Champignons marinated in sour cream on the grill. Mushrooms on the grill. Cooking mushrooms on charcoal with soy sauce and mayonnaise

Naturally, when talking about kebabs, we immediately imagine a kebabs made of meat: pork, or, in extreme cases, chicken.

What should those who cannot eat meat for some reason do, but their friends invite them to a picnic?

In this case, you can cook shish kebab from champignons. Shish kebab from champignon mushrooms is prepared according to the same principle as meat shashlik: first, the mushrooms need to be marinated and then fried on the grill.


  • fresh champignons – 500 g;
  • mayonnaise – 200 g;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook shish kebab from champignons in mayonnaise:

Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, dry and clean. Then put it in a saucepan, salt and pepper to taste, add mayonnaise.

After this, cover the pan with a lid and shake well. Leave to marinate for several hours. Then we string the mushrooms onto wooden skewers.

Place a tray on the bottom of the air fryer, place a high wire rack and place the mushrooms on it. Bake for 30 minutes at 200°C.

Serve with garlic or tomato sauce. Champignon skewers in the air fryer will turn out tasty and juicy.

Chinese champignon kebab


  • fresh champignons – 1 kg;
  • soy sauce – 100 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook champignon kebab in Chinese:

We thoroughly wash the mushrooms, remove the films and pierce them with a toothpick in several places. Next, put them in a deep bowl, add soy sauce, mayonnaise and salt to taste.

This champignon kebab should be marinated for about 2 hours, after which we place the mushrooms on skewers and fry over hot coals for about 15-20 minutes. Serve the kebab hot along with fresh grilled vegetables and herbs.

Juicy champignon kebab


  • champignons - 2 kg,
  • mayonnaise - 200 g,
  • garlic - 4 cloves,
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste

How to cook juicy champignon kebab:

To prepare champignons on the grill, take mushrooms (for mushroom shish kebab, it is advisable to choose larger mushrooms, it will be more convenient to work with them, and the result will be tastier), wash them thoroughly.

Salt, pepper and fill with mayonnaise (ideally homemade, not very thick). You can mix the mushrooms with mayonnaise by shaking the covered saucepan. We set the mushrooms aside to marinate for about an hour, and in the meantime we tend to the fire or barbecue.

Alternatively, you can marinate overnight in the refrigerator. To cook champignons on the grill, place the mushrooms on the grill and fry over low heat; for mushroom shish kebab, string the champignons onto a skewer. Bring it to readiness, don’t forget to turn it over.

Serve with the following sauce: mayonnaise, finely chopped garlic, finely chopped herbs.

Salute, friends! The long-awaited warm season has arrived and summer is almost here, which means barbecue season is already in full swing! So today we will cook this appetizer on coals, but not traditionally from meat, but from mushrooms. Having tried this side dish once, now not a single picnic is complete without this dish, tender and juicy in taste, just soak it in different marinades!

Therefore, if you don’t yet know how to marinate champignons for frying on the grill, I recommend reading this collection of recipes for mushroom kebab. The appetizer is prepared very quickly, you just need to take into account the time for soaking in the sauce and it turns out very tasty, it flies off the table faster than the meat! And if you add vegetables to the mushrooms on a skewer, you’ll get a separate, independent dish! Believe me, the aroma alone drives you crazy, not to mention the taste...

How to cook champignons on the grill with mayonnaise

It turns out to be a very tasty snack, and the aroma is simply magical! If you are going on a picnic and will be roasting meat over a fire, I highly recommend preparing champignons - this is a killer dish, and lovers of this product will be indescribably delighted!

Required ingredients:

  • Champignons - 350 gr.
  • Mayonnaise (homemade) - 2 tbsp. lie
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp. lie
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Cooking process:

1. Mushrooms need medium size. First we need to clean them well from the soil and rinse them, then place them on a kitchen towel to dry them from moisture.

2. Now let's start preparing the marinade. Add a tablespoon of soy sauce, half a teaspoon of salt, ground black pepper to taste and 2 tablespoons of homemade mayonnaise to the bowl, mix everything carefully.

3. Now I’ll reveal a little trick. We will marinate our future appetizer in a plastic bag - it’s very convenient, quick and not troublesome, since you don’t need to dirty additional dishes and hands, and then wash everything. Place the sauce in a bag.

4. Next we send the champignons, tie the bag and shake it well and turn it over so that all the “white comrades” are dipped in the marinade, then leave for 1 hour without untying the plastic bag.

5. After time, string it onto skewers and send it to the coals. Turn over to the other side every 2 minutes, when the mushrooms slide easily on the skewer, the appetizer is ready!

If you have a large company, I advise you to increase the amount of ingredients several times, since this dish is eaten faster than meat!

Bon appetit!

Spicy marinade with soy sauce

Our next version of the marinade is without mayonnaise with the addition of soy sauce; the finished snack also turns out great, juicy and aromatic. The smell is crazy and I'm not exaggerating!


1. Clean the champignons and rinse thoroughly, dry them on a paper towel to remove moisture. Transfer to a deep container in which we will marinate.

2. Now we need to add 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.

Vegetable oil can be safely replaced with olive oil.

3. Then add 1-1.5 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, sprinkle with 2 teaspoons of mushroom seasoning and mix. If desired, you can sprinkle a little black pepper. The seasoning can also be replaced based on your taste preferences, for example, hops - suneli. I don't add salt because soy sauce is salty.

4. Stir so that each mushroom is in the marinade and set aside for at least 1 hour so that our champignons are properly soaked.

5. As soon as the fire has burned out and is ready for frying, carefully thread each mushroom onto a skewer and send it to fry, turning it over from time to time.

6. Cooking time usually takes 10-20 minutes. We check the readiness with a skewer and if the vegetarian kebab is ready, it will be soft and slide easily on the skewer. Remove from the coals and treat the company to a delicious snack!

A simple recipe with lard

And now I will share with you a real delicacy - mushrooms over a fire with lard, it’s something incredible. Lard lovers will appreciate this recipe...


  • Champignons - 500 gr.
  • Lard - 250 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Wine vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mixed peppers - to taste

Cooking technology:

1. To prepare this dish, you only need caps so that the mushroom and lard fit tightly to each other. And if there are legs, then each ingredient will be on the skewer separately, and we should not allow this.

2. To be honest, you don’t have to marinate the mushrooms at all, just season them with salt and pepper and you’ll be delicious, but I still often experiment. I really like the classic combination of wine vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and pepper, that’s all the ingredients, and the taste of the finished snack is simply amazing! After the mushrooms have been marinated, we leave them for 20-30 minutes, although if they sit overnight nothing bad will happen.

3. Then we need to alternately thread the caps and lard onto skewers. Please note that the lard should be slightly larger than the mushroom cap; if the piece is much larger, it will start to burn on the fire.

Important! You can cook the dish on skewers, but they must first be soaked in water so that they do not change shape during cooking and do not burn.

This kind of kebab is prepared very quickly, but you need to focus on the lard; as soon as it becomes squishy and melted fat begins to drip, the appetizer is ready! And yes, do not forget to periodically turn the skewers. If you are a fan of fried foods, then just keep the mushrooms on the coals a little longer.

Voila! The highlight of the program, or rather the picnic, is ready...

Spicy kebab with aromatic herbs

This dish is a real find for our family, we love mushrooms very much, and when cooked over coals they are simply indescribably tasty, juicy and very aromatic, tender and juicy!


  • Champignons – 1 kg
  • Olive oil - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Provençal herbs (dry) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Lemon pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon (without top)

Cooking technology:

1. Wash the mushrooms, peel the caps and dry them.

2. Let's move on to marinating. Add Provencal herbs, salt, lemon pepper, pressed garlic to the champignons, you can also sprinkle a little with a mixture of peppers. Then carefully mix so that all the “highlights of the program” are covered with the marinade and are not damaged.

3. Cover with cling film and leave for at least an hour so that everything is thoroughly soaked.

4. Now it’s time to string it on skewers and send it to the fire, which should be exactly the same as for meat.

5. It’s difficult to say the exact frying time, since it all depends on the size of the caps and the temperature of the coals, but approximately up to 15 minutes, the main thing is to make sure that nothing burns, but only browns.

That's it, our dish is ready, simple and delicious!

All that remains is to sprinkle with chopped herbs and treat the family!

Chinese marinade with vinegar

In fact, this is a simple recipe despite the name, but the list of ingredients is a little wider than in previous versions of this snack.

Required Products:

  • Fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 1 kg.
  • Vinegar 6% - 1 teaspoon
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil (refined) - 50 ml.
  • Soy sauce - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves


1. Prepare the mushrooms, I won’t stop here; the recipes have already been mentioned above.

2. Add refined oil, soy sauce to a deep bowl, and pass garlic, mustard, and mayonnaise through a garlic press. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

If desired, mustard can be replaced with grain mustard.

3. Add the prepared marinade to the champignons and mix well so that all the caps are in the sauce and leave for 1 hour.

4. Now all that remains is to fry the mushrooms on the grill, although this recipe is perfect for the oven or air fryer.

Bon appetit!

Cooking a side dish on the fire with cheese and bacon

I would like to offer an interesting recipe for a side dish that a friend of mine shared with me. The appetizer is very interesting, pay attention to it, it can be prepared not only at a picnic, but also served on a festive table. Everyone will be delighted with the treat!


  • Champignons (medium size) - 10 pcs.
  • Bacon - 10 slices
  • Cream cheese - 10 teaspoons

Cooking process:

1. To prepare this dish we need large mushrooms, you’ll find out why a little later. We rinse them under running water and give them time to dry. We separate the legs and put them aside, we only need the caps.

If possible, peel the caps, as this is where the greatest concentration of microorganisms (microbes) is located.

2. Now we need to fill each mushroom with 1 teaspoon of cheese. If you don't have cream at home, grate hard cheese.

3. Then place each stuffed cap on a strip of bacon and wrap it, securing it with a toothpick. It turns out to be a mushroom in bacon.

Important! To prevent toothpicks from burning, keep them in water for a while.

4. Using this method, you need to wrap each champignon.

5. Pre-ignite the coals and wait for them to burn out. To prepare this dish, we will need a barbecue grill; if you don’t have one at hand, you can place a regular grill on the grill. Now place the bacon-wrapped pieces on the grill.

6. Fry the mushroom caps on each side for up to 10 minutes, until the bacon is browned.

That's all! A great appetizer is ready! Treat your guests, they will be delighted, and get ready to hear a lot of culinary compliments!

Video on how to cook shish kebab from champignons and vegetables on the grill

A great, simple dish that cooks quickly and tastes magical. The main secret of cooking is fresh young vegetables. An appetizing kebab can serve as a side dish or served as a separate dish, then don’t forget to add pickled onions.

I suggest you watch how to cook champignons over a fire with tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini and corn in the video, where the author shows in detail. It takes only a few minutes.

Well, the vegetable traffic light looks very tasty and appetizing, doesn’t it?

That's all for me!

I tried different versions of mushroom kebabs: I alternated mushrooms and meat, mushrooms with vegetables, whole mushrooms with whole small onions. Everything is delicious! But this option - shashlik of champignons with lard - became a favorite in my family. I think this is simply explained.

Firstly, we know that champignons themselves do not have a pronounced aroma and taste, so it is very easy to “lose” the mushroom component in any dish.

Secondly, champignons are one of the lowest-calorie foods; these mushrooms do not contain any fat. This means that the fat, which will give off lard in the process, will only enrich the taste of the kebab. Shall we try?

For mushroom kebabs, I bought champignons that were approximately the same size. It is very convenient when we use fresh lard. You can immediately cut into the desired pieces, grate with salt and thread on a skewer. I usually buy lard in advance, so I lightly sprinkle the lard with salt and put it in the refrigerator. The result will be lightly salted lard. Either option will do.

For such kebabs, I only use champignon caps. This is done so that the lard and the mushroom fit tightly together. If you leave the mushroom stems, then such contact will definitely not happen. And there will be not a duet of champignons and lard, but a solo of each separately.

Mushrooms for barbecue do not need to be marinated at all. Just wash it well. But you can also experiment with marinades. My favorite marinade for mushrooms is the classic one: vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. This marinade, in my opinion, does not spoil the real taste of the mushrooms. But changes are also possible: for example, this time I marinated it in vegetable oil, a drop of wine vinegar, salt and a mixture of peppers. It was the wine vinegar that gave the marinade a brown tint. The main thing is not to overdo it with vinegar!

Mushrooms in the marinade can stand for 15-30 minutes or a day. Therefore, consider what is most convenient for you to do.

Now it’s a matter of technique: you just need to alternately string the champignon caps and pieces of lard. However, there are many options here too.

You can string them onto wooden skewers to fry these kebabs on the grill. There's a little trick here. First you need to soak the skewers in water, this will ensure that their shape is preserved over an open fire and they will not bake on their own. And one more thing: you should string fragile mushroom caps with the blunt end of a wooden skewer, in this case they will practically not crack.

Or you can use the classic version: string mushrooms and lard onto skewers. You need to choose thin skewers that will not crumble the mushrooms. Note that the pieces of lard should be only slightly larger than the mushrooms. There is no need to enlarge the pieces of lard too much, otherwise they will start to burn on the fire.

Mushroom kebabs are fried very quickly. Considering that, in my opinion, the most delicious champignons are raw champignons, the mushrooms will be ready almost immediately (especially after marinating!). So, the main focus is on lard. When the lard becomes melted, heavy drops of melted fat begin to drip from it, the kebab can be considered ready. If you like both lard and mushrooms to be a little fried, then keep these kebabs on the fire longer.

Today I suggest you return to the topic of picnic recipes and cook marinated champignons on the grill. You can believe me, these mushrooms turn out much tastier than those that are simply fried in a frying pan. And if you are cooking or, then such a dish will be an excellent addition to fried meat.

Yes, in fact, grilled champignons themselves are very tasty: I have friends who are vegetarians, so for them this dish is a real find when we go on a picnic together. And those who fast will really like this recipe.

There is nothing difficult or impossible about preparing such mushrooms. But if you have never fried them on coals before, I advise you to carefully read my recipe: I will tell you how to marinate champignons for the grill, and how to fry champignons on the grill correctly so that they turn out tasty and juicy.


  • 1 kg of champignons;
  • 5-6 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of dry Provençal herbs;
  • 0.5 tsp lemon pepper;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of pepper mixture;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt - without top.

How to cook champignons on the grill:

For champignon shish kebab on the grill, we select mushrooms that are fresh, elastic and approximately the same size - so that they cook at the same time. We thoroughly wash the selected champignons under running cold water and remove any debris. If there are any areas of soil left on the legs, cut them off. Dry the mushrooms with a paper towel.

Now let's move on to the marinade for mushrooms on the grill. To the champignons add garlic, passed through a garlic press, soy sauce, salt, a mixture of peppers and lemon pepper, and dry Provençal herbs.

Mix carefully and thoroughly, trying to ensure that the marinade is evenly distributed over the surface of the mushrooms and that the mushrooms themselves are not damaged.

Cover the bowl with mushrooms with cling film and set aside for two hours so that the marinade is absorbed.

Then we string the marinated champignons onto skewers and start frying the champignons on the grill. The coals for mushrooms should be the same as for barbecue.

It’s difficult to say exactly how long to fry champignons on the grill - it depends on the size of the mushrooms and the heat of the coals... But usually it takes us 10-15 minutes.

Serve the champignons immediately; they taste better when they are hot than when they are cold.

Hello, my dear cooks. Now it's time for fun picnics. But outdoor recreation is simply unthinkable without delicious barbecue. By the way, it doesn’t have to be meat. They prepare fish, vegetable and even mushroom. Let's talk about the latter today. I will tell you how to marinate champignons for barbecue and cook them deliciously.

Agree that the quality of the ingredients used plays a key role in preparing a delicious meal. Therefore, I want to devote literally a few lines to the choice of mushrooms.

Before purchasing champignons, make sure they are fresh. Avoid buying withered ones. Fresh mushrooms should be dense and elastic. For barbecue on skewers, it is better to purchase large or medium-sized champignons. With small mushrooms you will only suffer, in the end nothing good will come of it.

Try to cook champignons immediately after purchasing. But if this is not possible, sprinkle the mushrooms with lemon juice and wrap them in cling film. And then put it in the cold.

When you thread the mushrooms onto the skewers, press them down gently. Make a puncture in the middle of the cap, and when a crack appears there, thread the mushroom through. Yes, ordinary skewers are not suitable for mushroom kebabs. You will need special thin ones or cook on a barbecue grill.

Also, mushrooms need medium heat. They don't like strong fire.

Recipes for marinades for mushroom kebabs

There are many options for how to properly cook champignons. From simple ones - mushrooms in mayonnaise - to exotic ones. I tried to collect the most delicious options here. And to whet your appetite, I’ve added delicious photos to the recipes 😉

With mayonnaise in the oven on skewers

This pickling method can be used all year round. Imagine, there is a blizzard outside, and you have mushroom kebab cooking in the oven! Moreover, its aroma is exactly the same as that of something cooked over a fire.

For this yummy you will need:

  • mushrooms;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • a little vegetable oil (optional);
  • wooden skewers.

I don’t indicate the number of ingredients - everything is approximate. Thread the prepared champignons onto skewers. Then generously grease them with mayonnaise and add a good amount of salt.

Grease a baking sheet with oil (this is optional) and place skewers with champignons on it. Ideally, such kebab is best cooked in the “grill” mode at a temperature of 200 degrees. But if this is not possible, we simply cook it in the oven. Preheat it to 230 degrees and place the baking sheet there for a quarter of an hour. And don’t forget to turn the skewers: you will have to do this 1-2 times during cooking.

Marinade for mushrooms on the grill

This kebab is tender, with a bright creamy taste. For 1 kilo of mushrooms you will need the following components:

  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 150 ml sour cream 20% fat;
  • 4 tbsp soy sauce;
  • 1 bunch of fresh dill,
  • spices - black pepper and Provençal herbs.

We prepare the champignons. Then we start preparing the marinade. Mix soy sauce with sour cream, spices and chopped garlic. Finely chop the dill and add it to the mass. Pour the marinade into the mushrooms and mix everything well. Next, let the mushrooms marinate for 40-50 minutes so that the spices open up.

We will fry on coals. We string the mushrooms onto skewers, which we place on the grill. Cooking time is 10 minutes. Don't forget to turn the champignons frequently during frying.

Cooking in oil

This is an express recipe for those in a hurry. But it turns out very tasty. For 40 large champignons, take 250 grams of oil and 15 grams of ground red paprika. Mix oil and paprika in a bowl. Thread mushrooms onto skewers. And start marinating them just before putting them on the grill.

Using a brush, coat each mushroom on the skewer with the marinade. Then add salt. Cook over medium heat, turning them occasionally. If there is any marinade left, brush the mushrooms with it during the frying process.

As you can see, everything is very simple. And here is the video. Look and lick your lips :)

In the oven with lemon and soy sauce

It will take you 15 minutes to marinate the mushrooms. And they will cook in the oven for the same amount of time. Well, a really quick recipe. Although the dish is eaten even faster :)

You will need:

  • 300 g champignons;
  • 2 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 1 bunch of chopped dill;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • ½ tsp. sweet paprika;
  • 1 finely chopped clove of garlic.

Mix all the ingredients of the marinade in a bowl and pour into a bag. Place the washed mushrooms there and tie the bag tightly. Then gently shake it - each mushroom should be saturated with sauce. Leave it all for a quarter of an hour.

Meanwhile, soak the skewers in water and preheat the oven to 230 degrees. As time passes, start threading the marinated champignons onto skewers. Place mushroom skewers on a baking dish. This way, the juice from the mushrooms will not spread on the baking sheet, and you won’t have to wash it out later. Bake this kebab for 13-15 minutes.

Cooking mushrooms on charcoal with soy sauce and mayonnaise

The recipe for this kebab is:

  • 350 g of champignons after processing;
  • 1 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • 2-3 tbsp. .

Combine soy sauce with mayonnaise. Salt and pepper this mass, and then mix everything thoroughly. The marinade is ready. Pour it into the bag. If the bags are fragile, put one inside the other. Send the champignons there. Tie the bag and roll thoroughly. Leave for an hour or two. Then, as usual, skewer and fry, turning occasionally.

Grilled champignons in tangerine marinade

For 500 grams of fresh mushrooms, take:

  • 50 ml soy sauce;
  • 2 tangerines;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1.5 tsp. dried oregano;
  • pepper + salt.

Naturally, we prepare the champignons in advance. Chop 3 cloves of garlic and add to the mushrooms. We also send soy sauce and oregano there. Squeeze the juice from 2 tangerines and add to all other ingredients. If there are no tangerines, no problem. The shish kebab is not canceled - just replace the tangerines with lemon. Mix all ingredients well and leave for 15 minutes.

Place the champignons on skewers and fry over very hot coals for no more than 2 minutes. After fried, add salt and pepper. That's all, the most important task remains - it all needs to be devoured.

Spicy “Chinese” marinade

If you love spicy things, be sure to try this option for preparing mushroom kebab. I’ll tell you a secret that this marinade is suitable not only for champignons. You can also marinate meat in it.

Prepare for a kilo of champignons:

  • 1 tsp 6% vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;
  • 6 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp mustard.

Mix chopped garlic with sauce, mustard, oil, mayonnaise and vinegar. Then we place pre-prepared mushrooms into this aromatic mixture. And put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

Then thread the mushrooms onto skewers or place them on the barbecue grill. If you cook shish kebab on open coals, you will have to fry it for up to 10 minutes. The cooking time for “Chinese” barbecue on the grill will be about 20 minutes.

With cream and seasonings

If you make it at home in the oven, prepare long wooden skewers. And if you’re outdoors, take a skewer.

For 4 pcs. large champignons you will need:

  • 70 g cream 33% (or mayonnaise);
  • 4 strips of bacon;
  • salt and seasonings

In a bowl, mix cream with seasonings. If the bacon is salty, add very little salt. Add the washed mushrooms and roll them in the creamy mixture. This will make them softer. Leave for 20 minutes.

Afterwards, wrap each mushroom in a strip of bacon and pierce it with a skewer. One skewer will fit 2 large champignons. Hang the kebabs over a baking sheet with some water poured into it. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 175 0 C. water (there is 91 g of it per 100 g of product).

This product is incredibly useful. It has a beneficial effect on brain function, preventing the development of senile dementia. Champignons also reduce the number and intensity of headache attacks.

This product is useful for vision, hair, skin and nails. Since the proteins it contains easily break down sugars and... It has been scientifically proven that these champignons help prevent the development of diabetes. Plus, excellent antioxidants, having a beneficial effect on the nervous system. So, eat champignons and you will be calm like a boa constrictor 😉

And of course, this is an excellent dietary product that is allowed in most well-known diets.

Additional Tricks

If you have time, try cooking stuffed mushrooms over coals. To do this, you need to remove the stem of each mushroom and stuff the cap. As a filling, I recommend using a mixture of grated cheese mixed with herbs, dry garlic, pepper and salt. This delicacy should be simmered on a grill over medium coals without turning over. It turns out very tasty.

You can cook pickled mushrooms with other vegetables. Try, stringing them on a skewer, alternating champignons with cherry tomatoes and onion rings. And then fry it all on coals. It will turn out very tasty.