Find out how many entrances the world's longest residential building has. The longest buildings in the world (11 photos) The longest house in the world

Manhattan is obsessed with skyscrapers. Architects from all over the world come here and compete to see who can build the tallest and most visible building. To obtain permission to build taller and taller towers, developers have begun to exploit loopholes in planning laws. They buy air rights from nearby buildings and thus get the opportunity to build whatever they want without worrying about claims from neighbors.

Local architecture studio Oiio doesn't like this state of affairs. Therefore, she proposed that the city break the vicious circle and build a building that would become the most prestigious skyscraper in Manhattan, regardless of its height. The idea of ​​the project is very simple: you just need to replace the height with the length! After all, there are many tall skyscrapers in New York, but the longest will be only one.

The Big Bend building is proposed to be built on "Billionaire's Row" - a section of 57th Street in Manhattan where the tallest, most luxurious and expensive apartment buildings are located.

It is a tall and thin structure, curved like a hairpin. Its entire area is covered with a grid of windows - even the part that will be located horizontally in relation to the ground.

According to the concept, the foundations of the buildings are located on small plots of land on either side of the historical building. Although Big Bend does not claim to be the tallest skyscraper, it will still tower many meters above the nearby towers.

It is unclear whether such a project will ever be implemented or not. In general, some local architects are against continuing to build up Manhattan with skyscrapers. According to them, such construction is a manifestation of inequality in relation to buildings of a different architectural form. They fear that in pursuit of profit, developers will turn Manhattan into an impenetrable jungle of high-rise buildings. Local residents also complain that the skyscrapers are blocking their views of Central Park.

Cartographers have established that the longest house in the world is located in Volgograd, in the Spartanovka microdistrict, at the entrance to the city from the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station. This is a solid nine-story residential building with administrative premises, painted for as many as eight addresses: st. Gramsci, 43, 47, 49 and 51 and st. Nikolay Otrada, 34, 36, 40 and 44.

The house has several arches, in the ceilings above which there are full-fledged living quarters the entire height of the building. This building was built in 1975-1979 and has approximately 1,400 apartments. One of the residents suspected that his apartment was located in a record-breaking building.

I’ve been living in this house for a long time, but only recently I noticed that it represents a single whole with the neighboring buildings, I couldn’t believe my eyes and started looking at satellite images on the Internet,” says a user of the Volgograd forum under the nickname viper78.

The fact is that there is no point on the earth from which the huge house can be seen all at once. It is possible to view it in its entirety only from a bird's eye view. It occupies an entire block and, like a snail, is curled up inside the courtyard. Local residents aptly and dissonantly called this building a “gut.”

The man measured his home in a photo from space using a special computer program - a few clicks of the mouse, and the result is ready. It turned out to be 1125 meters. A resident of the Volgograd giant wrote about his research on the city forum, where his message was seen by specialists from a cartographic company and decided to check the information by taking measurements on the ground using special equipment. The exact length of the house is 1140 meters, which is 40 meters longer than the officially recognized record holder - Karl-Marx-Hof in the Austrian capital Vienna.

Our cartographers constantly monitor the appearance of new objects in the city in order to put them on the map in a timely manner,” says Sergei Frolov, director of the company in Volgograd. - We carefully check messages from residents, because they also want the electronic map of the city to be as detailed as possible. So, at the initiative of users, we additionally measured the length of the house and made sure of its uniqueness.

The main reason for the construction of such houses in Soviet times lies in the economy, says Alexey Protsenko, chief architect of the Volgogradgrazhdanproekt Institute. - Everything is very simple: a single large house is a single heating point, a single pumping station, and so on. Significant amounts of money were saved on engineering support. Housing construction at that time was industrial, requiring minimal time and minimal costs. As for aesthetics, at that time this building was quite aesthetic. Large blocks and large courtyards were considered fashionable and progressive; standard buildings did not bother anyone. Now the situation in the housing market has changed. Great competition is pushing investors and developers towards individual, unique projects. The scale of housing becomes commensurate with a person. In addition, the construction of long giant houses is problematic from a geological point of view. Two adjacent sites can be completely different in their geological composition. This imposes restrictions on laying a single foundation and creates a number of other problems.

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There are houses known for their outstanding length in other cities of Russia. For example, in Moscow, a house with a length of about 1400 meters is located in Otradnoye. However, it can hardly be called one building - it is a whole architectural ensemble of houses adjacent to each other (Rimsky-Korsakov 8-18, Bestuzhev 25a) without passages or common spaces.

Another large house in Moscow is located on Grizodubovaya Street, 4 in the Khoroshevsky district - the length of this architectural structure is about 700 meters. The administrative building at 125 Warsaw Highway is 50 meters longer.

St. Petersburg is known for its dense development - in the city on the Neva, for example, the house on Novosmolenskaya embankment, 1, has a significant extent. If we take it into account together with the neighboring adjacent building on the street. Shipbuilders, the total length will exceed 1100 meters. And in the Vyborg district on Lunacharsky Avenue there is another giant house - it reaches 750 meters in length.

Our today's interesting and educational photo collection includes the longest buildings in the world. You will see amazing buildings erected in different parts of our planet.

Klystron Gallery above the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, California, USA

The length of the laboratory engaged in research in the field of particle physics is 3073.72 meters.

Residential building in Lutsk, Ukraine

The total length of the house, the construction of which took 21 years, is 1750 meters. In addition, the longest residential building in the world is located on two streets at once.

Barracks of the New George Fortress, Modlin village, Poland

The length of the building is 2250 meters.

Great Wall of China, China

The longest fort in the world, 8,850 kilometers long, took almost two millennia to build.

Burghausen Castle, Bavaria, Germany

The castle complex is the longest in Europe. It stretches for 1043 meters.

Meydan Hotel, Dubai, UAE

Stretching 840 meters in length, Meydan Hotel is the longest hotel in the world.

Airport terminal in Dubai, UAE

The cargo terminal of Dubai International Airport stretches 1,774 meters in length.

There are very large residential buildings in the world. This is what our article is about today.

Where is the biggest house?

Do you know where the world's largest residential building is located? No, this is not another skyscraper in New York or Dubai, as many thought. This is Ukrainian Lutsk.

The shape of the giant resembles a honeycomb; the townspeople call it the “Great Wall of China.”

It is located on two streets: Sobornost Avenue and Molodezhi Street. Just imagine, it is 1750 meters long, and if you also count the “shoots”, it will total 2775 meters. For comparison, the Kremlin walls are shorter - 2235 meters. This giant took almost 11 years to build. It has forty houses of different heights and 120 entrances. Many new residents even got confused in the entrances at first, until the surrounding area was landscaped.

Interestingly, many residents do not even suspect that the house is a record holder. Although you can’t tell from the outside, because the building is not straight.

And more record holders

Another giant is located in Volgograd, in the Spartanovka microdistrict, at the entrance to the city from the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station. The nine-story giant stretches one kilometer and one hundred and forty meters in length.

The house was built in the second half of the seventies of the last century. There is no point on earth from which you can view it all at once. This building can only be seen in its entirety from a bird's eye view.

Just imagine: there are 1,400 apartments and many administrative offices here. Do you know what the locals call it? "Intestine". It’s not particularly euphonious, but it fully characterizes this giant.

The house has as many as, just imagine, eight addresses: st. Gramsci, 43, 47, 49 and 51 and st. Nikolay Otrada, 34, 36, 40 and 44.

This is how experts explain such architectural “miracles”. A single large house is a single heating station, a single pumping station, and so on. In Soviet times, housing construction was industrial, requiring minimal time and minimal costs. As for beauty, the building was quite aesthetic. Large blocks and large courtyards were considered fashionable and progressive; standard buildings did not bother anyone. Now, of course, the demands on the housing market are slightly different, so developers are trying to create more unique projects. And from a geological point of view, such houses are quite complex: after all, two identical-looking plots may require a different approach to construction.

Moscow giant houses

Such houses were not uncommon in Soviet times. So in Moscow in Otradnoye there is a house 1.4 thousand meters long. True, it is difficult to call it one building. It is, rather, an architectural ensemble of adjacent buildings without common spaces or passages.

Another long house in Moscow is located at st. Grizodubova, 4 in Khoroshevsky district.

It reaches 700 meters in length. Another Moscow long length is located at Varshavskoye Shosse, 125, its length is 750 meters.

This masterpiece of architecture is, in general, some kind of “recumbent” skyscraper.

But don’t think, it wasn’t only Soviet Russia that loved such gigantic buildings. The Karl-Marx-Hof house in Vienna also has impressive dimensions: its length is 1100 meters.

The house was built between 1927 and 1930 by architect Karl Ehn.

A residential building in Lutsk, located on Sobornosti Avenue and Molodezhi Street, is jokingly called the Great Wall of China. This is the longest residential building in the world, its length is 1,750 meters ( including branches – 2,775 meters).

« This house was built between 1969 and 1980 by architects Vasily Malovitsa and Rostislav Metelnitsky“- said Yaroslav Matveev, an employee of the city architecture department.

The building was constructed in the shape of a honeycomb and unites 40 houses of different heights - from 5 to 9 floors. It has 120 entrances.

« Many new residents were confused at first and often made the wrong entrance, says Matveev. – But when the courtyards were landscaped and flower beds were laid out, residents began to navigate them».

When moving into a house, residents negotiated with a special service, like this Balashikha furniture removal service, because in this way things can be transferred conveniently and quickly. It is also interesting that many people do not even suspect that they live in the longest house in the world, because no one tells them about it. The local government should put up some kind of plaque to make the house a real landmark. After all, many tourists would probably like to see for themselves that this house is almost two kilometers long.

You can verify that a residential building in Lutsk is the longest in the world by going to Wikipedia.

The longest residential building in the world is on the right side of the photo.