Planting, growing and propagating chives. Caring for perennial onions in the fall Sowing chives seeds

Schnitty - onion - is a perennial frost-resistant plant. Chives - onions have other names - chives (cut off the feather) and onions - skoroda (soon to be born). It has beautiful red-violet inflorescences and dense foliage, small awl-shaped tubular thin leaves with a diameter of 3-4 mm and a length of 30-35 cm, tender and tasty. The bulbs are very small.

Onions grow early in the spring and branch strongly. In the first year, a bush of 3-4 plants is formed, and in the second year - of 20 plants. Propagated vegetatively - by dividing the bush and seeds. It grows in one place for 4-5 years. Chives - onions are grown in order to obtain a green feather, periodically cutting from early spring to late autumn.

It differs from other types of onions in the rapid growth of feathers.

Green feathers are cut off at a young age, when they reach a height of 20-25 cm, and after 7-10 days new ones grow. Sowing chives in the garden, and in the winter - on the windowsill, allows you to have tasty and healthy green onions all year round.

Pre-sowing preparation

Seeds for seedlings are sown before winter or early spring (March). In both cases, 10-16 seeds are sown per hole. The holes are located in the row every 20-25 cm, and the rows - every 25-30 cm. The seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5 - 1 cm.

The seedlings should be fed twice with a solution, 1 liter of which contains 1 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride and 1.5 g of superphosphate. The seedlings are watered after 1-3 days.


Chives are propagated by seeds, which are sown in the ground in early spring or before winter, and by dividing perennial bushes into small sods containing eight to ten shoots with bulbous thickenings and roots.

Plant parts of the bush at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other in a row and 30-50 cm between rows. When planting, the upper part of the feathers and roots are cut off by 1/3. The best planting time is early spring or late August.

The holes prepared for planting are watered with water at the rate of 0.5 - 1 liter per hole, then chives and onion plants are planted in them not lower than the level at which they were before dividing the bushes. The plants are lightly squeezed and then covered with soil. After planting, they are watered 1-2 times a week (10 l/m²).

When propagating onions by seeds, they are sown in furrows to a depth of 2 cm at the rate of 1-1.5 g/m². After sowing, it is better to mulch the rows with peat or humus. To make the seeds germinate faster, they can be pre-soaked in running water for 18-24 hours. Then they are slightly dried and sown.


Caring for chives is the same as for other onions (weeding, watering, fertilizing, and also loosening the rows at least 8-10 times during the growing season). A layer of soil 5-6 cm thick should always be loose, then moisture is better retained and plants grow faster.

The seed plants are also fed 2 times: the first time in the spring, as soon as the shoots appear, with the same composition as the seedlings, the second time - before flowering. If the plantings are covered with plastic wrap, the green onion harvest can be obtained 7-10 days earlier.

During the growth period, young plants need nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, which are applied in the phase of two to three true leaves at the rate of 10 g of each per 1 m².

It is best to fertilize after rain or watering. You can combine it with watering, dissolving fertilizers in 10 liters of water. After applying fertilizer, the area is watered again with clean water.

Leaves for food consumption are cut off in the second year of plant life (from May 10-15 to September 15). Leaves are not cut off from plants left for seeds. Areas designated for cutting leaves need to be watered more often. This promotes the formation of tender, juicy leaves and thickening of plants.

If you want to have green onions on your table every day, plant eleven rows of chives in the garden bed (the length of the row should correspond to the family’s daily needs).

Upon reaching a height of 20-25 cm, cut off the feather in the first row, the next day - in the second, etc. The eleventh row is not touched, leaving it for seeds. After 10 days, the onions in the first row can be cut again. A continuous conveyor is being learned.

In early spring (early March), the overwintered onion bed is lightly sprinkled with peat so that the snow melts faster, and covered with film, which will speed up the regrowth of feathers by 2-3 weeks.

After 4-5 years, the chives and onions are transplanted to a new location in the fall by dividing the bushes. This is a convenient way to propagate chives. If this is not possible, then the seeds are sown before winter or in early spring (March) for seedlings.

Chives can be grown at home in late fall and throughout the winter. To do this, turf 8-10 cm thick from perennial plants with the onset of cold weather in October - November is transferred to heated greenhouses, placed closely together and watered.

Under such conditions, leaves begin to grow relatively quickly. Small sods 5-6 cm thick can be planted in ceramic pots, watered and placed on the windowsill. As the leaves grow, they are cut off. The chives are very tender, juicy and aromatic. It is used as a seasoning for soups, a filling for pies, and served with meat and fish.


At the end of June - July, when the testes turn brown, they are cut off and dried, spread on linen or paper, and then threshed and ventilated.

In September (but later than the beginning of October), a feather is cut off from a seed row, the plants are dug up, the bushes are divided, the roots are cut by 1/3, and they are planted in boxes for growing green feathers in the winter on the windowsill.

The feather is cut off before frost. When frost occurs, cut off the entire onion so that it does not interfere with earlier regrowth in the spring.

Nutritional value, chemical composition

Chives leaves are distinguished by a high content of vitamin C, carotene, carbohydrates, sugar, proteins, phytoncides, they contain up to 18% dry matter. In terms of nutritional and dietary value, this onion surpasses all other types of onions.

Chives - onions are used as an anthelmintic and strong antiscorbutic agent; they are successfully used in the fight against atheresclerosis.


Growing chives

Chives or spring onions are a perennial herbaceous plant with small elongated false bulbs up to 1 cm in diameter, covered with brown, paper-like shells. Such onions are often grown by gardeners. To know how to grow this onion correctly, you need to know what type of onion you grow.
Chives come in 2 varieties:

  • Central Russian,
  • Siberian.

Central Russian chives are characterized by strong bushiness and rapid growth of leaves, which become coarser within 3-4 weeks after growth. Siberian onions grow later. Its leaves are larger and do not become coarse for a long time (up to 45-60 days). Often chives are grown not as a vegetable crop, but as an ornamental, medicinal and melliferous plant.

Schnitt is cold-resistant and tolerates even snowless winters (seedlings can withstand frosts down to minus 4 degrees). This onion loves moist soil, is light-loving, but also tolerates light partial shade. Onions are easy to grow. In spring, when the temperature rises above 10 degrees, onion shoots appear in 11-20 days.

When sown with seeds in the first year of life, only 2-4 small bulbs with 5-6 leaves are formed, and chives bloom in the second year of life.

Perennial plants grow in the second ten days of April, bloom in late May-early June, bloom for an average of one month. The seeds of chives ripen in the second half of July and early August.

Schnitt grows quite quickly. A two-year-old onion of the Central Russian variety, as a rule, consists of 12-26 plants, a 3-year-old - up to 100, a 4-year-old - 150-200.

Onions can be grown in one place without replanting for no more than 3-4 years. Good predecessors for it are cucumber, legumes, potatoes, and corn.

Planting chives

The area for onions is prepared in the fall. After harvesting the previous crop, the soil is loosened to a depth of 4-6 cm, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied:

  • 4-6 kg of manure or humus,
  • 20-30 g superphosphate,
  • 15-20 g of potassium salt per 1 sq.m.

Nitrogen fertilizers (15-20 g/sq.m. ammonium nitrate) are applied in the spring. Acidic soils are limed in the fall (250-450 g/sq.m).

Chives are propagated by seeds and vegetatively.

Planting chives with seeds

Seeds are planted in late April-early May, July and late October-early November. When sowing in early spring and summer, seeds are soaked for a day in warm water to speed up germination, changing it several times.

Then the seeds are dried until they flow and sown in rows to a depth of 0.5-1 cm at a distance of 45 cm between rows. When sowing in winter, the seeds are sown dry. The rows must be mulched with peat, humus or sawdust.

Vegetative propagation of chives - planting with onions

With the vegetative propagation method, 2-4 year old plants are divided, usually in spring or late August. First, dig up the onion; in hot weather, cut off the leaves (up to 15 cm) and roots (up to 5-8 cm).

The bulbs are planted in abundantly shed furrows at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other and 30-35 cm between furrows or in nests at a distance of 20-25 cm. On large areas, the bulbs are planted in three-line ribbons, the distance between which is 50-60 cm, and between lines - 25-30 cm.

After planting, the rows are watered and mulched with peat or humus. When caring for chives crops, the row spacing is loosened, weeded, and fed 2-3 times with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Onion feeding

The onions are fed for the first time in early spring: per 1 sq.m., add 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate and 10 g of potassium salt.

After 10-15 days, the plants are fed with a solution of mullein (1:8) with the addition of 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride per 10 liters of solution, and after each cutting of a feather - with ammonium nitrate (5-10 g/sq.m), slurry (1:3-4 or ash (200 g/10 l of water).

In addition, fertile soil is constantly added to the beds with chives so that the bulbs are not exposed. In late autumn, dead onion leaves are removed.

Cleaning greenery

If the seeds are sown early in the spring, green onions can be harvested already in July-August; for summer sowings - in May-June of the next year. With a perennial crop, the leaves usually begin to be cut off in the second year of life; plants 3-4 times during the growing season.

Young greens can be dried and stored in jars. Cut leaves will be best preserved in tightly closed plastic bags in the refrigerator, but no more than 10-15 days.

Chives are a good honey plant. It is also used in ornamental gardening. The cutter is also good for winter bouquets. It is believed that it has insecticidal properties - it repels pests.

Pests of chives

The main pest of chives is the onion secretive proboscis. Towards the end of the growing season, onions are sometimes damaged by downy mildew (downy mildew).


Chives differ from regular green onions in their pleasant and slightly spicy taste. In addition, it contains many useful substances, including selenium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium. We must not forget about the presence of choline, beta-carotene and ascorbic acid, which are so beneficial for the human body.

Chives - growing from seeds

Along with the beneficial properties of this plant, its decorative qualities also stand out.

Already in the first half of May you can see balls of inflorescences of various colors, but most often you will find plants with white, purple or pink flowers decorating the stems of chives. Since greens are good honey plants, their rich aroma attracts bees.

This perennial plant is resistant to various types of diseases, which is why chives are often chosen for cultivation. This can be done not only from bulbs, but also from seeds.


Features and varieties of chives

Often, chives are grown exclusively for greens, since the plant is unable to form a full-fledged bulb of normal size. There are two main subspecies of onions - Siberian (grows with large, but not very branched leaves) and Russian chives (has small branched leaves).

Chives - what kind of crop is it?

The length of thin and hollow leaves can reach 40 cm, and after cutting they grow back very quickly. Approximately 40 days after the growing season, the green mass begins to coarse. The flowering period occurs in the second year of the plant's life. The peculiarity of chives lies in its protective function - the plant creates a special turf to protect against various weeds.


The most common varieties of chives:

  • "Bohemia" is a perennial plant that can be grown in the same area for 4 years in a row. High-yielding variety with a semi-sharp taste; Chives “Bohemia”
  • “Prazhsky” is a cold-resistant, early-ripening onion variety with long, dark green leaves. The taste is slightly spicy;
  • “Khibinsky” is a perennial variety capable of producing high yields for 5-7 years. Has long green leaves and large purple flowers; Bumblebee on chives
  • “Siberian” is another type of onion, popularly known as chive. It grows up to 60 cm in length. It has light green tubular leaves and large inflorescences made of non-succulent fibrous tissue;
  • “Chemal” is a relatively small chives, the leaves of which grow up to 40 cm in length. Its peculiarity is the frequent incidence of powdery mildew. The onion leaves of this variety have a pungent taste; Chemal chives
  • “Honey plant” is a special variety of chives that is highly susceptible to downy mildew. The plant has a semi-sharp taste. Ripening time is up to 90 days.

Chives "Honey plant"

Chives can also have white flowers (Elvi variety)

Seed preparation

Planting chives begins in the first half of April. First you need to soak the seeds in water for a day. At the same time, change the water regularly (at least 3-4 times). Even during the first soaking, you need to separate the empty seeds that cannot germinate in the soil.

Fill a container or other container about 30% full with seed and fill with water. Mix the onion seeds thoroughly and leave them to settle for a while. Some seeds will float to the top - collect them and throw them away.

Chives seeds

Everything that remains in the container should be dried for subsequent planting. Using this procedure (soaking chives seeds), you can significantly speed up the germination process.

Soaking onion seeds before planting

Soil preparation

Only cultivated soil will allow the gardener to obtain stable and rich yields of onions when growing. You can use a store-bought soil mixture, or you can take some soil from your own site. You just need to follow some recommendations when doing this.

First of all, after removing the predecessor crop, dig up the soil to a depth of at least 10 cm, covering the remains of the plants. This way, you will trim the weeds, so your seedlings will not be disturbed by various weeds.

Plow the soil after 2-3 weeks and, if necessary, carry out cultivation (if the weeds have sprouted too much).

Soil preparation

Before sowing seeds, the soil is loosened and moisture is retained to create optimal conditions for onion growth.

Of course, performing all these steps will take too much time and effort, so this is practiced when growing chives in the garden.

If you are growing on your windowsill, then it will be much easier to purchase a ready-made soil mixture, moisten it and enrich it with mineral fertilizers.

There are many varieties of store-bought soil.

Sowing chives seeds

The planting and growing procedure does not have any difficulties. The main thing is to follow several recommendations regarding agricultural technology, and even an inexperienced gardener will be able to get a rich harvest of tasty and juicy onion feathers.

Table. Step-by-step sowing instructions.

Steps, photo Description of actions
Step one Fill the prepared seedling container with soil mixture. Do not fill the container completely; it is advisable to leave 3-4 cm at the top.
Step two Gently level the soil and lightly compact it with your palm. It must lie tightly in the container for normal seed growth.
Step three Water the soil generously. You can use a garden waterer for this purpose. Onion seeds should be sown only in moist soil.
Step four Place the dried seed material in the palm of your hand.
Step five Spread the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil mixture. Make sure that there are no “empty” areas.
Step six Cover the sown seeds with a small layer of soil and gently tamp it down with the palm of your hand.
Step seven For marking, it is advisable to leave some kind of mark so as not to forget the name of the planted onion variety. Gardeners often install a special flag with an inscription, but you can simply stick a seed package into the ground.
Step eight After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots will appear, which then need to be transplanted into open ground. Carefully replant each plant into warm soil. There is no need to water it.
Step nine The result will not take long to arrive, and soon you will be able to set the table with delicious dishes with the addition of chives.

Growing chives

Thanks to its beautiful spherical inflorescences, colored with purple, lilac or pink flowers, chives are widely used as an ornamental plant. These inflorescences rise slightly above the leaves of the plant, which creates a pleasant impression.

People often grow chives to decorate paths or plant lawns in their summer cottage. If onion inflorescences have been cut, they do not lose their color over time, as happens with ordinary flowers, so the plant is often used in making a variety of winter bouquets.

Blooming chives


After planting chives, it is necessary to take into account some nuances so that the growing process does not turn into banal destruction of plants.

  1. This variety of onion is frost-resistant and can tolerate sub-zero temperatures (down to -4 degrees), and the leaves can withstand even harsher weather. Therefore, the plant can be safely grown on your windowsill without fear of frost or drafts.
  2. The plant loves organic fertilizers, so it needs to be fed regularly. As a result, chives will grow by leaps and bounds.
  3. By observing the optimal temperature regime (+18-20 degrees), you can get the first fruits within two weeks from the moment of planting the seed. If the room temperature is lower than specified, then the leaf growth process will slow down slightly.

    Chives (quick)

  4. Till the soil regularly, as onions require loose soil for optimal growth. When using regular garden soil, you need to feed the seedlings often. In the case of a purchased soil mixture, there is no need to fertilize frequently. The soil is already enriched with a sufficient amount of fertilizer, so try not to overdo it.
  5. There is no need to use additional lighting sources - natural will be quite enough.
  6. Ventilate the room regularly so that the plant can breathe fresh air. This helps accelerate growth.
  7. Watering plays an important role in the process of growing chives. Water the plant often, but not too much. Excessive fanaticism can negatively affect the plant.

Chives on the windowsill

Important! Lack of soil moisture can cause onion leaves to gradually lose their tenderness and become coarse. This will worsen their taste.

If onions are grown for seeds

If the purpose of growing onions is to obtain seed material, then there is no need to cut the leaves from the plant. Thanks to this, you can increase the quantity and quality of seeds. When spring arrives, apply fertilizer to each plant.

It is advisable to use nitrogen fertilizers for maximum effect. For every square meter, apply at least 30 g of fertilizer. You regularly need to loosen the soil between the beds, and after 20 days add potassium fertilizers in the same quantities as nitrogen fertilizers.

Culture seeds

As for caring for the plant, it is no different from that for onions grown for greens. Water the soil, destroy weeds, and so on.

Once the onion boxes begin to crack, you can begin collecting the seeds. Selectively cut the ripe umbrellas, then lay them out to dry. This should be done in a well-ventilated area.

When the umbrellas are completely dry, thresh them by hand.

Master Class. How to harvest chives

Step 1. Select the correct part of the plant Step 2. Do everything when the leaves grow large enough
Step 3: Plant several plants next to each other. A useful step when it comes time to harvest Step 4: Gather the leaves into a pile.

Take a pair of sharp scissors and cut the leaves from the plant
Step 5. Use chives in cooking or store for storage. If storing, the cut chives can be stored in the refrigerator in a covered container for up to a week Step 6: Use the chives in the recipe.

You can use it in a salad or as a side dish for baked potatoes

- Sowing chives for seedlings


How to grow chives from seeds in open ground and for seedlings Planting and care Photos and descriptions of varieties

Chives, onions, Siberian onions, chives are a perennial plant of the Allium family. In the natural environment it grows in India, Asia, European countries, and is widespread on the North Sea coast.

What is the difference between chives

Chives are grown for their feathers. The bulb is covered with special membranous membranes, thanks to which the crop successfully winters in open ground. In early spring, when the snow melts, it is enough to clear the area of ​​old leaves - and young shoots will not keep you waiting. Do not pinch the greens (the bush will begin to hurt), but cut it with scissors. Then water to make new greens appear faster.

The feathery leaves are aromatic and add a delicate taste to any dish. They are rich in useful substances: phytoncides (can prevent the spread of infections), amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine), contain a huge amount of vitamin C, mineral salts. Eating chives helps normalize the functioning of the kidneys and heart.

In addition, chives are a honey plant and a real decoration of the site; they are often planted as a decorative flowering crop.

Another advantage of chives is the ability to grow them for greens indoors on a windowsill.

Preparing a site for planting chives

What chives look like photo

Chives will grow well in a well-lit area, but the leaves will remain tender longer in shade. The ideal place for planting is partial shade, where it is cooler and more humid.

The best predecessors: cucumbers, radishes, potatoes, tomatoes; proximity to beets, cabbage, and legumes is not desirable.

The soil must be cultivated in order to obtain rich and stable harvests. Dig up the area 2-3 weeks before planting. If the soil is heavy or clayey, add fertilizer (humus or compost) before digging.

How to grow chives from seeds in open ground

Chives are propagated by seeds and vegetative methods.

The culture is cold-resistant, so seeds can be sown directly in open ground without growing seedlings.

When to sow chives in the ground

Spring sowing spend in April-May. Before planting, soak the seeds in warm water or, better yet, a manganese solution. Sow in furrows. Plant the seeds to a depth of 1 cm. Keep a distance between rows of 30 cm.

Shoots will appear in 7-10 days. When 1 leaf is formed, thin out the plantings, leaving a distance between individual plants of 8-10 cm; when the onion grows, it is thinned out to a distance of 25-30 cm (excess bushes are replanted).

Sowing before winter carry out in November - there is no need to pre-treat the seeds, they will undergo natural stratification in the soil. The seeding depth should be 2 cm. It is better to roll the crops and mulch them with peat or humus.

Growing chives from seeds to seedlings in a snail photo and video

When to sow chives for seedlings? Sowing is done in March. It is very convenient to plant chives with seeds in a snail: this is a good saver of time and space on the windowsill. The seeds are placed every 1-2 cm and lightly sprinkled with soil on top. The video shows how to twist a snail for seedlings:

Further care of the seedlings in the snail is very simple: you need to moisten the soil with a spray bottle and provide bright, diffused lighting. Seedlings are constantly pruned at a height of 10 cm and grown until the beginning of May, when they can be planted in the ground. Before planting in the ground, seedlings are hardened for 10-12 days.

Chives seedlings are very convenient to grow in a snail photo

The bed for planting is prepared in advance, the soil is loosened well. Make furrows 10 cm deep, water them with water and sprinkle them with soil. Chives seedlings are planted in such grooves at a distance of 25-30 cm and watered moderately.

Dividing the chives bush

Over time, plantings grow greatly and yields decrease. Every 3-5 years it is necessary to divide the bushes. Can be planted in spring or autumn.

Water the bush generously, dig to a depth of 12-15 cm, remove the plant from the soil, divide into several parts (at least 8 bulbs in each), plant, keeping a distance of about 30 cm.

Water well; when planting in the fall, it is advisable to mulch with peat.

How to care for chives in open ground

In the first year after sowing, the sprouts need weeding and loosening of the soil. Over time, the bush grows - the need for these measures disappears.

Water frequently and deeply, but do not allow it to become waterlogged. From lack of watering, taste qualities are lost. In this case, cut off the “not tasty” leaves, then adjust the watering.

Top dressing

After the first cutting, you should feed the plant. For 1 m² of area you can add one of the following options: 1 glass of ash; manure solution (1 part per 15 liters of water); chicken manure solution (1 part per 20 liters of water). After adding organic matter, rinse the bushes with clean water. You can use mineral fertilizers.

Depending on the degree of depletion of plants, add from 40 to 100 g of kemira, azofoska or nitrophoska per 1 m². If the soil is fertile, one fertilizing is enough. Feed depleted soils with mineral fertilizers after the 2nd and 3rd cuttings.


How to cut chives photo

During the season, 2-3 cuttings are carried out, sometimes - 4. Cutting is carried out when the leaves reach a length of 25-40 cm. The last cutting should be carried out no later than the second half of September, so that the bushes have time to get stronger by winter.

The bulbs are also suitable for eating - when grown annually, cuttings are carried out during the season, and the bulbs are dug up in the spring of next year.

Varieties of chives

Let's consider varieties that are ideal for successful cultivation in temperate latitudes:

Chives Bohemia photo

Bohemia - gives a bountiful harvest, is resistant to diseases, grows well in one place for about 5 years.

Chives Honey plant photo

Honey plant - grown as a perennial plant, it is practically not susceptible to disease.

Chemal is a pungent variety, grown as a 1-2 year old plant, subject to powdery mildew.

Onion Schnitt Elvi photo

Elvi - peduncles are white.

Diseases and pests of chives

The crop is rarely exposed to diseases and pests. Possible diseases: rust, powdery mildew; potential pests: onion fly, leafminer moth.

Preventive measures will help you avoid troubles:

  • Pre-treatment of seeds
  • Briefly (for 10 minutes) placing the bulbs in water at a temperature of 45°C before planting
  • Keep the dug sections under bright sunlight for several hours.

Cut off diseased areas of plants and dispose of them. If pests appear, water the soil with saline solution, and after 3-4 hours, be sure to water it with clean water.

Chives are a unique perennial plant. It is unpretentious in care, feels comfortable even in the conditions of the Far North, produces productive greenery, and in its natural habitats forms thickets of quite significant size - up to several hectares. Chives have long been well known under other names: skoroda, chive, sibulet. Valued as the earliest vegetable of all wild onions.

Description of chives

Chives have small bulbs, but they branch strongly, forming long (up to 0.5 m) numerous shoots, which is why it is grown primarily for greens.

  1. Compared to other types of onions, chives grow back cut leaves much faster.
  2. The bulb is not eaten.
  3. In the garden, chives repel unpleasant pests (such as onion flies).

    Like a honey plant, flowering onions actively attract bees to their bed.

The chives plant is very decorative:

  1. dense bush with dark green shiny leaves and beautiful red-violet inflorescences,
  2. The inflorescence of the reed is small, but very beautiful: the flower petals are colored in shades from pale pink to pink-violet.

Photo: chives

Useful properties of chives

Onion is used as an appetizing, spicy-flavoring plant in fresh, salted and dried form (in powder form, sprinkled on meat dishes in winter). You can make caviar from the leaves (stewed in sunflower oil). The taste of fresh leaves is pleasant, slightly pungent, and the smell is slightly garlicky. The leaves contain a relatively high amount of sugar, so they have a high taste.

Chives have so many advantages that it’s impossible to count them all:

  • cure for seven ailments
  • vitamin complex ( in addition to ascorbic acid, there are many vitamins B and E),
  • tasty and healthy greens for salads and soups,
  • an excellent preventative against colds,
  • shoots can be cut during the entire warm period, from early spring to frost,
  • green shoots remain juicy much longer than onion greens.

Health benefits of chives:

  1. Chives are distinguished by their exceptional composition of minerals, vitamins, and essential amino acids.
  2. Compared to other types of onions, they are high in manganese, moderate amounts of iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc and cobalt, but low in sodium.
  3. Ideal for weight loss.
  4. From its onion counterparts, chives borrowed strong antibacterial and antiviral properties, the ability to improve immunity and fight cancer cells.
  5. Schnitt improves the functioning of the digestive system, helps in the treatment of bruises and contusions.


Growing chives from seeds

The most important thing is that chives are unpretentious. This is far from the “last thing” for people who love to grow vegetables in their garden and at the same time work. Planted with seedlings (which is preferable) or seeds once - and that’s enough for several years.

  • Chives can be grown in one place for 5-6 years.
  • Chives are grown in a perennial crop and placed in well-moistened areas where snow accumulates in winter.
  • Only in winter it is important not to dig it up by accident, although thin, sharp onion arrows often peek out even from under the snow.

You can also plant chives along the edges of the beds. Due to its bactericidal properties, it brings double benefits:

  • repels pests,
  • saves carrots from carrot flies,
  • Protects cabbage from cabbage whites.

Timing for sowing seeds in open ground

With early sowing dates (in the first half of May), a higher yield of green leaves is observed

  1. You can start sowing seeds in the spring as early as May 10-15.
  2. The distances between the rows should be left wide: at least 45 cm, but better not less than 60 cm, especially if your chisel will grow for several years.
  3. In the year of sowing seeds, plants develop very slowly - shoots appear only after 24 - 42 days.
The first cutting is carried out in the spring of the second year in the third ten days of May

In the second year, chives grow, depending on weather conditions, from April 10 to May 5, and already in the first half of June the formation of shoots begins.

  • In the first 10-15 days before the wrapper begins to open, the arrows are not rough, small, and together with the leaves they can be used for food.
  • The first cutting of leaves can be done on May 20-28.
  • You can cut leaves up to 4 times during the growing season.

Planting chives with shoots

Chives can not only be sown with seeds, but also 2-3-year-old mother bushes can be planted by dividing the bush.

  1. Propagation by shoots is also best done in the spring, but it is possible in mid-August (no later than August 15 - 20).
  2. The mother bushes are divided into parts with 2-3 shoots in each, the roots and leaves are shortened by 1/2-1/3 of the length.
  3. Planted in well-watered furrows 6 - 8 cm deep at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

Caring for chives

Maintenance is the simplest: watering and loosening the rows to prevent the formation of a soil crust. The yield of a two-year crop is almost 2 times higher than when harvesting whole onions in the first year of planting.

  • Chives grow very well under temporary film cover: it speeds up the harvest by 10-15 days.
  • Gardeners try to use “chemicals” as little as possible. To prevent diseases, onions can be sprinkled with ash once every 2 weeks.
  • Fertilizing can be the most common, as for other vegetables: ash (1 cup per 10 liters of water), or fermented chicken manure (1 cup per 10 liters of water).

Cutting chives for greens

A significant stage of care is correct and timely cutting.

  1. The first cutting should be carried out as early as possible, May 20-25 in the second year of life, before the shoots appear.
  2. After cutting the row spacing, loosen and water.
  3. After flowering and collecting seeds, at the end of July , you need to cut the leaves again.
  4. Then until the autumn cold new young leaves will grow that can be used for food.

How to properly cut and store chives

  • It is necessary to cut the leaves in the morning, after the dew has dried.
  • When the average length of green leaf blades reaches 20-25 cm, take a bunch of leaves with your left hand at a height of 10 cm from the ground and cut at a height of 6 cm. In this case, small leaves will fall out of the bunch.
  • The leaves should immediately be placed in a plastic bag measuring 46 by 24.5 cm and volume of 0.5 kg.
  • After packaging, bags of onions are placed in a cool place at a temperature no higher than 15°C for 1-2 hours.
  • After cooling, the bags are sealed or sealed tightly.

Cut leaves should not be left in the cold for more than 2 hours.

Growing chives in winter for greens

In winter, chives can be grown by forcing them in greenhouses or at home by planting 2-4 year old bushes in boxes or pots.

  1. Planting material is dug up before frost and placed in boxes with a lump of earth.
  2. Store frozen under a canopy, but cover with film to prevent it from drying out.
  3. Planting is done in hummocks, placing them close to each other.
  4. When forcing, the first 10 days require a temperature of 20 - 22 °C, then 14 - 16 °C.

Perennial onions, which vegetable growers grow to produce greens, are interesting for their characteristics. All varieties and varieties of perennial onions tolerate winter well, grow early, and with proper agricultural technology they delight with their feathers from spring to late autumn.

All types of perennial onion varieties are bred by seeds. Despite the fact that onions reproduce by dividing the bush, it is recommended to regularly renew perennials by sowing nigella into the ground. This allows you to obtain stable yields of green feathers and prevent the development of fungal and bacterial diseases that affect plants growing in one place for a long time.

What varieties and varieties are known?

Perennial onions are represented by such species as batun, slug, chives and multi-tiered onions. All of them grow in the wild in different parts of the world. Breeding work has made it possible to obtain onion varieties that are superior to wild relatives in taste, feather length, yield, resistance to changes in temperature and lack of moisture.

Important: The description given by the manufacturer on the packaging of onion seeds allows you to find out the characteristics of the crop. When purchasing onion seeds, you need to pay attention to the characteristics.

This could be April 12 - an early variety that opens the garden season. Bushes 2 years old produce the first green feathers after the snow melts from the garden. This variety does not tolerate drought well and quickly goes dormant.

It is being replaced by the Maysky variety, which bears fruit until mid-June. Russian winter batun competes with these varieties. It forms powerful bushes and is resistant to bacterial infections.

To ensure that green feathers are always on the table, batun seeds are sown 2 times a year, using Parade, Welsh or Performer hybrids for planting. Growing batun as an annual crop makes it possible to provide the family with greens until the end of the summer season. Nigella batuna, sown in the ground in early spring and then in early June, produces a harvest of young onions from mid-July until the first snow.

Important: Hybrids are not adapted to Russian frosts, and plantings freeze out in winter.

If you want to leave a few bushes in the garden in order to get early onions in the spring, then for sowing use the Russian size variety, which produces a powerful feather up to 35 cm long 1.5 months after sowing the seeds.

The Legionnaire and Green Banner varieties, resistant to fungal infections, are recommended for cultivation on an industrial scale. These types of batun produce branched succulent feathers 45 days after sowing the seeds in the ground.

In addition to trumpet, other types of perennial onions are grown to produce greens. This can be a multi-tiered bow. This variety of perennial crop attracts many farmers due to its unique method of propagation using aerial bulbs. The culture produces a fragrant feather that can be cut several times during the season.

Breeders offer 3 varieties of multi-tiered onions. The Chelyabinsk variety is suitable for cultivation in areas equated to the Far North.

In the southern regions, the Memory onion is planted, forming a huge mass of green feathers.

In the central regions of the Russian Federation, the Likova variety has performed well; it easily tolerates spring frosts, expelling the first feather 21 days after the soil thaws.

Chives and slime are less often planted in plots, despite the fact that these types of perennial onions have juicy, aromatic early greens.

Schnitt produces a thin round feather, which, with proper agricultural practices, can grow back several times during the season. You can plant one of the varieties on the site, and it will grow beautifully in the bed allocated for it.

The slime forms a bush, increasing in size every year, forming a hummock. On sale you can find slime with names such as Leader, Broadleaf, Vavilovsky.

The feather of the slime is flat, juicy, containing a large amount of mucus, which is why the culture received its name. Leaves grow continuously until drought occurs. As the temperature rises, the bulbs go dormant for a short time. At the end of August, the bushes begin to produce green feathers with renewed vigor.

If you equip a garden bed with different types of perennial onions in your garden, this will allow you to obtain green feather harvests throughout the summer season.

The photo below shows a variety of varieties of perennial onions, which will allow you to choose suitable perennial crops.

How to grow onions from seeds

The appropriate time to plant perennial onions with seeds in open ground is considered to be late autumn or early spring. Sowing done in the frozen soil of a pre-prepared bed is good because it allows the seeds to become saturated with moisture in early spring and germinate at a time suitable for the plant. This makes it possible to get an early harvest of young onions 2 weeks earlier compared to spring sowing.

Spring sowing has its advantages. When planted in early spring, a higher percentage of seeds germinate. Onion beds are less overgrown with weeds. With this type of sowing, the soil is looser and the plants develop better.

When choosing a way to grow perennial onions from seeds, you need to pay attention to the climate. In the southern regions, where spring begins early, the soil quickly loses moisture; sowing seeds in early spring is more suitable.

Where winters are snowy, and snow melting continues until the end of April, frosts continue until mid-June, batun can be planted in the ground before winter.

Important: Perennial onions should be planted with seeds in well-fertilized soil. A perennial will grow well only if it receives adequate nutrition.

How to care for perennial plantings

Growing and caring for perennial onions requires compliance with the rules of agricultural technology.

Perennial onions grown for greens require abundant watering and repeated foliar feeding, which is done after the grown crop is cut.

To improve nutrition, onion beds are watered with green fertilizer made from an infusion of nettle leaves, midge, burdock and other weeds. Perennial onions grow well in one place for several years if in early spring, when the ground is frozen, the beds are sprinkled with either complex onion fertilizer or nitrogen.

Water perennials as the soil dries out. The root system of the bulbs is long, and the onions do not need abundant watering. Loosening the soil and weeding is carried out after each watering. This allows you to both grow large, succulent feathers and maintain healthy and strong plantings.

Important: If perennials are not taken care of, the root system begins to be affected by bacterial diseases, which completely destroy adult bushes.

Bushes of 2 years of life form peduncles, which should be removed in a timely manner so that the bulb does not waste its energy in vain on growing unnecessary seeds. Some of the flower stalks can be left for nigella to ripen if the variety has been planted. Hybrids produce empty seeds.

Multi-tiered onions require special attention, as they can grow a large number of bulbs over a season. They need to be removed from plants without waiting for the small bulbs to touch the ground and begin to take root. This leads to thickened plantings and depletion of the soil in the bed.

The collected seeds of multi-tiered onions are planted on a prepared bed in early August, which allows you to get a harvest of greenery in early September.

For the winter, onion beds are covered in those areas where winters have little snow and night temperatures reach -25C. The plantings are covered with dry grass, corn grass, reeds or covering material. The shelter is removed after the snow melts. They do this carefully, because green leaves of young onions are found under the harvested grass. The vacated beds are carefully loosened with a rake, trying to destroy the top dense layer that prevents the seedlings from breathing.

In areas where there is a lot of snow, perennial onions overwinter under snow cover and thrive.

It’s no secret that ground vegetables are tastier and healthier than greenhouse vegetables, which is why spring gifts from the garden are so desirable. And the first among them are perennial onions. Of course, we paid attention to them before. But it’s unlikely that anyone in their garden has any kind of complete collection. That’s why we decided to talk in detail about perennial onions.

The genus Allium (onion) includes half a million species, but only two hundred of them grow in Russia. Almost all of them have high nutritional, medicinal and decorative properties, but, unfortunately, they mainly grow garlic, onions, leeks and shallots. And batun, chives, slime, fragrant, multi-tiered, oblique, and wild garlic are rarely seen among gardeners.

Perennial onions are rich in essential amino acids and vitamins, have a great effect on metabolism and immunity, their essential oils stimulate appetite and improve digestion. And everyone knows about the volatile substances phytoncides with strong bactericidal properties.


Perennial onions also have other advantages: simple agricultural technology, winter and frost resistance (withstand temperatures down to minus 40°), resistance to diseases and pests, and a good harvest for 3-5 years even with repeated cutting.

Unlike onions, perennial onions form a false bulb, which, under favorable conditions, continuously produces leaves. And since the dormant period is short, they are suitable for growing in protected ground or room.

An area outside the main crop rotation is allocated for perennial onions - it will be used for 5-6 years. It’s good if the onion corner is not flooded with water in the fall and spring. The roots of this plant are string-shaped and lie at a depth of 20-30 cm, so the soil must be very fertile, light in texture, neutral or slightly acidic (pH = 6-7), without rhizomatous and root-bearing weeds. If horsetail or horse sorrel grows on the site, liming is first necessary.

The soil is prepared in the same way as for onions: in the fall, manure, humus or compost (10 kg per sq. m) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added for digging, and nitrogen fertilizers are added under the rake in the spring.

Perennial onions are propagated by divisions or sown. The seeds are small, especially those of chives, and the germination rate is low. It is better to sow fresh ones, but if they have lain down (germination rate is below 80%), then the seeding rate should be increased. Before sowing, they must be disinfected.

Depending on the type of soil, the seeds are placed on a flat surface, ridges or ridges; the last two methods are useful in lowlands and on cold ground. They are sown in open ground in April-May and must be mulched with peat or humus (0.5-1 kg per sq.m.). Seedlings and cuttings are planted in the spring and summer.


In the second and subsequent years, regular fertilizing is necessary (in early spring and after each cutting of leaves - 10 g per square meter of potassium and nitrogen fertilizers and 15 g of phosphorus fertilizers). In the first year, a plant with one to three branches is formed, and the next year the same number of flower arrows with spherical inflorescences appear.

At the end of April - beginning of May, chives, batun and multi-tiered trees grow earlier than others, later - slime and fragrant. Therefore, by planting a set of perennial onions, you can create a green conveyor belt.

To get greenery in winter, 3-4 year old planting material is selected in the fall and dug up. Place in boxes, sprinkle with earth or peat and store at a temperature of 0 - plus 2° until planting.

Chives(rezanets, skoroda) are valued for their decorative properties, high vitamin C content in early spring and good winter hardiness (does not freeze even in the Far North). It has fist-shaped, hollow, awl-shaped, green leaves with a waxy coating up to 40 cm long. The plants grow strongly and produce a powerful bush in the fourth year. Flower arrows are straight, thin, slightly longer than the leaves. They bear small spherical inflorescences with flowers of various colors: from white to lilac-violet.

This bow has two varieties: Central Russian(it bushes strongly, leaves quickly grow up to 25 cm, but also quickly become coarse) and Siberian(leaves are larger, up to 40 cm long, grow more slowly and later, but persist for up to two months). In our country Honey plant and Nemal are zoned everywhere, and Bohemia and Crocus grow better in areas with mild winters.

Honey plant is a mid-early variety. Its plants grow dark green, semi-sharp leaves in spring. They can be harvested for a long time, the yield is 1.7-2.5 kg/sq.m.

In this article we will indicate certain varieties of onions that are planted in winter.

In the field of modern gardening, there are 4 species that are considered perennial and are planted under the snow:

  • batun;
  • slime;
  • multi-tiered.

Having indicated the most popular types, we will consider each of them.


This species is the most popular among gardeners.

There are three names for this variety:

  • winter;
  • Siberian;
  • Russian.

In the first year of life, the batun forms a shrub with up to 5 branches. In the next 2 years, their number grows to 60 pieces. After onions reach the age of 3 years, their growth can go in the opposite direction, and the stems go into the arrow, which makes this species unsuitable for further growth.

Leaves or, as they are called, feathers of the batun appear after the carpet of snow melts. The maximum amount of crop that can be harvested under favorable conditions is 3-4 times. The leaf length is from 30 to 40 cm.

Before the shoot starts, the leaves of this variety are very tender, soft and tasty, which makes it special.

If feathers are cut off in the early stages, they can be restored by loosening, watering and proper care.

In the process of following all the rules for caring for this onion, the cut feathers will become identical to those that did not go through the early cutting process.

The next important stage in caring for the variety in question is stopping flowering. When a flower appears on the onion stems, it must be cut off.

When considering the batun bulb, it is worth pointing out that the described variety does not form a classic bulb. Instead, your attention is presented to the false part of the plant, which has the shape of a regular thickening.

Before wintering, onions on which arrows have formed must be removed and the arrows cut off to reduce the risk of carrying pests of this plant.

Disembarkation rules

There are two ways to plant a trampoline:

  • onion;
  • seeds.

The batun does not have full-fledged bulbs

In the process of planting the onion variety in question using the first method, several rules must be followed:

  1. It is advisable to plant onions in specially prepared beds, located at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The onions are planted as deeply as possible so that the head goes completely underground, and only part of the leaves remains at the top.
  2. Hill up the plant about 3 times per summer.
  3. Water with a mixture of herbal infusion or a mixture of other special products.

Special solutions are needed to protect the plant from pests and reduce the risk of unwanted shoots appearing.

During the sowing process, it is also necessary to follow certain rules:

  • make a special bed for sowing;
  • arrange the beds at a distance of 30 to 40 cm;
  • deepen the beds to 2 cm;
  • sow seeds in summer, but no later than August.
  • maintain a temperature of 10 to 12°C.
  • water thoroughly, as onions love a lot of water;
  • It is advisable to frequently loosen and fertilize.

In case of sowing in early spring, it is advisable to:

  • choose dry seeds;
  • soak them;
  • germinate until the first shoots.

Important! If you want to plant onions for a period of 3 to 4 years, it is not advisable to sow them in early spring, as there is a high risk of a large number of plants with arrows appearing.

Interesting! The spring onion is the most frost-resistant: it can withstand temperatures down to – 40°C.

A significant part of the harvest is harvested in the first 3–4 years, then productivity decreases. This species can live up to 10 years, justifying its name as perennial.


In the case of planting as an annual, onions are planted in the spring, and the harvest is harvested in the same season a year later around March.

In the case of planting trampoline as a perennial plant, the first cutting of the tops is carried out in the spring, the second - in the fall. After cutting, the leaves grow up to 25 cm in length.

Benefits of the plant

The batun contains several useful microelements, including the following:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.


It is advisable to store onions in a cool place. During storage, it is better for it to be rolled into a ring.


Like any representative of the flora, onions are susceptible to diseases and attacks by various types of insects.

The first disease we note is dew. It is expressed by a white coating on the leaves. To combat this disease, it is necessary to treat the plant with a special solution containing:

  • a mixture of chloride and copper, of which the mixture contains 1%;

Second disease rust. It is expressed by a dirty yellow coating on the leaves. The plaque hardens over time and the leaves dry out.

Third - root rot– the neck of the bulb suffers from it. During the process of complete infection, it softens and acquires an unpleasant odor. To treat this disease, it is necessary to leave only healthy and fully ripened crops during the winter.

Fourth disease white rot. Expressed by fungus, yellowing of leaves. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to plant only healthy plants and well-dried onions.

In addition to the diseases listed, we will indicate a few more well-known ones:

  • mosaic– a dangerous virus for onion leaves. It is expressed by white specks and lines. The leaves change, taking on a corrugated appearance.
  • black mold- bottom rot. Accompanied by softening and rotting of the bulb and the appearance of a white coating on the bottom of the plant.
  • smut- a fungus that appears on the bulb during storage.


This variety of the onion family is distinguished by its squat location, succulent leaves, characterized by a flat shape and wide size and the presence of a bright flower. It also differs in the mucus released during the cutting of the stem into two parts. According to numerous comments by gardeners, it was this mucus that served as the basis for the name of the described onion.

Planting and care

To plant a slime you need:

  • prepare the soil in the fall:
  • loosen by 20-30 cm;
  • add to soil:
  • about 6 kg of humus;
  • about 30 g of potassium sulfate;
  • in spring about 15 g of fertilizers containing nitrogen compounds;
  • sow seeds in open ground from April to May, sometimes in June or July;
  • sow seeds in special beds located at a distance of 35 cm from each other;
  • loosen;
  • water generously.

In the first year of life and subsequent years, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds, loosen and water onions.

During the second year, it is advisable not only to remove weeds, but also to clean away possible other plant debris.

In addition to weeding, the slime needs to be fertilized regularly. Among fertilizers, use potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate in grams.

Before the arrival of cold weather and complete freezing of the soil, the crop must:

  • dig up;
  • place in wooden boxes;
  • let it freeze.
  • after freezing, bring the boxes into a warm space and water them;
  • After a month, onions can be eaten.

Important! Frequent cutting of leaves can cause the most tender form, high sugar content and beneficial vitamins.


This process is carried out in April using 5 false bulbs. Parts of the plant are buried to a depth of 35 cm for further growth.


This onion variety is practically resistant to pests and diseases, therefore, how to deal with them is not entirely known.

This variety is also called Canadian, Egyptian, viviparous, horned.

In the first year of its life, the multi-tier plant resembles the shape of a trampoline with hollow leaves. During the second year, a multi-tiered flower arrow forms on the branches of the onion, usually about 3 tiers. There are small bulbs on the tiers. Such parts, when large, reach 2 cm in diameter. These shoots are located at a height of about 80 cm and leaves up to 15 cm long are born from them. The leaves of the plant are tender and tasty.

Bulbs are the only natural way of planting.



The harvest is obtained from underground bulbs. Aboveground bulbs are useful only after heat treatment.


Multi-tiered grass is often susceptible to disease " false dew" To reduce the risk of disease, it should be watered with herbal mixtures and special solutions. It is also advisable to leave sufficient distance between plants so that they are easily ventilated.

So, we have indicated the most famous onion varieties for planting in winter and examined some aspects associated with them.

Finally, it is worth noting that the advantage of planting in winter is the constant availability of the required species, and, consequently, a supply of useful substances. However, the main disadvantage is storage. Since during this process, good fruits can be subject to disease and complete destruction.