When the pumping station is assembled with your own hands, an important point is the correct installation of the device. At this stage it is necessary to return to the calculations again. Attention is focused on three main indicators:

  1. Well debit. The value shows how much liquid the electric pump is capable of pumping out in a specific time period.
  2. The volume of water needed to provide for a family. This typically includes expenses for each family member, plumbing, watering and other needs. This indicator is necessary in order to determine whether there is excessive flow. If there is one, the powerful pump here can be replaced with a less efficient device.
  3. Source depth and distance to taps. The pressure of the apparatus depends on this indicator.

From these values, the characteristics of the station are determined, after which installation begins.

3.1 Installation steps

The first step in installing a pumping station with your own hands is to install a solid base. There are two options for this depending on the type of location:

In the first case, a square hole with a depth of 10-15 cm is dug in the room. The bottom is covered with a sand cushion. The reinforcement is laid on top of the sand and tied together. Everything on top is filled with concrete. The base is ready for installation after 3-4 weeks of drying.

How to make a pit for a pumping station? It is advisable to build this type of base when the installation of the station is carried out close to a well or borehole. In this case, a pit is dug near the source, 1.5-2 m deep. The depth will protect the device from frost. Formwork is laid at the bottom of the pit. Sand is poured into the middle, followed by crushed stone. The third layer is concrete. This pillow should dry for several weeks in the shade. It is advisable to lay the walls of the pit out of brick.

The next stage involves the installation of all elements. The electric pump is connected to the tank via a hose. The remaining nodes are fixed in the same way. The main point in this case is the correct selection of the pipe section.

A self-made unit on a base is best installed on rubber gaskets. They are placed under the supports, after which they are bolted to the pillow. This will reduce noise and vibration, and consequently wear of components.

The next question of interest is: “How to connect the pumping station to the well?” The connection of the pumping station to the well is carried out after a thorough inspection of the components. Each connection must be sealed.

Before connecting the pumping station to the well, it is advisable to equip the inlet pipeline with a check valve. A shut-off valve must be installed in the same area. Exactly the same manipulations are carried out with the outlet pipe, which is connected to the water main.

The last step of the installation is to check the device. To do this, all units are filled with water through the filler neck. Then the shut-off valves are opened and the electric motor is started. In this mode, the unit must operate for at least 20 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the device.

Feed parameters are adjusted using an automation unit.

4 Maintenance of the automatic pumping unit

During operation, it is constantly exposed to loads that can lead to system breakdowns. The most common causes of malfunctions are:

  • lack of water inside the system;
  • interruption of electrical energy supply;
  • electric pump malfunction;
  • problems with the hydraulic accumulator;
  • malfunction of the automatic control mechanism.

Fortunately, the design of the device is quite simple, which allows you to repair the pumping station yourself.

If it works, but the liquid does not flow, you can do this in this order:

  1. Check the system for sufficient fluid. Replenish supplies if necessary.
  2. If the problem is not solved, you should pay attention to the check valve of the electric pump; if it is not working correctly, you need to replace it, and at the same time check the tightness of the seams.
  3. The cause may also be an impeller clogged with impurities. In this case, the device is disassembled and cleaned from the inside.

If the station turns on, but the water supply is jerky, the problem is in the hydraulic tank. First of all, you need to check the outer surface of the container for damage and cracks. If there are any, the tank needs to be replaced. If the surface is sealed, you should press the nipple into the head of the battery. Water escaping from there is a sure sign of a torn membrane and only needs to be replaced.

If the device does not turn on at all, the reason may be:

  • lack of electricity;
  • the wiring is burnt out;
  • The motor winding or the motor itself is damaged.

First of all, the presence of voltage in the network is checked. After this, the entire cable, centimeter by centimeter, is inspected for damage. Next, the electric pump is disassembled and the engine is inspected.

If the motor is damaged, it is not practical to do it yourself and it is easier to buy a new device.

In the case when the device turns on and the impeller does not rotate, there are two options for solving the problem. In the first case, the impeller stopped and stuck to the housing. You can correct the situation by rotating the wheel with your hands for a while. If this does not help, the capacitor has burned out and needs to be replaced.