Do-it-yourself design of a village greenhouse plot. Flower garden near the greenhouse. Aesthetic appeal is the main rule of a modern greenhouse

It is better to place tall plants on the north side.

The middle strip of the site is allocated to bushes.

Chicken coop-greenhouse from a sea container. DIY // FORUMHOUSE


Sergey Pravdorub writes: Well done man, if only everyone were like that :)

Alexander Machtin writes: It’s a good greenhouse, chickens have tons of space, not like in poultry farms, they grow like flowers in cramped cages(

Alexander Lebedev writes: Nice guy, he told me everything interesting. Thank you

pavel luzin writes: Nice solid chicken coop. It's good when hands grow from the right place. Thanks for your videos and tips.

Nadia Eremenko writes: everything was done great. Well done owner! good luck to you in everything.

Landscape design involves a more natural and natural placement of trees and flowers.

Increased attention is paid to aspects of the relief.

If there is a hillock on your summer cottage, you should not smooth it out. Try to play with the composition that nature has already created for you.

Mini greenhouse


My cozy home writes: Mini greenhouse

Violetta Pavlyuk writes: mini-greenhouse for a summer residence

My cozy home writes: Mini greenhouse

Violetta Pavlyuk writes: mini-greenhouse for a summer residence

Greenhouses in landscape design with a metal profile frame look more attractive than aluminum solutions.

However, the cost of their production and installation is much more attractive.

Such greenhouses are easy to transport due to their modular design.

The only disadvantage of a metal base is its susceptibility to deformation under heavy loads (for example, when a thick layer of snow falls).

The most common coverings for greenhouses are glass (transparent or tinted) and cellular polycarbonate. The advantages of these materials include good light transmittance, noise insulation, thermal insulation, strength and aesthetic appearance.

DIY greenhouse. MK

Greenhouse design, general provisions and design characteristics.

Greenhouse design represents a set of measures that can create a structure that meets functional requirements. According to its purpose, the greenhouse must have an attractive appearance that matches the general style of the main buildings located on the site.

The design can have many varieties, from lightweight options covered with polymer film, to permanent structures using various materials and common elements corresponding to the main buildings. The overall dimensions are determined by the allocated space and the available area of ​​the site itself, as well as the expected number of crops to be grown.

The design of the greenhouse is determined by the existing landscape design concept.

At the very beginning of design, it is necessary to take into account exactly what crops will be grown and to ensure the most favorable atmosphere in the created space. Not the last place in a greenhouse is given to the proper placement of lighting, since for certain crops it can have a significant impact on the most productive cultivation. It is necessary to ensure that daylight enters in sufficient quantities, selecting the optimal material for the canopy, taking into account its light transmittance. The most common material used today in greenhouse design, which has sufficient reliability and transmittance to daylight, is polycarbonate. Using it, you can carry out practically any design typical for greenhouse design.

The allocated place for placing a greenhouse on the site must take into account some features, namely: it should not be shaded by nearby trees or existing buildings and it should be open to sunlight. Where exactly the greenhouse will be placed depends mainly on your discretion and certain preferences, as well as some functional requirements. For the purposes of convenience and constant visiting, it can be located next to the house or other buildings intended for recreation and spending time. This can be either the front side of the site or its rear part. Next door you can place open ground where you can also grow all kinds of vegetables.

Of course, it does not require a complex design approach, but when implementing it, it is necessary and very important to take into account some points related to certain requirements that must be met when growing certain crops.

Every novice gardener has to face the question of how to make a greenhouse on their own plot. This design allows you to easily start growing natural, fresh vegetables and herbs in early spring, even at sub-zero night temperatures. In addition, the greenhouse is able to protect delicate plants from heavy precipitation, wind and direct sunlight.

If you choose the right building material and optimal design, you can get an indispensable garden assistant.

Greenhouse, greenhouse and their differences

In natural usage, greenhouse and greenhouse are often used as synonyms. However, this is not entirely true. The greenhouse is a large-sized structure equipped with main communications, namely heating, an artificial irrigation system, and ultraviolet lighting.

The design of the greenhouse allows you to grow various crops throughout the year. Many greenhouses are built on a foundation, and the height of the structure allows a person to easily carry out work at full height.

If you take a look at the photo of a greenhouse and a greenhouse, it will immediately become clear that the first one does not have any communications, its size is small. The main purpose of a greenhouse is to protect plants from aggressive natural conditions in early spring and cold autumn.

Structural features and type of assembly make it possible to divide all greenhouses into several classes: portable, permanent (possibly installed on a foundation).

When it comes to choosing between a greenhouse and a greenhouse, it is worth keeping in mind that installing a greenhouse is considered an expensive undertaking, in which professional farmers rather than amateur gardeners invest their efforts and resources.

If you organize a standard size greenhouse on your garden plot, it will be quite enough to provide the average family with a harvest. A greenhouse can be a good alternative to a greenhouse structure.

It will not be difficult to prepare seedlings in winter in cups on the windowsill, and plant them in a greenhouse in the spring. An early harvest will please any family.

Types of greenhouses

Not only the design, shape and material used for covering allow us to talk about the types of greenhouses. Their location and main purpose also make it possible to distinguish several types.

Seedling greenhouses have a small height, due to which they are able to retain heat well during frosts. In such greenhouses you can grow seedlings right away, without going through the stage of using cups where the seeds are planted.

In addition, in a greenhouse, plants receive a kind of hardening, subsequently having greater endurance compared to home ones. A seedling greenhouse can accept and grow any type of vegetables, herbs and even flowers. It makes a good greenhouse for a summer residence.

Home greenhouses are built on balconies or window sills and do an excellent job of growing a full-fledged crop. True, it is necessary to select varieties of vegetables and herbs that are adapted to grow indoors (cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, etc.). By thinking through a multi-tiered design, you can save a lot of space.

Mobile greenhouses have an advantage over stationary ones, since they can be moved around the site as needed (for example, to free up space, or to expose the structure to the sun's rays). At the end of the season, the greenhouse can be easily removed from the area, saving space.

Small greenhouses make it possible to work with a small number of seedlings. The structure can be disassembled, thereby changing the size of the bed.


All parts of dismantled structures must be cleaned of dirt and dust at the end of the season. To do this, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate or mustard. After this, they are thoroughly dried and stored in a dry room protected from precipitation.

In the case of stationary structures (with a foundation, glass or polycarbonate), seasonal maintenance should be carried out more thoroughly.

To prevent the proliferation of pests, the walls of the greenhouse are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, the old soil is removed by 10-15 cm, after which new soil is added, and ash, sand, humus, and sometimes wood are added to it. Then it is carefully dug up and treated with a sulfur bomb.

The greenhouse, ready for the new season, is left open until the onset of frost or until the first snowfall. In winter, it is advisable to close the greenhouse tightly to protect it from snow and gusts of wind.

It will be useful to leave some snow in the greenhouse. In spring, melt water can have a beneficial effect on soil quality. In case of heavy snowfalls, the greenhouse must be cleaned with a shovel or broom; in case of moderate precipitation, it can be left alone.

Greenhouse material

Unlike a greenhouse, greenhouses are easy to manufacture. To install a greenhouse yourself will require ingenuity, certain construction skills, and financial costs. But you can even make a greenhouse with your own hands if you use available and, accordingly, inexpensive materials.

The covering of most greenhouses is polyethylene film (sometimes reinforced). The material is easy to find in any hardware store and its price is low. Non-woven lutrasil or spunbond is also suitable.

Due to their high cost, cellular polycarbonate and glass are not often used. If you make a greenhouse from window frames, then the issue with the covering material is already resolved, provided that the glass is intact.

The basis of the greenhouse is a frame, which can have different shapes: in the form of an arc, a triangle, like a miniature greenhouse. The material for the frame can be polypropylene pipes, metal or fiberglass reinforcement, glued wooden blocks, window frames and balcony doors.

By properly organizing a greenhouse on your site, you will no longer need to waste your energy on replanting plants after the next frost.

Getting a fresh harvest for many years ahead of everyone else will not be difficult if the design is of high quality and reliable.

Greenhouse photo

To get a good harvest from a greenhouse, it is important to use all its space as efficiently as possible. To do this, you should carefully think through and then organize the internal arrangement of the greenhouse structure. This article will talk about the basic principles of landscaping a greenhouse structure, planning beds and placing plantings in it.

Features and types of design

Main functions of a greenhouse.

  • Protection of plants from external negative factors. These include cold precipitation, frosts, strong winds, and nighttime drops in temperature.
  • Maintaining optimal temperature for plantings.

Greenhouses come in different types and can be made from a variety of materials. The size of the greenhouse structure and the intricacies of the internal layout depend on the type of crops and plants that will be grown indoors.

The simplest option is a greenhouse made from ordinary window frames. This design can only be used in the warm season. Usually this is a small structure for growing 1-2 types of crops.

Polycarbonate construction is stronger and more durable. It is light in weight and easily mounted on a prepared frame. Such a greenhouse can be of different sizes, up to impressive areas.

Without additional insulation, such structures are also suitable for use only during the season with positive temperatures.

The most complex and versatile structure is the greenhouse, which involves growing plants throughout the year. This design must have thermal insulation. It is also equipped with a heating system to maintain the desired temperature level in winter.

A greenhouse for year-round use requires the installation of lighting. During the autumn-winter period, daylight hours are very short; crops grown inside will require additional light supply.

Also, the space inside the greenhouse can be organized for various ways of growing plants. If cultivation is planned in the ground, then the beds are laid out. If plants will be cultivated in pots, boxes or containers, installation of shelving will be required.

Sizes and shapes

The greenhouse can be used to grow just one crop. For example, to obtain a harvest of cucumbers, a small (3x3 meters) structure is sufficient. It can be made of glazed frames or polycarbonate sheets on a lightweight frame.

If it is expected that 2-3 types of plants will be grown indoors, it is better to provide a more spacious interior space. The most optimal option would be with dimensions of 3x6 meters.

To obtain a large amount of harvest or cultivate many types of crops, you will need to install a greenhouse structure measuring 3 by 8 meters or more.

There are also greenhouse structures of non-standard square shape. Polycarbonate greenhouses most often have a semicircular shape. This prevents large amounts of snow or ice from accumulating on the roof of the structure. In addition, the rounded arch makes it possible to tie up tall and climbing crops. This frame shape gives a little extra space in height.

Less commonly, greenhouse structures have a triangle-shaped roof. This is suitable for large structures. If the greenhouse structure is collapsible and dismantled for the winter, the roof can be flat or with a slight slope.

Greenhouse design drawings are designed based on the conditions of use, the desired amount of harvest and the types of plants grown.

How to equip?

After installing the greenhouse structure, the main task of the farmer is to create the most favorable conditions for growing crops indoors.

This task can be roughly divided into the following sub-items:

  • providing sufficient heat;
  • optimal planning and layout of beds;
  • arrangement of paths;
  • preparing the soil for planting;
  • ensuring sufficient ventilation to prevent overheating of the air inside the structure;
  • in case of year-round operation of the greenhouse, provision of heating and lighting during the cold season;
  • if necessary, installation of racks for placing containers and pots with plantings.


Maintaining optimal temperature conditions in the closed ground structure is actually the main task. Especially careful consideration of the issue of heating is required for winter structures with closed ground.

To ensure the flow of natural heat into the greenhouse from the sun's rays, the covering is made of transparent materials. It is also worth making sure that the temperature in the greenhouse does not drop too much at night.

To do this, you can use the following techniques.

  • The stone accumulates heat well and retains it for a long time. After the sun stops heating the greenhouse, it can still serve as a source of heating for some time. Stones can be laid out in beds or paved paths with them. The larger the area and number of elements made of stone material, the longer it will be able to heat and give off more heat.
  • Water is also capable of maintaining temperature and releasing heat from its surface. You can place containers in the greenhouse, preferably dark or black. During the day, the water in them will warm up, and at night and in the evening it will slowly cool, while maintaining the temperature in the greenhouse room.

It is worth noting that the above methods of maintaining temperature are not heating methods. They will only help reduce heat loss at night in the summer season. To ensure additional heating of the greenhouse structure, the installation of more complex equipment will be required.

The main options for heating a greenhouse:

  • use of heating electrical appliances;
  • installation of heated floors under paths and beds;
  • use of water or gas heating;
  • installation of infrared heating equipment;
  • installation of potbelly stoves for burning wood.

To maintain the temperature inside the structure, it is important to take care to reduce heat loss.

Winter greenhouses require especially careful thermal insulation.

  • During the cold season, it is better to replace the windows in the greenhouse with windows with double frames. A reinforced double-glazed window will not only create an additional barrier to heat outflow, but will also significantly reduce the formation of condensation.
  • A greenhouse that will be used year-round is usually attached to the wall of a heated building.
  • With the onset of cold weather, additional insulating means are installed inside the greenhouse. These can be blinds, shutters, curtains made of soft thermal insulation materials.
  • It is worth taking care of insulating the foundation. Quite a lot of heat transfer occurs through the soil.
  • Strong winds contribute to intensive cooling of the greenhouse structure. Therefore, the structure must be protected from wind influence by some structure (fence, another building, dense hedge).


No greenhouse can do without ventilation, especially during the hot summer months. Excessive temperature increases and lack of air flow to plants are no less destructive than cold. Several windows must be installed in the greenhouse. It is best if they are automated.

The simplest and least expensive option is to install an opening window with a hydraulic lever.

The essence of his work is very simple. Inside the lever rod there is an oil fluid of a certain density. When the temperature inside the greenhouse rises to a certain threshold, the liquid, which begins to increase in volume, pushes the lever. Thus, the transom or window begins to open. With a subsequent increase in temperature, the lever is pushed out more and more. As the temperature drops and the liquid contracts, accordingly, the transom gradually closes.

Such a simple system, which, by the way, can be installed with your own hands, allows you to ventilate the greenhouse space automatically. The second option is to install a computer with sensors.

The device will constantly receive data on the humidity and temperature inside the greenhouse. In accordance with the specified parameters, the system will control the opening and closing of ventilation vents and vents.

Such equipment is quite expensive and will require additional installation and connection costs. In addition, only specialists can correctly install and configure such a system. However, it does allow you to regulate the main indicators of the microclimate inside the greenhouse, up to the creation of individual temperature conditions for individual beds with different plantings.

In the case of growing plants and crops in a structure with closed ground, one cannot rely on natural precipitation. Therefore, you need to organize watering of plantings yourself. In a small greenhouse, you can get by with a watering can. But all the plants planted in large structures are not so easy to water manually. The best option for watering plants indoors is a drip irrigation system. To equip it you will need a container for collecting water, plastic pipes and flexible hoses.

The drainage system, which delivers moisture to the roots of the plants, is located according to the pattern of the beds. And the container from which water will be drawn for irrigation should be installed at some elevation. This is necessary to create pressure in the irrigation system. The big advantage is that drip irrigation can be fully automated. To do this, the entire system is connected to an automatic timer or computer. Soil irrigation will be carried out strictly according to the specified parameters.

Beds and racks

Improving the interior space of a greenhouse for various types of plantings is a very important point. The location of the beds or shelving should be arranged so that the plantings are in conditions favorable for their growth and maturation.

However, we should not forget about the design of the interior space of the greenhouse structure. A design that pleases the eye will undoubtedly contribute to a good mood and pleasant emotions while working in the greenhouse.

How to position?

Arranging the structure from the inside includes laying out the beds. First of all, the location of areas for planting will depend on the size of the greenhouse and its position relative to the sun. It is also worth considering the characteristics of crops and plants cultivated indoors.

For small greenhouses (up to 3 meters wide), the most convenient option is to arrange two parallel beds adjacent to the side walls. A path divides the garden bed in the middle. The width of areas with plantings should be about 100-120 cm. In this case, unhindered access to all plants will be possible.

A rectangular greenhouse with a width of 4 meters can be divided into 3 or more parallel beds. Walking paths are also provided between the beds. It is advisable to plan the space so that the paths are at least 40 cm wide, otherwise walking along them will be simply inconvenient and difficult.

In a square-shaped greenhouse, the beds can be arranged in parallel rows. Another quite convenient option in this case is to arrange areas for plantings along the walls of the greenhouse structure. Another zone for planting crops remains in the very center of the greenhouse. The path leading from the entrance frames the central area with plantings and at the same time allows access to the plants planted in the beds along the walls.

What to make it from?

It is very undesirable to leave earthen paths without any surface at all.

Paths can be arranged using the following materials:

  • crushed stone;
  • brick;
  • tile;
  • tile;
  • stone;
  • roofing felt

A landscape thought out to the smallest detail, a well-developed architecture of buildings, a polished shape of trees, paths, flower beds... How can something as simple as a greenhouse fit in here?

Many people mistakenly believe that a greenhouse was created solely for the purpose of growing crops in favorable conditions, and nothing more is required from it. Modern greenhouse models categorically refute this.

Aesthetic appeal is the main rule of a modern greenhouse

Today in stores, as well as to order, you can buy greenhouses that are magnificent in their design: laconic rectangular, classic arched, created in the image of fairy-tale palaces, minimalistic triangular. And that's not all. Polycarbonate, from which most greenhouses are made, is a very plastic material. You can create real works of art from it.

Many people do not use greenhouses for their intended purpose, installing them on the site only as decoration. In this case, you can not restrain your imagination and not limit yourself to tomatoes, but build a real decorative mini garden or greenhouse. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether the building will have walls or not, because this only adds sophistication.

The latest trends in landscape design are wooden greenhouses. Their base and body are made of wood, and the glass in the windows is replaced by polycarbonate. In terms of their properties, such models are in no way inferior to classic greenhouses with a steel frame, and let’s not even talk about beauty!

Options for location of the greenhouse on the site

There are 2 options for placing the greenhouse on the site:

  • close to a house or other building;
  • at some distance from buildings.

If you are planning to arrange a greenhouse so that one of its walls is in close contact with the wall of the house, be sure to take its architecture into account. The greenhouse should not stand out from the general ensemble. If it is not possible to make a greenhouse of a similar style, you should pay attention to the classic options.

To create a completely harmonious landscape with a greenhouse in it, you need to think through the structure of the future building down to the smallest detail. If it is impossible to fully integrate into the style of the area, it is important to correctly reflect the main directions of the design of the site. Of course, regardless of the relief and design of the area, a classic model with transparent polycarbonate sheets will always be appropriate.