Knight of Wands plane. Relationship card. Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

Straight position

In the event that the Knight of Wands falls upright, the card symbolizes a person - a fighter. He is always ready to defend his interests, without fear of related problems and the machinations of competitors. At the same time, he is a romantic, everything in life is interesting to him. Loves arguments and competitions. He does not think for a long time, but prefers to act actively and enthusiastically to ensure that his goals are achieved. Not afraid to take risks.

The fortuneteller creates a fuss around himself. He wants to see immediate results from his work. Waiting and thinking are not for him. Typically, these people like to do business and sports. They travel often. It's easy for those around them. Having a sense of humor and easy response to troubles, they are open to new ideas. They are generous and impulsive. Among them are many managers and trade union leaders. They are all strong, passionate, active.

Inverted position

The Knight of Wands in reverse warns of unnecessary risks. The card speaks of such character traits of the fortuneteller as: frivolity, recklessness, a tendency to dubious adventures, excessive haste, jealousy, and suspicion.

It is no coincidence that failures occurred. This is no one's fault. The man himself provoked them with his rash actions. The card advises you to look at yourself from the outside and reconsider your life goals radically, otherwise the troubles will only get worse. This person is prone to lying. It may happen that he too will be deceived. We need to think about this.

Knight of Wands: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Straight position

If we consider love and relationships, the card denotes strong sexual energy, pleasure from satisfying sexual fantasies, and emotionality. The Knight of Wands symbolizes a temperamental person who is waiting for changes in the love sphere.

Perhaps a new object of love will appear. You will have to choose between already established relationships and uncertain, foggy prospects. If you deceive your partner, it will not lead to anything good. As they say, you can’t sit on two chairs.
Inverted position

When an inverted card appears, this may mean that the fortuneteller often falls in love. He tends to have affairs with the opposite sex. Often, relationships do not oblige you to anything. Constantly changing partners brings dissatisfaction and spiritual emptiness. Often this person thinks only about himself and his desires.

Alternatively, the Knight of Wands warns of a fading relationship with a partner who is currently nearby. You shouldn't be around out of pity. If you break up, you can find happiness with a new chosen one. The card also speaks of a tendency to be very protective of your loved one.

Knight of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Question

Straight position

When the Knight of Wands appears in a situation, and the card is in an upright position, new opportunities open up in the career of this person. He can safely show all his positive sides, implementing creative ideas. Management will undoubtedly appreciate such an employee. His creative ideas may go further and he may want to change jobs.

Right now is a good time. Everything will turn out great. Changes are coming in the life of a fortuneteller. It is possible to move to a new home. A new love affair and a new job are not excluded. A person may also be inspired and want to realize his ideas.

Business trips and travel to another country are also possible. Everything will work out well. A new type of activity, or a trip, is favorable for the fortuneteller to stay away from his problems and be able to think about his life plans.

If you recently had a quarrel with someone, this is another reason for loneliness. If you have a vacation coming up, the time spent on the seaside will be fun and carefree. A meeting with a beautiful stranger (stranger) can radically change the fate of a fortuneteller. A casual acquaintance can develop into a strong marriage.

Inverted position

A fortuneteller, if the Knight of Wands falls in an inverted position, is in for trouble. He is currently under stress. Troubles at work, in relationships with a partner, health problems - all this can unsettle anyone.

A person, worrying and worrying, can make the situation even worse. We must try to control ourselves. As for love relationships, the coldness of a partner can inspire thoughts of breaking up the relationship. There is no need to get excited, because if you pay maximum attention to each other and go on vacation together, the fervor of your previous feelings can be returned.

You shouldn’t forget about the sexual sphere. The card warns against marriage. Discord is possible in the team due to the fact that each employee wants to seem indispensable. The fortuneteller does not have a feeling of satisfaction from fulfilling his professional duties. It seems to him that he is out of place.

Knight of Wands: Card of the Day Meaning

It will not be easy for a fortuneteller on this day. Perhaps you have to show yourself to others not from your best side. This could be a quarrel or trouble. On this day you should not start new things and implement your plans. Other days are suitable for this.

If you keep your emotions under control, the fortuneteller can avoid many problems. No matter what happens today, you should remain calm.

A person cannot avoid taking risks on this day. The situation will not turn out the way the fortuneteller wants. There is no need to be upset about this, because difficulties along the path of life strengthen and enable a person to become stronger.

In a difficult matter, you will have to show all your positive sides. The card advises not to tell anyone about plans for the future, so that everything planned is successfully accomplished.

Knight of Wands: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

stupid impulse, hasty actions

Ace of Wands

light up; flare up; give in to a momentary desire

Ace of Cups

love adventure

Ace of Swords

an ardent desire to carry out a plan

Ace of Pentacles

chase a long ruble

crude idea

King of Wands

creative inspiration

King of Cups

seething emotions

King of Swords

conflict with a government official

King of Pentacles

lust for financial power

an attempt to master knowledge at the drop of a hat

Queen of Wands

be filled with creative impulse

Queen of Cups


Queen of Swords

Queen of Pentacles

chasing a rich lady


maternal instinct

Knight of Wands

Knight of Cups

start an affair

Knight of Swords

struggle; burning desire to prove at any cost

Knight of Pentacles

business trip


enthusiasm for work

Page of Wands

moderate the ardor, but add calculation

Page of Cups

eagerly accept the offer

Page of Swords

rush; unexpected showdown

Page of Pentacles

exciting adventure

desire to start a family

Two of Wands

inexperience; stop

Two of Cups

inconsistent relationships

Two of Swords

striving for balance

Two of Pentacles



passion in relationships

Three of Wands

quick but superficial results

Three of Cups

superficial relationships

Three of Swords

to offend in the heat of the moment

Three of Pentacles

professional passion



Four of Wands

catch your luck by the tail

Four of Cups

burnt-out interest

Four of Swords

calm down hot aspirations

Four of Pentacles

disputes over inheritance

a passionate desire to embark on a search for something new

Five of Wands

confusion; inconsistency

Five of Cups

loss due to impulsivity

Five of Swords

hot clash of characters

Five of Pentacles



desire to change your life

Six of Wands

an inspiring idea leading to a goal

Six of Cups

reluctance to return to the familiar or the past

Six of Swords

impulsive desire to give up everything

Six of Pentacles

reward for courage

desire for change; the desire to end the gray everyday life

Seven of Wands

Basic meanings of the card in the upright position:
1. risky person, romantic;
2. power, pressure, determination;
3. sexual relations without obligations;
4. the end or beginning of something significant;
5. impatience;
6. impulsiveness, exaggeration;
7. “I want everything at once”;
8. enthusiasm;
9. extremes;
10. new people;
11. important events;
12. business trips;
13. ambition;
14. sense of humor;
15. sport.

Basic meanings of a card in an inverted position:
1. recklessness (the risk is not justified);
2. forced trip;
3. obstacles;
4. prejudices, suspicion, jealousy.

He is also the Horseman, Knight of Staffs or Warrior of Sceptres.

Here is a man ready for action; he knows that he will have to withstand fierce competition, and he is ready for it. However, he has no intention of harming others; he only wants to establish himself. This is a cowboy, an athlete, an energetic entrepreneur. His horse is ready to rush forward. The rider only needs to let go of the reins.

In astrological terms, this card means a person born in spring (Aries, Taurus, Gemini).

In the upright position - a romantic, ready to take risks for a noble cause. Advice - act; if we are talking about a trip, then go, guided by noble thoughts.

In an inverted position - the risk is not justified, events will turn out completely differently than you expect. The trip (change of place) will be forced.

(E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”)

Other names for the arcana:rider of staves, cavalier of sceptres, warrior of wands.

DESCRIPTION: On this card we see a young knight on a horse. He looks impressive in his shiny armor and feathered helmet. His robe is decorated with salamanders - nature spirits associated with Fire - and his title is Lord of Flame and Lightning. In his right hand he holds a staff or wand. Three mountain peaks can be seen in the distance. Elements: Fire-Fire.

EXPLANATION: This figure embodies energy and dynamism - power, drive and determination to achieve what you want. But the Knight of Wands has an impulsive nature, and often he moves forward too zealously in pursuit of his goals. In terms of romantic relationships, this card may signal the beginning of a sexual relationship in which there is no obligation. However, in a broader sense, this card can indicate that sudden changes are around the corner and that this period could be the beginning or end of something significant.

MEANING OF THE REVERSED CARD: Your work has been interrupted. Some minor obstacles bother you or upset you. Prejudice and suspicion rule the day. Your friend or lover is jealous of you.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT LESSON: We need strength and perseverance to achieve our goals in life, but do we have the patience needed to see our goals come to fruition? We must avoid hasty, impulsive decisions and follow the dictates of our conscience when planning our actions.

(N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step study guide”)

The Horseman of Wands symbolizes warmth and even heat of the soul, manifested in a thirst for life, passion and enthusiasm, but sometimes turning into impatience, increased excitability, impulsiveness and a tendency to exaggeration. Therefore, a lot depends on what area of ​​our life the question asked relates to, because the answer of the card can mean both warming warmth and scorching heat. The impatience expressed by this card means: I want everything and, if possible, everything at once. If it doesn’t work out right away, or we don’t get everything, we get irritated, excited, and become aggressive. However, the internal energy inherent in the Horseman of Wands, in any case, sets in motion entire layers of existence, melts long-standing ice and introduces a fresh stream into long-familiar situations.

JOB: We are consumed by impatience, our strength demands an outlet, and it is very difficult for us to come to terms with the idea that nothing is given immediately, that we need to wait for some time. This may mean that the business itself, the task itself, captivates us very much, but we wanted to start it right away, and when we are forced to wait, our desire “burns out,” and then even the slightest obstacle discourages us from working further. In some other situations, the Horseman of Wands can mean fierce competition or a clash of interests within the team.

CONSCIOUSNESS: Here, the Horseman of Wands means that we are in a phase of self-assertion, defending our beliefs, fighting for ideals, without worrying too much about their practical value - or hoping to entrust their implementation to others. On the other hand, the enthusiasm that we show in this way infects others, and they begin to help us, which, of course, stimulates the work of the entire team. However, in cases where it is necessary to make decisions on which the future of both the team and all its members depends, excessive emotionality and haste can lead to mistakes.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: The flame of love passion - or, conversely, a fierce confrontation. Both can easily lead to extremes. However, where these powerful energies can be combined for a common purpose, they bring magnificent results that you could never achieve alone.

Knight in Tarot

A logical continuation of the situation awaits you. New people and new experiences will appear in your life. Some events are approaching. Restlessness. Energy. Force. Constructive force. Courage. Propensity for change. Movement. Rapid movement. Action. Rush. Ready for battle. Energetic young people. Sedate teenagers. Young people from 18 to 25 years old. Active men. Champions. Seekers. Knight in shining armor. Thirsty for knowledge. The situation at school, college or university.

Figure (character) cards can mean the following.

  • A specific person in your life.
  • Traits of your character or features of your personality.
  • Your sense of self-determination or depth of self-knowledge.
  • The roles you play on the stage of life.
  • Events or situations in the future.
  • Seasons.
  • The qualities you need to develop to successfully deal with different situations.
  • In an inverted position, figure (character) cards can mean the dark sides of your personality or people who act against you.

Figure cards have a double interpretation. On the one hand, they represent those aspects of your personality that are worth paying attention to in a given situation. On the other hand, face cards represent other people. They talk about your relationship with them. When many figure cards appear in a layout, this indicates that many people are involved as participants in a particular situation.

Knight of Wands upright

Key words and phrases: An important event related to your event. New people. New ideas and sensations. Unholy. Reluctance to settle down. Unimportant visitor. Business trip. Constant movement. A change of scenery. Breaking a habit. Fast decision. Swift action. Adventure. Call. Ambition. Charisma. Energy. Love of fun. Sense of humor. Enthusiasm. Optimism. Excitement. Generosity. Love for sports. Athletics classes. Confidence. Foresight. Perspective. Sudden departure. Moving. Flight. Movement. Care. Travel, trip. New job. Vacation. Sexual adventure.

Situation and advice: The spirit of change is in the air. A very important thing will appear in your life. Perhaps you will move to a new place of residence, take up a creative project, or go on a long trip that may be related to your work. It seems that you are trying to escape from an unpleasant person or unpleasant circumstances. The beginning or end of some situation awaits you. An important person from afar may now have a great influence on your life. A job change is likely. Your confidence and enthusiasm will help you achieve your goal. Someone might give you a good business idea. If you are planning to go on vacation, it promises to be an enjoyable one. Excellent development of romantic and sexual relationships awaits you. You are full of energy and enthusiasm.

People: Travelers. Parliamentarians. Disputants. Those who are always on the go. Those who take part in competitions with pleasure. Individualists. Active, persistent, energetic people. People who enjoy life. Prompt young people who act quickly and decisively. Those who don't want to settle down. People involved in a new project. People with a good sense of humor. Those who are always in a hurry. People who love to have fun, for whom it is very difficult to devote themselves to one thing, because they so want to take on everything at once. Athletes. Those who enjoy a challenge. Horny lovers. Hare (from the tale of the hare and the tortoise). Those who call you to new things. People who may be the reason for your departure. Absent people. People whose influence changes your worldview.

Knight of Wands reversed

Key words and phrases: Selfishness. Indecision. Instability. Opportunism. Lack of consistency. Stress. Fast changes. Split. Delay. Stupid rush. Unreliability. Condescending attitude. The desire to argue. Cruelty. Extravagance. Aimlessness. Recklessness. Run in place. Dispute. Lack of energy. Loss of spirit. Confusion. Envy. Disorder. Impermanence. Stopover for one night. Unstable employment. Postponement of trip. Problems with moving or moving. Bang, bam, thank you, madam. Love them and leave them.

Situation and advice: Perhaps all your problems are caused by haste and inconsistency. You don't feel stable at work or in a new project. During this period, you are experiencing stress due to the fact that your life is full of unexpected changes. If you show impatience, persistence, or impose your thoughts, rush things and provoke quarrels, this will only anger those around you and further aggravate the situation. If your question concerned a romantic relationship, then your partner may be indifferent to you; now only the novelty of a sexual relationship can attract him. Marriage is likely for a woman, but most likely unsuccessful.

People: Liars. Those who are carried by the wind. Charming but unreliable people. Young people who love to argue. Lovers of conflict. Fanatics. People leading a chaotic lifestyle. Those who promise a lot but deliver little. Unreliable and irresponsible people. Tramps. Gigolo.

The meaning and inner meaning of the lasso Knight of Wands

Direct interpretation:

  • Departure, Relocation, Removal, Absence, Abandonment, Change, Flight, Desertion, Relocation, Emigration.
  • Moving, Transferring, Transplanting (plants), Transformation, Escape.

Other meanings of the Knight of Wands Tarot in the upright position:

  • energetic, confident, generous and friendly man
  • impermanence, unpredictability, travel abroad, emigration, change of residence, escape
  • lightness, openness, playing to the public, individualism

The key interpretation of the Knight of Wands tarot card is impermanence. The Knight of Wands represents a person who is unpredictable, changing his position, point of view or direction quickly, without warning, abandoning others. However, despite this, his eloquence, charm and sophistication make him popular. As for events, the card speaks of changes in the Client’s environment. Perhaps he will take a short trip or change his place of residence.

The Knight of Wands Tarot card is a friend or relative ready to help the Questioner. He is a young man, but mature in his actions, a man with an almost instinctive understanding of business and financial matters, and this understanding he enhances with knowledge and experience. Moreover, a friend willing to sacrifice himself. In any case, someone whose advice you can trust and whose help you can use in moments of doubt. Travel, change of place of residence or environment.

Interpretation in an inverted position:

Disunion, Discord, Gap, Disagreement, Separation, Partisanship, Divorce, Partition. - Guard, Party. - Quarrel, Dump. - Cut, Segment, Non-continuation, Break.

Other meanings for the reversed Knight of Wands tarot:

  • energetic, generous and friendly, but at the same time extremely impulsive and unpredictable person
  • grumpiness, travel problems, indecisiveness
  • breakup, interference, obstacles, stubbornness, envy, temper, rivalry, threat of dismissal

The reversed Knight of Wands tarot card means that the young man is intolerant and boastful, and constant disagreements are associated with him. Another interpretation speaks of difficulties in interpersonal relationships, unsuccessful travel and property transactions, which is probably caused by the Client’s indecision.

The inverted Knight of Wands tarot foreshadows disputes and discord in your personal life. Breaking of friendship, separation or flight.

Inner meaning

If the Knight of Wands of the Tarot represents a specific person, then this is a young man in whom the Questioner sees a relative or friend ready to help. As in other suits, this character has all the qualities of its symbolic parents; he is honest, not proud and trustworthy; a person who is ready to sacrifice something for you.

If the Knight of Wands tarot card does not represent a specific person, then it indicates a journey or some kind of movement - relocation, change of job, change in personal life


  1. N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning"
  2. E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”
  3. Unknown author "Initial information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf “Tarot Self-Teacher”
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot, plain and simple"


Description of the Tarot card KNIGHT OF WANDS

In most Tarot decks, the Knight of Wands is depicted as a rider who, having saddled a horse, gallops forward. This is a symbol of movement and change.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card KNIGHT OF WANDS in fortune telling and layouts

Direct position of the KNIGHT OF WANDS card

The card indicates active and dynamic progress towards your own goal. Despite the high energy, this activity is in most cases under control and fruitful. The Knight of Wands symbolizes warmth and even heat of the soul, manifested in a thirst for life, passion and enthusiasm, but sometimes turning into impatience, increased excitability, impulsiveness and a tendency to exaggerate. However, the internal energy inherent in the Horseman of Wands, in any case, sets in motion entire layers of existence, melts long-standing ice and introduces a fresh stream into long-familiar situations. To determine the situation, this Arcanum is interpreted in the meaning of an interesting proposal, a new project, which provides an opportunity to reveal one’s talents and abilities and show them from the best side, as well as test one’s own strengths, the extent of courage and resourcefulness.

Reversed position of the KNIGHT OF WANDS card

In an inverted position, the Knight of Staffs card should be perceived as problems associated with movements (trips, business trips, travel); like stubbornness, rivalry, envy.

The meaning and interpretation of the KNIGHT OF WANDS card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Knight of Wands symbolizes readiness for active action, noble risk, enthusiasm in the performance of one’s official and work duties and, of course, a worthy reward for them in the form of a likely promotion and personal growth.

Reversed card position

Here the Horseman of Posokhov card is inconsistency in the performance of one’s official duties, too much trust in any innovations, a tendency to adventure and excessive risk. Often the result of the efforts made does not justify them at all, or is even completely absent. Sometimes the Knight of Wands in an inverted position is interpreted as competition or professional rivalry, discord in the work team, the thirst for power at any cost; as a warning about unsuccessful real estate transactions.

The meaning and interpretation of the KNIGHT OF WANDS card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Health is good, but it needs to be protected, as there is a tendency to injuries and heart problems.

Reversed card position

Increased risk of injury, exacerbation of the disease.

The meaning and interpretation of the KNIGHT OF WANDS card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Knight of Wands is the flame of love passion or, conversely, a fierce confrontation. Both can easily lead to extremes. Often the card symbolizes imminent dramatic changes in the fortuneteller’s environment.

Reversed card position

Inverted, the card symbolizes frivolity of intentions, increased conflict, and the flight of a loved one. In addition, Arcanum can be interpreted as a faded connection between people, alienation, apathy. If a fortuneteller needs advice on choosing a model of behavior with a partner, then the inverted Knight of Wands should be taken as a recommendation not to rush.

The meaning and interpretation of the KNIGHT OF WANDS card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

The Knight of Wands describes a middle-aged man, usually no older than 40–45 years, or a young man, but definitely determined in life. The most common types of activities for him are entrepreneurship, middle management, antiques trading, etc. Character traits: creativity, generosity, honesty, love of freedom.

Reversed card position

As a characteristic of a person, the inverted Horseman of Posokhov denotes extreme impulsiveness, grumpiness and unpredictability of behavior.

Meaning and interpretation of the KNIGHT OF WANDS card as a card of the day

You have a hot day ahead: either your character will make itself felt, and you will want “everything at once,” or you will find yourself in a situation in which passions will be heated to the limit. But even if this is just noise over trifles, today you can give free rein to your feelings and act according to the dictates of your heart. The main thing is not to make far-reaching plans - the day is not suitable for this.

Advice card KNIGHT OF WANDS in fortune telling and layouts

You can hardly do without risk. You shouldn’t count on a smooth, stable development of the situation either. But this should not frighten or upset you, because it is difficulties that build character and allow you to express yourself in the best possible way in a responsible matter.

Minor Arcana Tarot. Wands

Online Tarot readings

Short description

Waite describes the meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot card very sparingly, emphasizing the obvious. He says nothing about the rider's tunic, why it is yellow and what the numerous salamanders that decorate it mean. Waite clarifies that the Knight set off on a non-military mission, leaving us to guess for ourselves that the wand in the rider’s hands is the Herald’s Rod.

The desert landscape with either hills or pyramids in the background is reminiscent of the era of the Crusades, which ended in defeat for the knights of Western Europe. And the Knight’s movement itself is from right to left; the way movement into the past is usually designated. Waite writes: “The movement of a horse is the key to the character of the rider. And from it we can draw a conclusion about the precipitate mood.” The anniversary edition translates this as “expression.” The Sofia Publishing House offers “sharp changes in mood” or “swiftness.” And Google translator gives the options “rashness, haste.” Almost all proposed translation options correspond to the Knight of Wands. However, it is curious what Waite himself meant.

It should be noted that the Knight of Swords looks much more swift than Posokhov.

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  • Passion
  • Sadness
  • Departure
  • Parting
  • Past
  • Jealousy

Key ideas

  • Painful separation
  • Living in the past
  • Obsession with passion
  • To lose, to be deprived, to part

Basic meaning

This is a character of sadness. He sees the world exclusively tragically. Everything that happens only makes the situation worse. He seeks to return to the past, to his Golden Age, which he himself invented.

The Knight of Staffs is often obsessed with some idea. And in order to achieve it, he does not consider anything. But, as a rule, his idea is nothing more than a utopia, a fantasy. There is no solid material foundation under it.

The map can be compared to the waning Moon. Everything diminishes, gets lost, disappears. People break up, relationships end, and you can’t even dream of profit.

Map in relationships

What is the meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot card in relationships? This is a one-man show. But an actor who needs an audience. Otherwise, in front of whom should he play his tragedy?

What does this have to do with a bad, provincial theater. Howling, hand-wringing, pathos and pathos, taken to the point of absurdity. These are very bright personalities. But up close they often become simply unbearable. A femme fatale, a demonic gentleman are typical roles for a card character.

The card may also indicate a break in a relationship, or that the relationship is becoming a thing of the past.

Open - hole card

It is both an open and a closed card. He feels the need to be alone, but at the same time he needs those to whom he will demonstrate his loneliness. One actor theater. But no theater is possible without spectators.

Relationship intensity

The intensity of relations is maintained at the highest level. It is always strain, breakdown, suffering, hand-wringing, pathos and pathos. There are few ordinary feelings. There must be super-feelings, super-experiences.

Map as a scenario for relationships: love, family, relatives, work

What is the meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot card in love? Whatever relationship scenario is played out in this map, this is, first of all, a theatrical production. And at the level of a provincial theater in the worst sense of the word.

Living with this hero is like living on top of a volcano with a bomb in full swing. The only thing that is unknown is when it will explode. A vamp woman, a fatal passion or more modern versions of goths and emo - typical representatives of the Knights of the Staff.

The meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Staffs in all types of relationships - he mercilessly fights with others for emotional dominance. If he manages to win, then those around him are subjected to terrible emotional terror. With enviable regularity, the Knight of the Staff informs them that he is resigning or leaving, or has fallen ill with a terrible fatal disease, or is even going to commit suicide. The best way out in such a situation is to allow the Knight of Staffs to relieve tension without particularly reacting to his theatrical performance. This is the case if those around you are interested in communicating with the Knight of Staffs for one reason or another.

Card in combination with the Major Arcana

Combination of the Knight of Wands with the Major Arcana

  • Combined with Hierophant: Passionate Prayer.
  • In combination with the Hanged Man: Great losses await you.
  • Combined with the Devil: Demons truly threaten your soul.

Psychological condition

The person on the map is in a state of depression, depression, and constant expectation of bad things. And this can manifest itself in two ways. This could be some crying, suffering character, enthusiastically collecting grievances and proudly experiencing them. Pierrot, a white clown, forced to live among those who are unable to understand and appreciate his subtle emotional experiences. Another option is a maniac, a fanatic who, in case of failure, is ready to doom the entire world around him to death and suffering.

The emotional state described by the card practically coincides with its meaning. Sadness, melancholy, suffering, separation, loneliness, turning to the past, pessimistic attitude. Tragedy and sadness.

In combination with the suit of Wands

Knight of Wands combined with the suit of Wands

  • Tarot card Knight of Wands combined with 5 of Wands: Those with whom you deal tend to talk rather than act.
  • Tarot card Knight of Wands combined with 7 of Wands: Determinedly fight ghosts from the past.
  • Tarot card Knight of Wands combined with King of Wands: There is too much emotion in speeches and too few facts.

Knight of Wands in health matters

First of all, the meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot card indicates problems associated with the mental state, depression, hysterics, and a manic state. If the disease already exists, the condition will worsen.

However, it should be remembered that the Knight of Staffs is an extremely suspicious creature and tends to exaggerate the negative.

In combination with the suit of Cups

Knight of Wands combined with the suit of Cups

  • Combined with Ace of Cups: Tears of Joy.
  • Combined with 5 of Cups: Disappointment and grief will be very great.
  • In combination with 10 of Cups: The internal situation in the relationship looks much better than externally.

Business and finance issues

Stability, controllability, controllability

All knights are impulse. Reaction. Kings and queens create situations, and knights react to them. Often instantaneous, but precise. Knights are able to manage the situation, but they are not able to control it. Everything is very unstable. Rare case.

The card indicates that finances are more likely to decrease than increase. Much more attention is paid to the external environment to the detriment of production.

This is a creative, creative person. But he cannot work according to a strict schedule. He definitely needs to “blow off some steam.” Every two months he shouts: “I quit!” But this does not mean that he will quit. This means that he is tired and needs to rest.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

Selling dramas and tragedies. Theatrical hand-wringing: oh, how bad it is for us, it’s hard, give us money urgently! Creating and selling strange things to emphasize individuality. Goths, emo, outrageous things. They do not think about profit, the emphasis is on self-realization. And income is a pleasant by-product. A writer who publishes bestselling horror books, Malevich's Black Square.

General state of finances and trends of changes

Two knights of cups and pentacles are directly associated with profit. They are focused on it now and in the future. Overall the situation is good. The same cannot be said about the Knight of Staffs. Everything about him is painted in gloomy tones, both the future and the present. And the knight of swords is carried by the stream: now to one bank, then to the other. Either he will sell the project profitably, or others will steal and profit.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

He can play with emotions and annoy everyone with hysterics and moral blackmail. “I’m quitting” - every 2 months can end in real dismissal. But, if you’re lucky, your salary will even increase.

In combination with the suit of Swords

Knight of Wands combined with the suit of Swords

  • In combination with the Ace of Swords card: If you are going to part with something, do it decisively.
  • In combination with the 7 of Swords card: What worked before will work now.
  • In combination with the Knight of Swords card: Actions under the influence of passion.

You shouldn't hold back your emotions. If you want to break something, break it.

Card of the day Caution

Other people's emotions are nothing more than the sound of the wind.

In combination with the suit of Pentacles

Knight of Wands combined with the suit of Pentacles

  • In combination with the Ace of Pentacles card: Today's losses will turn into tomorrow's profits.
  • In combination with the card of 2 Pentacles: Emotions easily change their sign to the opposite one.
  • In combination with the card of 9 Pentacles: Do not forget about hardships, having achieved material well-being.

Questions to Ask When Drawing the Knight of Wands

  • What are you running from? What's haunting you?
  • What ghosts haunt your past?
  • What is your passion?
  • What is the reason for your sadness?

When the Knight of Wands appears in a reading, the meaning of the Tarot should be studied especially carefully. This is a mysterious card that can make serious adjustments to the forecast of the situation. As a rule, it indicates a certain man influencing the process, but not always. Let's see how the Knight of Wands (Tarot) is interpreted by the masters and its meaning in combination with other arcana.

Description and inner meaning

The card shows a man dressed in armor. His face is hidden by a helmet. That is, it is not clear whether he is a young man or a mature man. One thing is for sure - she is a strong, responsible, free and self-confident person. Experts are sure: the most intriguing and mysterious lasso in the deck is the Knight of Wands. The meaning of the Tarot, as a rule, depends quite strongly on the issue being examined. In a given situation, cards highlight the subtleties and nuances of behavior and certain traits of the personalities involved in the events. Our lasso points to a man who seriously influences the process. This person knows how to give orders and make others obey. But he doesn’t always act with good intentions. He is ambitious and energetic. He may turn out to be an optimist and adventurer, respecting sports and leading a healthy lifestyle. As a rule, this is a purposeful person, constantly looking for adventure. The man is probably satisfied with his lifestyle. He appears suddenly, like thunder, makes a decision, resolves the situation or, conversely, chaotizes it and disappears into the distance. The Knight of Wands (Tarot) has a rather complex meaning. Its decoding largely depends on the neighboring lasso.

Energy of the Knight of Wands

The lasso does not always point to a specific person. This is the peculiarity of the Tarot deck. Each card has a double (and triple) bottom. If in a specific situation a person cannot appear to whom the Knight of Wands would point, the meaning (Tarot) is determined by the energy of the lasso. A certain force enters life, resistance to which is impossible at this stage. Probably the fortuneteller has no idea about its source. But you have to obey. It should be taken into account that the influence of this force does not always benefit the fortuneteller and other participants in the situation. An external player decided to take advantage of people for his own purposes. Or circumstances develop in such a way that you have to put up with outside pressure for a while. For example, the Knight of Wands (Tarot) has a dual meaning in relationships. On the one hand, the lasso indicates a male partner, friend, relative. On the other hand, it may indicate that the couple is in a critical situation, under pressure, which they are not yet able to resist. The guy was drafted into the army, and the girl had to wait. This is exactly how the Knight of Wands is sometimes interpreted. The meaning of Tarot is multivariate. This should be remembered when deciphering the layouts.

Knight of Wands (Tarot): meaning in relationships

The appearance of our lasso in a love reading in an upright position indicates change. It should be expected that the new person will begin to influence partners, or the man is the Knight of Wands (Tarot). The meaning of lasso in love is complex. If it points to a partner, then that person is quite selfish. He is not always able to seek a compromise with his beloved and take into account her interests. This person is quite demanding. He will have to be accepted as he is. For the sake of a woman, he will not change his principles or give up important matters and projects. Instead, he will open up new horizons for his partner and teach him to perceive the world more comprehensively and freely.

If this lasso does not indicate a partner, it means that the couple is entering a period of conflict, which will lead to the strengthening of the union or its rupture. Probably, a certain person will influence the situation and put the lovers in very difficult conditions. For example, another gentleman, more interesting and attractive (maybe rich), will begin to court the girl. And the behavior of both will determine how their destinies will turn out. The meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot card is always multifaceted. However, one thing is for sure: you won’t be bored. New impressions, deeds, thoughts will force the couple to develop, to understand the meaning of their relationship differently. Sometimes our Knight points to very specific things: a trip to unknown countries, a new friend who will give a lot to both, moving to another area.

Influence on the love alignment of the inverted lasso

It is necessary to prepare for a serious commotion. Quarrels, scandals, aggression - this is what the inverted Knight of Wands portends. The meaning of the Tarot should also be associated with the specific person involved in the situation. If our lasso denotes a man in love, then he is an inconsistent, eccentric, extremely jealous and intemperate person. This is exactly the type who will sort things out with or without reason. He is always dissatisfied with the behavior of his beloved, her girlfriends and friends. Everything causes an explosion of negative emotions. Moreover, he does not go into his pocket for words. Quite an unpleasant person. Probably, the girl should think about whether she should throw in her lot with the brawler. He is capable of ruining the life of even an angel.

It’s bad when the layout ends with the Knight of Wands lasso (reversed). Tarot has a particularly negative meaning in this situation. Most likely, the partners will not be able to cope with the test. They will separate as a result of a scandal caused by the slander of gossips. An inverted lasso at the end of the layout indicates a lack of wisdom and prudence among partners. These people will not be able to come to an agreement or calmly understand what happened. If the Tower is nearby, then both will have to suffer from the mistake. When there is an inverted Moon in the layout, you need to be wary of deception. There is a very envious person nearby who seeks to harm the lovers.

Knight of Wands (Tarot): meaning at work

If the alignment concerned financial affairs or place of service, then our lasso should be perceived positively. He talks about new interesting projects in which the fortuneteller will have to take part. You will probably have to change jobs. But this will only be for the good. In your new place you will meet very promising people from whom you will learn a lot of good things. You should try to objectively and critically perceive the personality that the Knight of Wands (Tarot) points to in the reading. The meaning and interpretation of the combination, of course, depends on the specific conditions and question. Perhaps the lasso talks about a boss or colleague. This person thinks very broadly, does a lot himself and demands from those around him. The entire team lives on his ideas. But he won't be around forever. Ordinary life depresses him. The time will come, and this person will go in search of a new, more interesting situation, society, team. Therefore, you should carefully observe his actions and try to learn from his experience.

Next to the negative lasso, the Knight of Wands portends a thrashing from superiors, a test, an unpleasant situation. It is quite possible that you will clash with representatives of the law. In this case, try to be patient. The outcome of the situation depends on your self-confidence. That is, the lasso suggests that you need to insist on your own, and not succumb to the tricks of officials trying to shift the blame of others onto your head. Sometimes our Knight foreshadows a meeting with a demanding client.

Influence on work and finances of an inverted lasso

Most likely, the fortuneteller has not bothered himself lately with current affairs. Because of this, they found themselves in desolation and disorder. An inverted lasso indicates that you will have to quickly set up and disassemble everything. There will be very little time. There will be bustle, running around, quarrels and discord. The inverted Knight indicates a number of unexpected surprises of the most unpleasant kind that you will have to face. There will probably be changes at work. Some kind of certification or exam for which no one has time to prepare. Or the most important boss will unexpectedly come with an inspection and see how things really are in production. A debriefing will follow with a scolding for all the guilty and innocent. Financial punishment is also very likely. The Five of Pentacles, located near our lasso, will indicate it. The loss of money is predicted by a scenario in which the Moon and the inverted Knight of Wands (Cups) are standing next to each other.

In Tarot, the meaning of figures is multifaceted, as already noted. If you see two inverted knights in a row, it means that the team in which you work is not friendly. Cups in this case represent empty dreams that have no relation to reality. That is, when thunder strikes, you will not understand what is happening. You should not rely on your colleagues; strictly fulfill your duties, no matter how others look at it. The Knight of Wands inverted is unfavorable in a financial scenario. It foretells losses. With the Seven of Pentacles and the Moon - theft. If the Tower is also nearby, it means you will be accused of theft committed by someone else.

Impact on health

In this situation, it is necessary to see in what position the lasso in question fell. This is of utmost importance. Doctor, surgical intervention, absence of problems - this can be the meaning of the Knight of Wands (Tarot) lasso. Health, as a rule, is of interest to those who have some problems. This means that the decoding must be applied to the situation in which the fortuneteller finds himself. The meaning of the lasso (in the upright position) depending on the position:

  • Past – treatment was successful.
  • The present - you need to see a specialist, the disease itself will not go away.
  • Hidden influence - the body copes with the disease itself, as soon as it is helped with preventive measures.
  • Advice - reconsider your lifestyle. If they offer surgery, agree. It will complete successfully.
  • The bottom line is that to cope with problems, you need to play sports and move more.

If the lasso falls in an inverted position, then the forecast is negative. In combination with the Three or Ace of Swords, it speaks of an unsuccessful surgical intervention, an injury that will bring a lot of trouble in the future. If the Tower is nearby, take your health more seriously, it is at risk. But the favorable Major Arcana softens the reversed Knight of Wands. If he is followed by the World, the Empress, the Pope, the Hierophant, then there will be no special problems. By the way, it is believed that the Tarot of Marseilles is interpreted differently. The Knight of Wands also has a negative meaning in this school if it appears upside down. Intervention in the body will be unsuccessful. In the upright position - the disease will be defeated.

Card of the day

This is a very popular fortune telling. If you have our lasso in the upright position for the current period, then get ready for stormy events. They will be positive. There is a meeting with an interesting person ahead, and a pleasant intellectual debate is likely. They will make you a promising offer. It will sound like a bolt from the blue, as you never even dreamed of it. Arcana tip: grab the chance with both hands. If you try, you will get a great result. If negotiations are planned, they will be successful. But you need to be more confident and express your thoughts more clearly. Then you will be a winner. For lovers, this lasso promises some dubious adventure or situation. Probably some handsome knight will try to seduce the girl, which her lover will find out about. This is a provocation and a test. This is how you need to approach the situation. Love is first and foremost trust. If you lose it, then why continue to torment each other?

Arkan is good for business people. It promises successful projects, negotiations, contracts, profits when it appears in an upright position. A person who has many unresolved problems should perk up. The day will bring good luck and pleasant relief. Some kind and influential friend will take some of the burden off his shoulders.

Reversed lasso for today

This is an unfavorable prognosis. If you get the Knight of Wands reversed, try to put off everything important for another time. Do not contact government agencies; no one there will be willing to help or understand your situation. Also, don't get involved in arguments. It is not advisable to respond to aggressive remarks or behavior. It is quite possible that an unexpected quarrel will end in a fight. On this day it is not recommended to attend mass events or drink alcohol. You should expect unpleasant surprises. Colleagues may become angry and quarrel. Don't get involved. Believe me, if you take the position of an observer, you will win. Then you won’t be ashamed of careless words or strange accusations uttered in the heat of a scandal. It is also advisable to spend money very carefully. The reversed Knight of Wands is an adventurer by nature. Its influence will lead to erroneous decisions, unnecessary gains, and losses. On this day it is better to stay at home and not go on the road. The trip will still be unsuccessful.

Combination with other arcana

When deciphering the layout, it is important to look at the neighboring cards. Some of the arcana weaken, while others, on the contrary, strengthen the influence exerted by the Knight of Wands (Tarot). A combination, for example, with a Fool indicates a serious mistake. If it appears in the scenario, then there is no need to decide or do anything. It is also advisable for subordinates to keep an eye on their superiors at work. The manager is ready to expose the entire team with his unreasonable actions. If an inverted Magician is nearby, it means that the idea you are thinking about is still raw. This is not the time to take action to implement it. Everything needs to be analyzed and weighed again. The Six of Swords in combination with our Knight speaks of risk. If it is upside down, then pay for past mistakes. Prepare to be scolded or reprimanded. Arcana that enhance the Knight of Wands:

  • Strength is the desire to look for oneself in a new area (or area).
  • The sun is the desire to gain fame and respect.
  • The Eight of Cups is a wonderful journey.
  • Seven of Pentacles - you will find an idea among the trash, that is, where it cannot exist. Great luck.


When you perform the layout, remember that the Knight of Wands is a complex and multifaceted card. Behind it lies masculine energy, which is about to manifest itself in life. Arcanum pushes to a more active position. Allow yourself a little adventurism. Then the new will quickly find its way into your destiny. Sometimes it is worth opening up to the unknown without fear, realizing your strength and confidence. Such is the Knight of Wands. Even in an inverted position, it encourages the fortuneteller to look at the situation from a different angle and try to look for other ways of behavior. It's time for change. And what they will turn out to be depends not on the cards, but on the person himself. What do you think?

The meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot signifies, first of all, movement. But some nuances can be extremely important when interpreting this card in layouts, so you should study its various aspects as carefully as possible.

In the article:

Knight of Wands Tarot - meaning in readings

The meaning of the Knight of the Staffs Tarot invites the fortuneteller to act. If the question was about a trip, the recommendation of this card is that you need to go, but be guided only by noble thoughts. Vacation or travel will be pleasant if this was the question. It symbolizes dynamism and energy, assertiveness and the desire to achieve a goal. However, do not forget that the Knight of Wands is too impulsive, and sometimes he is too persistent in his aspirations.

The knight wants to get everything at once, he is impatient and full of enthusiasm. If he fails to achieve his goal in a short time, he becomes irritable and even aggressive.

But in any case, the energy of this card is such that it can bring a fresh spirit to any business.

Sometimes the meaning of the Horseman of Wands Tarot foreshadows major changes. Perhaps the current stage of your life is ending, or perhaps it is just beginning. In order to clarify this prediction, it is advisable to look at nearby maps. They can point out the essence of change.

There are chances to get a new and extremely interesting task. There is a high probability of moving, changing jobs or a long business trip. Your journey will probably be an escape from an unpleasant person or circumstances that you would like to put off for a while. Will the situation you are asking about begin or end. The meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot card, if it is found- unjustified risk. What you want to achieve is not worth the risks you are willing to take. Events will turn out for the worst, even if you don't expect it. Another part of the card's meaning is a forced trip or change of place. These changes will not bring joy and will cause stress.

Flipped over The Knight of Wands may indicate that your activities have been interrupted, and you may have to temporarily suspend work on a project in the future. The obstacles will be minor, but their number can seriously frustrate you. Beware of prejudices and excessive suspicion, although if those around you cannot be trusted, then suspicion will not be unnecessary. There is a high probability of problems arising due to haste and inconsistency. Don't rush things and avoid conflicts so as not to aggravate the situation.

What kind of people does the Knight of Wands Tarot card represent?

The meaning of the Knight of Wands Tarot is a person ready for active action and the fight against competitors. He has no intention of harming others, but he needs to strengthen his position and defeat his rivals. This person was born in the spring, according to the horoscope he is Aries, Taurus or Gemini.

Upright The Knight of Wands Tarot card signifies a romantically minded young man who is willing to take risks for what interests him. He loves to argue and compete. This person is active and energetic, he is used to acting decisively and not wasting time waiting. He is constantly in a hurry and cannot devote himself to one thing, because such a person wants everything at once.

As a rule, such people choose entrepreneurial activity. They can get involved in sports and even build a sports career. Sometimes this card indicates that you are dealing with a traveler who rarely strays from his path, or a person who is currently far away. He may be the reason for your departure, and may also be the person who proposes a new business or idea, or influences your worldview and opinion on certain issues.

Flipped over The Knight of Wands is an irresponsible liar. He is attractive and can delight almost any girl, but he cannot be trusted - such a person can promise a lot, but not fulfill a single promise. This guy loves to argue and is very easily drawn into conflict. There is a possibility that he leads a chaotic or completely wandering lifestyle. She may well choose her life partner based on the thickness of her wallet.

Knight of Wands Tarot - meaning in relationships

The Knight of Wands often foreshadows the beginning of a relationship without any obligations between partners. The purpose of such a union is an extremely pleasant pastime. It is difficult to say how this relationship will develop and how far it will go.

In addition, the meaning in a relationship of the Knight of Wands Tarot is a bright and stormy passion or intense confrontation. Both sides of the coin usually lead to extremes. However, this vibrant energy can inspire you to do things that you would never have dared to do.

Flipped over The Knight of Wands says that the fortuneteller is jealous. Despite this, your partner is currently indifferent to you. Now he is attracted only by the physical side of love. Your lover can only be captivated by sexual variety. It is impossible to predict how long this period will last and how it will end. For single women, an inverted card promises an unsuccessful marriage.

Knight of the Staff Tarot - meaning at the level of consciousness

In order to achieve your goal, you need courage, and perseverance will not be superfluous. However, the card advises the questioner to think about whether he has enough patience to bring his plans to the end? Start work only if you can get a positive answer from yourself to this question.

Haste and impulsiveness are your worst enemies at this stage. Avoid rash decisions and spend enough time planning. Follow your conscience as you brainstorm ideas. You should be in harmony and agreement with the latter, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.

The current stage can be called the stage of self-affirmation. You want to stand up for your beliefs and fight for ideals that you feel are worthy. You prefer not to think about the practical value of these beliefs and ideals. However, your enthusiasm supports like-minded people, and this stimulates social activities. But if you have to make an important decision for the entire team, emotionality can become a serious hindrance.

Horseman of Wands Tarot - meaning in the reading for work

With the Horseman of Wands, it means that you suffer from a lack of patience. Your energy needs an outlet. Now it’s too difficult for you to understand that nothing can be done quickly. In order to complete the task you are interested in, you will have to wait. The card recommends being distracted from the process, for example, by playing sports - the energy will find a way out, and you will have the strength to wait.

In addition, the Horseman of Wands may indicate that you may receive an extremely interesting task. You would like to start implementing it immediately, but circumstances force you to wait. This leads to the fact that the desire disappears, and in the future even small obstacles discourage the desire to engage in the project. The recommendation is the same - get distracted by something else and don’t waste your energy in vain.

Sometimes the Horseman of Wands means extremely unpleasant competition or conflicting moods in the team due to the clash of interests of different groups of employees. This situation may be complemented by a lack of stability, and perhaps this is what causes disagreements in the team.

Prince of Wands in the Thoth Tarot

The Prince of Wands in the Thoth Tarot is depicted riding a chariot of fire. The dark features behind her hint at the darkness the Prince leaves behind. Openness, freedom and certainty - this is how you can describe the impression produced by the image of the Prince of Wands in the deck. His nakedness suggests that the Prince feels safe. He has no one to defend himself from.

In the right hand of the Prince of Wands you can see the Phoenix staff, which symbolizes vitality and energy. He is open and completely ready to see the world with fresh eyes. The green color in the flame symbolizes creative endeavors, inspiration and intuitive thinking. There is a lotus on the Prince's chest.

If you believe the interpretation of the Prince of Wands from the Thoth Tarot, this card calls the fortuneteller to action, as in all other versions of the meaning of this card. She says that the fortuneteller has everything to start or continue moving towards the goal. You are ready to take on any challenge and defeat your competitor or rival.

Knight of Wands and combinations in Tarot

The combination of the Knight of Wands Tarot foreshadows a dangerous rush to sort things out. Do not rush to start a quarrel, first try to find out all the pitfalls of this situation. If you “cut in the heat of the moment,” you risk forever losing a dear person or something else that is highly valued by you.

The combination with the King of Swords foreshadows a conflict with a representative of the authorities. You will have to compete with a person who knows the laws well and has a certain amount of power. If the Knight of Wands falls near the Four of Swords, this indicates a division of the inheritance, which will be accompanied by serious disputes.

The combination with the Ten of Pentacles predicts an unexpected return home, most likely forced. But if you have been waiting for departure for a long time, you can only rejoice. If instead of this card there is a Knight of Pentacles, you will have a business trip. When combined with the Chariot, it signifies travel, either for work or for fun and relaxation.

Upright Knight of Wands (Staffs) Tarot

Name: Knight of Wands, Knight of Clubs, Knight of Sceptres, Knight of Staves, Knight of Wands, Horseman of Wands, Prince of Wands, Herald, Conqueror of States, March to the Leader, Lord of the Spirits of Fire. Brunette.

Papus value: Departure, Change, Relocation, Absence, Removal, Flight, Emigration, Desertion, Plant replanting, Transfer, Relocation, Abandonment, Escape.

Interpretation of Tarot cards and wands: The appearance of the Knight of Wands card means that it is time to begin active action or go on a campaign. If your aspirations are noble and your thoughts are pure, then now is the right moment to take action or go on a long-planned journey.

Interpretation of the Knight of Wands (Staffs) Tarot in the upright position

Interpretation: The Knight of Wands Tarot card is interpreted as the beginning of events whose arrival you were really looking forward to. Your efforts to prepare them were not in vain, and events are beginning to gain momentum. This is noticeable not only to you, but also to the people around you.

Minor Arcana Tarot Horseman of Wands is the source of fire and the center of all world energy. For the person to whom this card, also called the Knight of Staves, indicates, no problem will be too difficult or great. Such a person has already appeared in your environment, he is always ready to come to your aid, no task of yours will fail him, any support is not a burden for him, and timely advice is always welcome. He is quite ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his friends and loved ones.

Look around, you will immediately understand who the Knight of Wands is pointing at. This is a romantic person, brave and decisive, always ready to help. His determination sometimes borders on uncompromisingness, but he can neither be called cruel nor aggressive. Narcissism and selfishness are alien to him; he is extremely honest and fair. He is adequate in his actions, ready for the upcoming difficulties, not afraid to face the enemy and fits perfectly into any situation.

Meeting him means the beginning of big changes for you, ranging from a reassessment of values ​​to spiritual rebirth. These changes may involve traveling or even moving to a new place of residence. If the Knight of Wands card appears in your fortune telling, then expect the appearance of a person who will literally take you by the hand and send you on a journey around the world.

Interpretation of the inverted Knight of Wands (staffs) Tarot

Papus value: Gap, Discord, Disunion, Separation, Section, Divorce, Partisanship, Party, Guard, Quarrel, Quarrel, Cut-off, Cut-off, Break, Non-continuation.

Interpretation: The inverted Knight (Horseman) of Tarot Wands is interpreted as unforeseen obstacles and difficulties in realizing your dreams. Your efforts and resources were wasted. If you only intend to start a new business, then the inverted Knight of Wands advises you to abandon the implementation of your plans for now due to the increased risks. If we are talking about forced travel, then you will not be able to avoid it.

If the inverted Horseman of the Tarot Staff points to a specific person, then this person will bring quarrels and discord into your life. He will be the cause of your quarrels with friends or unpleasant situations in the business you have started, right up to its complete cessation.

Knight of Wands (staffs) card of the day

Today you have a hot day ahead of you, choose the right stage for it. Perhaps today your stormy temperament will make itself felt, and you will want to give free rein to your feelings. Passions will be heated to the limit, and you will certainly want everything at once. Although once in your life you can follow your crazy desires and act according to the dictates of your heart. If your emotions require an outlet, go have fun today or embark on some adventure. The main thing today is not to make far-reaching plans; today is not the right day for this.

Horseman of Wands card advice: Once inside the action, speak out boldly and act temperamentally, but it’s better to let it be a fuss over trifles.

Horseman of Wands Card Warning: For your part, avoid ostentatious businesslike behavior and do not create “noise and dust” yourself.

Meaning of the Knight of Wands in the upright position

Creative plans, beauty, energy, courage, enterprise. Traveling, moving, changing jobs or a happy change in your personal life. The card foreshadows the implementation of all your plans. But you can’t relax, the situation requires maximum concentration of all your strength.

The Knight of Wands Tarot is an honest and trustworthy person. Promising relationship with a worthy young man.

  • energetic, confident, generous and friendly man
  • travel abroad, emigration, change of residence
  • lightness, openness, playing to the public, individualism

The Knight of Wands represents an open and confident young man. His eloquence, charm and sophistication make him popular. As for events, the card speaks of changes in the Client’s environment. Perhaps he will take a short trip or change his place of residence.

The Knight of Wands Tarot card is a friend or relative ready to help the Questioner. He is a young man, but mature in his actions, a man with an almost instinctive understanding of business and financial matters, and this understanding he enhances with knowledge and experience. Moreover, a friend willing to sacrifice himself. In any case, someone whose advice you can trust and whose help you can use in moments of doubt. Travel, change of place of residence or environment.

Knight of Wands Reversed Meaning

Unpredictability, inconstancy, lack of positive changes. Quarrel, conflict, deception, heartache. The situation is extremely dangerous; you can be harmed at any moment.

The key meaning of the Knight of Wands tarot card reversed is impermanence and unreliability. The card represents a person who is unpredictable, changing his point of view, direction or sympathy quickly, without warning, abandoning others. Constant quarrels and scandals will be associated with him. It is better not to have anything to do with such a person.

  • energetic, generous and friendly, but at the same time extremely impulsive and unpredictable person
  • grumpiness, travel problems, indecisiveness
  • breakup, interference, obstacles, stubbornness, envy, temper, rivalry, threat of dismissal

The reversed Knight of Wands tarot card means that the young man is intolerant and boastful, and constant disagreements are associated with him. Another interpretation speaks of difficulties in interpersonal relationships, unsuccessful travel and property transactions, which are probably caused by indecision.

The inverted Knight of Wands tarot foreshadows disputes and discord in your personal life. Breaking of friendship, separation or flight.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

If the Knight of Wands of the Tarot represents a specific person, then this is a young man in whom the Questioner sees a relative or friend ready to help. As in other suits, this character has all the qualities of its symbolic parents; he is honest, not proud and trustworthy; a person who is ready to sacrifice something for you.

If the Knight of Wands tarot card does not represent a specific person, then it indicates a journey or some kind of movement - a move, a change of job, a change in personal life.